How Much Do Bed Bug Exterminators Cost?

Home>Control Costs>How Much Do Bed Bug Exterminators Cost?

Having bed bugs can be adistressing experience对于与他们同住的任何人。因此,尽快寻求帮助至关重要。但是,知道您可以期望为臭虫处理付出多少可能是一个谜。

Here we’ll show you what the average costs are for bed bug control across the U.S. Then, you’ll discover how to tell if you have a problem. Finally, we’ll walk you through the process so you’ll know what to look for in a reputable company.

Our top bed bug exterminator picks with proven results areOrkin,,,,Terminix,,,,andAptive。These providers have some of the best trained professionals that are able to use traps, baits, and other chemically treated solutions, which can be dangerous to use if not handled correctly.

For quotes from Orkin, call 877-831-3660, or fill out此形式

For Terminix quotes you can reach them at 866-506-2303, or with此形式

For a free quote from Aptive, call 855-426-9774 or visit the company’s网站

Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer




    The following table highlights the average cost to hire a bed bug exterminator in the U.S.

    National Average Cost Cost Range Minimum Cost Maximum Cost
    $1,000 $ 500 - $ 1500 $300 $3,000

    In most instances, getting rid of bed bugs is a daunting task, even for experienced exterminators. That’s why costs are typically not set in stone. Below, we’ll show you what metrics most reputable companies use to determine their prices for bed bug services.


    There are differences in cost between residential and commercial services. For example, treating a bedroom in your home may be priced around $350-$500. However, treating hotel rooms may cost at least 25 percent more. That’s because warranties typically cover a wide range of options for commercial customers. Also, the liability is greater for the exterminator. In addition, technicians are expected to be available for emergency services around the clock. So, if your home doubles as a bed and breakfast, you may be charged a commercial rate. Also, expect to pay more if you rent several units adjacent to your home. The exterminator will view it as an apartment complex and charge accordingly.

    Number of Rooms Infested

    您家中臭虫感染的房间通常为$ 300- $ 500。但是,如果您有两个出没的房间,它可能会变得有些棘手。尽管灭虫剂通常不会为两个房间收取两倍的费用,但是您可以在公司之间找到广泛的价格。这就是为什么至少要获得三个估计值的原因。大多数灭虫者只有单间服务的设定价格。

    Severity of the Infestation


    Treatment Methods

    An exterminator may factor in the type of treatment method they use into the cost. For example, a standard aerosol spray application will be much less than热处理。那是因为技术人员不必花费太多时间来监视可能引起火灾的方法。在较小程度上,一些灭虫者使用专业设备可能会收取更多费用。此外,使用大量农药喷雾剂和其他材料的成本更高。

    Square Footage

    很少,一个灭鼠药将仅仅在底价square footage. Instead, the technician will get an idea of the overall size and scope of the project. They will seldom measure an area to get an exact reading. With that said, it’s important to realize that size matters to a technician. For example, if your infested master bedroom is a third of the size of your house, plan on being charged extra.

    Emergency vs. Non-Emergency Service

    由于美国臭虫侵扰的迅速增加,大多数较大的害虫防治提供者提供紧急服务。这可能只是意味着当天访问。或者您甚至可以每天24小时致电。但是,如果这样做,它将花费更多。计划花费至少$ 200- $ 300额外的额外费用,让技术在奇数小时内到达您的家中,甚至在他们计算标签以摆脱您的臭虫问题之前。

    Frequency of Service

    It’s important to realize that a one-time service is usually just that — one time. So, you may have to pay the same price for a follow-up as you did with the initial service. This is where it pays to understand why an exterminator has the lowest bid. Just settling on the most attractive price may not be the best option. For example, a price of $300 may seem much better than $500.However, suppose the higher estimate includes one follow-up service if needed. The lower one doesn’t. That means you will save $100 by choosing the higher-priced company if you need a call-back. It’s also a huge advantage to have a regular monthly pest control service. Most companies offer deep discounts to current customers for specialty pests like bed bugs, termites, or mosquitoes, and you will almost always be placed on the priority list for service visits.

    Signs & Causes of Infestation

    Adult bed bugs are reddish in color and are only about the size of an apple seed. Sometimes homeowners get them confused with carpet beetles. However, carpet beetles are nearly black, whereas bed bugs are much lighter.

    金博宝188充值金宝搏官网登录臭虫隐藏在various locations在你家。例如:

    • 床垫接缝
    • Electrical outlets
    • Wall cracks and crevices
    • Box springs
    • 床架
    • Dresser drawers

    Bed bug eggs are difficult to see. For that reason, you may not notice an infestation until it becomes established.

    Bed bugs spread by being carried from an infested location. The most common mode of transportation is luggage, clothing bags, and used furniture.

