睡觉臭虫咬伤多久了?(A Simple Guide)

Did you wake up this morning full of itchy red welts on your body?

Chances are that you have uninvited guests in your bedroom who take you for a red juice buffet.


In this article, you will learn:

  • 睡觉臭虫咬伤多久了?
  • What do bed bug bites look like?
  • 有什么症状和治疗方法?
  • And how to prevent bed bug bites?

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Our #1 Ranked For:蚊子去除,跳蚤,蜱,黄蜂等刺痛昆虫


This is a case to case basis. The length of the time needed forbed bug咬咬得完全愈合取决于被咬伤的人。

Generally,bed bug bites可以持续一两个星期内。对于一些人are not so sensitive at all to insect bites, the welts and itchiness of the bites will be gone in a few days. Some people aren't allergic to bed bugs at all and actually never realize they were bitten at all!

In contrast, for people who are very sensitive to insect bites, bed bug bites trigger allergic reactions. These lead to larger bite marks that may develop into blisters when scratched excessively. Because of this, the healing process becomes considerably longer.


These can be applied to help soothe the skin from itchiness and therefore significantly reduce the time needed for bed bug bites to totally heal.

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What Do Bed Bug Bites Look Like?


For people that have more severe allergic reactions to bed bug bites, the marks appear bigger, swollen, and itch considerably more. Since the bites become more irritated, secondary infection becomes imminent due to excessive scratching.





What Are The Symptoms And Treatment?

Generally,symptomsfrom bed bug bites manifest within hours to a few days after being bitten. In some cases however, there are people who get bitten by bed bugs but do not experience any symptom at all.

Symptoms from bed bug bites include itchy red bumps, welts, blisters, and clustered bite marks or rash in various parts of the body. To further confirm that bed bugs are indeed the culprit of those itchy welts, it is best to look for signs of their presence on your bed such as blood stains and bed bug droppings.

If you are unsure of the rashes that appear on your body, it is best to consult your dermatologist first. This is to make sure that you are indeed suffering from bed bug bites. But before doing so, wash the bite marks with soap and water to prevent infection.

Bed bug bites are often unbearably itchy. To reduce itchiness, an antihistamine pill can work wonders. For topical application, a皮质类固醇奶油是一个理想的选择。

For worse cases such as an allergic reaction or secondary infection, it is strongly advised to seek medical help from a dermatologist.


Our #1 Ranked For:白蚁,床虫和更大的金博宝188充值金宝搏官网登录侵扰


Our #1 Ranked For:蚊子去除,跳蚤,蜱,黄蜂等刺痛昆虫

How To Avoid Bed Bug Bites?

In the case of bed bug bites, an ounce of prevention is indeed a whole lot better than a liter of cure. And the best way to avoid getting bitten by bed bugs is to make sure that these pests are non-existent in your house or in your bedroom for that matter.

The first step in preventing bed bug infestation is by vacuum cleaning your rugs and carpets from time to time. When traveling, make it a habit to inspect your luggage before leaving the hotel and before entering your house.

As much as possible, avoid buying second hand furniture. These things are among the major causes of bed bug infestations spreading across many households. In cases of severe bed bug infestations, it is always best to seek immediate professional help from a seasoned bed bug exterminator.

Final Thoughts

Our bodies act differently from bed bug bites. There are those whose bite marks naturally wear off after a few days while others suffer from allergic reactions and require a significantly longer period of time to heal.




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Because pest control products can be dangerous to your family if mishandled, we always recommend consulting with an exterminator even if just to ask for advice on how to apply pest control products yourself.



Our #1 Ranked For:白蚁,床虫和更大的金博宝188充值金宝搏官网登录侵扰


Our #1 Ranked For:蚊子去除,跳蚤,蜱,黄蜂等刺痛昆虫

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