How Much Does Bat Removal Cost

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In this guide, you will learn:

  • What influences cost?
  • Signs and Causes of Infestation
  • Health Risks
  • DIY vs. Hiring a Professional
  • What is the Standard Bat Extermination Process?
  • 关于击球成本的最后一句话

If trying to exterminate bats on your own becomes too challenging, we recommendOrkin,Terminix, 和能力。这些灭虫剂具有一些能够使用陷阱,诱饵和其他化学处理的解决方案,这些溶液通常比标准DIY方法更有效。

For quotes from Orkin, call 866-701-4556, or fill out thisform

For Terminix quotes, you can reach them at 866-577-5051 or with thisform

全国平均成本 成本范围 Minimum Cost 最大成本
$ 450 $ 100 - $ 9,000 $300 $9,000
Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!

Table Of Contents

    What Influences Cost?

    Bat removal services are a highly specialized service that requires special licensing and liability costs for the pest control company. When you have bats, you may also have other pests that have invaded your home. Let’s go over some of the biggest influences on bat removal cost.


    The most significant factor in bat exclusion costs is the number of bats you have and the overall severity of the infestation. If you have a single bat or small colony in your attic, this will be significantly less expensive than a colossal bat colony with hundreds or even thousands of bats.

    Other Present Pests

    Bat infestations are often present alongside other pest infestations, such as other wildlife, rodents, termites, and fleas. All of these infestations will require their own control services, which will add on additional costs and affect the total cost.

    Averagerodent和wildlife removal costs: $150 to $800

    Average跳蚤灭虫的成本:$ 150至$ 500

    Average白蚁灭绝成本: $400 to $5,000+


    In most states, bats are protected legally and may not be killed. Most professionals will charge for bat removal services by the type of service, including possible fees for the initial inspection, exclusion, removal, sealing entryways, and sealing other holes that bats may reenter through.

    As a result of the legal protection, pest control services are set up to encourage bats to leave the premises. To get rid of bats, professionals typically seal entryways by covering openings or eaves with nettings or tubes. These nets or tubes allow bats to drop down and fly out of the structure, but they can not fly back into your home. After a while, all of the bats will have to leave your home for food and will not be able to get back in, eventually ridding your home of all the bats that have taken up residence.

    Repairs and Cleaning


    Many bat removal experts will also recommend treating the affected area with a residual insecticide after bats have been excluded from your home. The insecticide will kill different bugs, like mites, that bats may carry and help to prevent another infestation from another type of pest.




    Batsare tiny, winged mammals that can fit into tight areas. Sometimes, a bat may wander into a home and get stuck, but bats will frequently seek shelter from the harsh winter or look for a safe, indoor place to roost during the warmer seasons.


    • Noise. Bats are often pretty noisy animals that will begin chirping and creating rustling noises around twilight. Unlike rodents, noise from bats will sound like flapping of wings and scratching noises, rather than scurrying and chewing noises.
    • 蝙蝠的粪便(粪便)。寻找蝙蝠粪便window sills, which is frequently a sign that bats are colonizing in the walls, attic, or chimney of your home.
    • Odor. Guano will cause an unpleasant odor after building up, which is another common sign of bats. Guano and bat urine will smell like ammonia.
    • 污渍。在阁楼墙上寻找通常来自蝙蝠尿液的污渍。
    • Bats flying around your home. If you notice bats routinely flying around your home at night, they may be flying to and from your home to look for food, indicating that they have started a colony.
    • Dead bats. If you find dead bats inside or outside of your home, you may have a bat problem.



    Health Risks

    Despite the many stereotypes about bats, bats are not out to suck your blood. In fact, most bats do their best to avoid humans altogether and are rarely aggressive. However, bats can carry a dangerous virus,狂犬病,可以通过唾液和叮咬传播给人类和动物。结果,您绝不能处理蝙蝠。狂犬病的风险很小,因为据信蝙蝠种群中不到百分之一的人会收缩狂犬病。美国内政部。尽管风险很低,但由于狂犬病会引起各种不愉快的症状,包括混乱,发烧,头痛和恶心,直接处理生命或死蝙蝠永远不值得风险。

    除了狂犬病的风险外,蝙蝠鸟粪还可以携带真菌孢子,这可能导致histoplasmosis。This uncomfortable lung disease is not usually serious for healthy adults but can be dangerous to infants or those with a weaker immune system. Guano should never be handled directly and should be taken care of quickly before it can build up.

    In addition to this, a provoked bat may scratch or bite you, which not only puts you at risk of rabies and any diseases the bat may be carrying but can also be a painful injury. Overall, bats are dangerous animals that humans should keep their distance from.

    DIY vs. Hiring a Professional

    While many pests can be dealt with by the average homeowner, bats are not recommended to do it yourself and should be addressed by someone specifically trained in bat removal.

    This is due to a variety of factors, including the lack of proper tools and equipment to remove bats from your property and the health hazards that bats present. There are manybat repellent家用蝙蝠拆除产品on the market. However, none of these are guaranteed to work or certified.



    Professionals that deal with bats are experienced in this specialized exclusion service. Typically, they will start by assessing your property and examining the area where bats may be. After determining your bat infestation’s estimated size and severity, they can discuss bat exclusion options with you.

    A few professional companies that perform bat exclusion include:

    • Terminix offers a multi-tiered bat control and removal service. During this service, your trained technician will seal off all entry points to your home, remove bats using bat valves, clean guano, sanitize the affected area, and replace any missing insulation.
    • Orkin安全地清除了蝙蝠,并根据当地法律消除了蝙蝠,同时确保蝙蝠不会返回您的家。他们还提供卫生服务和密封入口点,以防止未来的蝙蝠问题。


    What is the Standard Bat Extermination Process?

    The standard bat extermination process involves having a technician come out to your property and inspect the area for bats. They’ll usually start by asking you about any bats you may have seen and other signs of a bat infestation, such as bat droppings, odor, and strange noises. Then, they’ll do a physical examination of your property. After assessing the bat infestation, they’ll discuss different treatment options with you. In most cases, bats will be taken care of through exclusion methods using nets or bat tubes.

    Bat nets and tubes only allow the bats to leave your home in search of food. However, when they try to return to the colony, they’ll be unable to fly back up into the area, effectively blocking them from reentering. After a while, all the bats will have to leave in search of food, which will eventually force every bat to leave your property.



    一个专业可能建议蚊子治疗because mosquitos are an attractive food source for many types of bats. Mosquitoes are typically attracted to standing water for breeding, so mosquito treatments for standing water on your property can be effective at significantly reducing the number of mosquitoes on your property. There are both single services and long-term services available for mosquitoes. If you have other insect infestations, dealing with these can also reduce your chances of bats being attracted to your property.


    • Using精油作为驱蚊剂。蝙蝠受到各种气味的冒犯,包括肉桂,丁香,桉树和薄荷。
    • 用电线网覆盖孔,蝙蝠不能轻易飞行或撕裂。
    • Using insecticides and insect repellent to decrease the chances of insects gathering on your property. Bats are less likely to stick around your property if they don’t have easy access to food.

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