    Signs of bed bugs include:

    • Live bed bugs. Seeing one or two bed bugs doesn’t necessarily constitute an infestation. However, it does warrant further inspection.
    • Blood stains on sheets. Red stains on linens indicate a potential bed bug infestation. As you roll over at night, the bug is squashed, leaving behind the blood it recently devoured. Also, bed bugs often discharge right after a blood meal so they can eat more, and that can contribute to staining as well.
    • Eggs and molting. Eggs are tiny (less than one millimeter) and are difficult to spot. Nymphal stages molt several times and leave behind yellow skins. Look for them on sheets, in dresser drawers, and on carpeting.
    • Dark spots on sheets. Bed bug excrement typically shows up as black dots, similar to a leaky black marker. The larger the infestation, the more widespread these stains become.
    • Bed bug bites. Many insects such as bed bugs, mosquitoes, and fire ants leave welts on the skin. For that reason, skin irritations are not always a sign of bed bug infestation. However, they are a cause for concern.

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    Scientists concur that bed bugs are not vectors for insect-borne diseases. However, they still pose health risks, especially for small children and the most vulnerable adults. That’s why it’s vital to understand the health risks.


    Some people who are allergic to foods, dust, or other environmental factors may be susceptible to bed bugs. In most instances, these present as mild skin irritations or rashes. However, in extreme cases, some patients may even experience anaphylaxis from a single bed bug bite.


    When bed bugs bite humans, they release an enzyme that causes the person to bleed easier. This process facilitates the blood meal. As a result, it becomes easier for the bugs to gorge themselves.


    • Redness
    • Itchiness
    • 可能随着时间变化的水泡

    Secondary Infection

    People who suffer from bed bug bites scratch their skin often. Unfortunately, if they do it enough, it could eventually cause bleeding. The result is asecondary infectionthat could lead to severe skin complications. These include:

    • Impetigo, a bacterial infection that presents as large, yellow crusted blisters on the legs, arms, or face.
    • Ecthyma, a more serious form of impetigo that is related to the streptococcus bacteria.
    • Lymphangitis, an advanced stage of infection that attacks the lymphatic system.

    Psychological Trauma

    It’s not uncommon for people to suffer psychological distress from bed bugs. Children and vulnerable adults are the most susceptible.


    DIY vs. Hiring a Professional Exterminator

    Most homeowners hire an extermination company to get rid of their bed bugs. However, some people feel comfortable doing it on their own. In this section, you’ll find some pros and cons of both remedies so you can make an informed decision about how to proceed.

    The Do-It-Yourself Option

    执行清除臭虫自己的年代金宝搏官网登录金博宝188充值ave you a lot of money. It can also make the process more private. This is especially important if you don’t want your neighbors or landlord knowing about your uninvited guests.

    However, eliminating bed bugs from your home is also a difficult endeavor. Chances are, you don’t have the necessary materials you need to complete the job. Since your local hardware store probably doesn’t either, it means that you’ll have to wait at least a few days for delivery of those items you order online.


    • 您可以节省大量的钱
    • Increased privacy, no one trudging through your home
    • You can perform follow-up treatments without scheduling restrictions


    • You probably don’t already have thenecessary equipmentand materials on hand
    • 收集您需要的所有物品可能需要一周的时间
    • 消除臭虫侵扰可能是讨厌的工作
    • The process could take much longer due to any lack of experience on your part

    Getting Professional Help

    A licensed pest control professional is a great asset to your bed bug removal project. Most companies are ready to go with the proper equipment, licensed technicians, and the experience needed to eliminate bed bugs fast.




    招聘一个虫害控制公司的缺点是the bed bug treatment cost. However, in some cases, you may be able to negotiate a better price, although it’s rare you’ll receive one. To give yourself a better chance, be especially helpful and cooperative during the inspection and treatment process.


    • Pest control companies have the equipment on hand, ready to assist you at any time
    • Technicians have the知识快速消除臭虫金宝搏官网登录金博宝188充值
    • Exterminators are used to the difficult work required


    • Bed bug exterminator costs range from $500 up to $1,500
    • Your technician may require you to help out by removing linens or other items

    Find A Local Exterminator


    There are as many ways to treat bed bugs as there are available exterminators. Here, we’ll show you the industry best practices so you understand what to look for in a true professional. We’ve also broken it down further between conventional and alternative techniques.

    Conventional Bed Bug Treatments

    Chemical treatmentsare still the most widely used for conventional treatment plans, and they are generally the lowest-priced option.

    The process typically starts with the tech performing a thorough inspection to discover bed bugs in their usual hiding spots. Then, they will treat infested areas with an EPA-approved knockdown spray.

    Rarely will a company usewhole-house fumigationtechniques to eliminate bed bugs. This method is a relic of the past, and it often involves the use of aerosol foggers and bug bombs.


    The best exterminators will follow up with an insect增长调节剂to disrupt the bed bug’s life cycle, and there should be no additional treatment charge for this service. Instead, it’s usually built into the initial bed bug extermination cost.

    Alternative Bed Bug Treatments

    Steam treatments are probably the best non-chemical method to use for bed bugs. However, just like any pest control technique, there are certain procedures the technician must follow.


    As part of an advanced, integrated pest management approach, some companies will perform preventative services. For example, depending on the level of infestation, the technician will caulk and seal several areas. Also, they may perform a follow-up treatment utilizing a silica gel material or dry pesticide.


    However, pest control operators appear to be shying away from this method. It’s expensive and requires the technician to monitor the process for up to six hours. Also, there have been some reports of火灾损坏caused by the thermal units.

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