How Exterminators Remove Bees from Your Property

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The best way to remove bees is by first properly identifying the type of species you have. Then, you can employ several methods of bee removal, including using spray bottles with dish soap or vinegar spray solutions to repel bees. After that, use mechanical devices to keep them from nesting in eaves and other areas.

We’ve put together the following guide to help you decide whether to go it alone or enlist the help of a beekeeper. You’ll also receive information on the differences between DIY and hiring a professional. Finally, we’ll answer some of the most pressing questions about how to control these stinging insects.

Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!

Table of Contents

    How to Identify Various Species of Bees

    有许多different types of beesyou can encounter around your home or business. Each species has its unique characteristics. Here, we list the different ones and tell you what to look for when identifying them.



    Bumblebees rely on plant nectar to feed themselves and their young in the nest. They choose the flower based on color identification. In addition, some species are inclined to steal the nectar from other bees.

    You can find bumblebees in northern areas of the world. They are also adapted to higher elevations than other species due to their thick, hairy coats. However, some species thrive in tropical regions.

    The nesting behavior of bumblebees varies widely between the different types. For example, some may nest underground in abandoned rodent burrows. Others prefer above ground in hollowed-out trees or within the eaves of new homes.

    Honey bees


    蜜蜂也会产生waxby constructing their vast network of combs. This material is used by humans for producing candles, soap, and furniture polish. For these reasons, beekeeping is an important industry worldwide.

    Scientists consider honeybees as being beneficial for the environment. Due to their vast numbers, they are the primary pollinators in nature. However, they can also become an invasive species without careful planning.

    The honeybee lifecycle is as follows:

    • Egg
    • Larvae
    • Drone pupae
    • Adult


    Carpenter bees

    Carpenter bees burrow into dead wood to construct their nests. This is because they are solitary bees and use their burrows to hide from predators. They become pests when this nesting behavior disrupts wood structures such as homes and commercial buildings.


    Yellowjackets are 50% yellow and 50% black. They construct paper carton nests that can be as large as a basketball. Although they are slow to anger, yellowjackets will sting when provoked.

    Ground bees

    Ground-nesting bees represent over 70% of all bee species worldwide. The most common type of ground bee is the polyester bee. It gets its name from building its nests by secreting a thin polyester material.



    Still, the chances of coming across this variety of bees are slim. And efforts are underway to stabilize and bring a balance back to the species. However, it is always best to remain vigilant when working with any stinging insect.

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    Signs you have a bee problem


    Large numbers of bees in the area

    You don’t have to wait until a bee sting’s one of your family members to know you have a problem. If you notice a swarm or at least several entering an opening on the outside of your home, it’s time to investigate further. There could be a nest or hive within the structure.

    Sometimes, you can hear them

    If you can hear a buzzing sound coming from inside your walls, you may have a bee infestation. If it’s faint, you can use astethoscopeto amplify the sound. This method may provide enough evidence to proceed with the bee removal process.

    When you’ve located the hive or nest

    The most obvious way to tell if you have a bee problem is to discover a hive or nest. However, don’t confuse a hive with a swarm. A hive is a permanent structure, whereas a swarm is when the bees abandon a hive to look for another home. So, it’s best to leave a swarm alone since it will move off, usually within a few days.



    How to tell if you have carpenter bees


    Another way to tell if you have a carpenter bee infestation is with the waste they leave behind. Sawdust and other wood material will be a sure sign. It may even cling to window and door frames, signifying a bee tunnel is close to the area.

    There could also be significant damage present, as evidenced by holes in the wood. This could eventually cause a collapse in several parts of the structure. For that reason, it’s vital to inspect all areas of the home.

    How Exterminators Get Rid of Bees


    The bee removal process is dependent on the species. Some involve spraying, while others rely solely on physical extraction. And in extreme cases, entire walls may need to be dismantled to access the hive.


    Sometimes bumblebees nest in hollow areas in wood. So, it’s vital to look for the entrance. Once located, applypyrethrin dustto flush out the nest. Be sure to wear protective clothing such as gloves and a beekeeper hood with an attached veil.

    Once you’ve eradicated the nest, it’s time to seal the entrance hole. Use foam or wood putty. Be sure to complete the sealing process by applying silicone caulking to small cracks where insects can enter.

    Carpenter bees

    The procedure to get rid of carpenter bees is almost the same as removing bumblebees. Flush the nest with a light dusting of pyrethrin powder and treat each individual gallery.

    After you’ve removed all bees, plug areas where they can re-enter. Be sure to seal all small cracks with silicone caulking.

    To prevent carpenter bees in the future, consider spot treating the area with a残留杀虫剂. You can use either a wettable powder or a microencapsulated product for longer-lasting control.

    Yellowjackets and wasps

    It’s best to use caution when removing yellow jackets or wasps. Although not aggressive, they will defend their nests. So, it’s vital to wear protective clothing.

    Treat nests at night when bees and wasps are subdued. Use apyrethrin knockdown sprayto eliminate adult bees quickly. The active ingredient in these aerosols kills insects on contact.

    If the nest is inside a structure and is inaccessible, use pyrethrin dust to kill it. Any trapped bees will die. Also, the dust will act as a deterrent for future colonies.


    Natural bee removal home remedies abound. Some will have you mix equal parts of water with dishwashing liquid or vinegar. Then, using a low-pressure spray bottle, you would soak the hive with the liquid solution. While it may work for small wasp nests, we don’t recommend this type of treatment for honeybees.

    Instead, it’s best to hire a professional bee removal service. These companies have the equipment and expertise to handle the difficult task of removing honeybees. To illustrate, below is a typical process for removing them from a house or commercial building:

    1. Locate the colony outside a structure using visual inspection
    2. Locate the colony inside a structure by utilizing athermal imaging camera
    3. 如有必要,从外部拆除墙壁以进入殖民地。您可能需要为此步骤提供城市建筑许可证。因此,最好与当地的市政府联系以获取更多信息。另外,如果殖民地涵盖了房屋的布线,最好让电工在继续之前先看一下。
    4. Once you expose the honeycomb, vacuum all adult bees into the holding cage using a bee vacuum. During the process, you will have to search for the queen to save the colony.
    5. Continue to peel layers of the honeycomb until all bees are captured. Then, place all waste in a separate container for disposal.
    6. If you can save the queen and most workers, the colony will also eventually thrive again.
    7. Once the wall void is clear of bees, it’s a good practice to flush the area with soapy water. This step will ensure that bees won’t return.
    8. Upon completion of the removal, the area dismantled will have to be put back together. In some cases, if you decide to hire a bee service, the company may not want to finish this part of the job. That’s why it’s crucial to get the entire process, including all steps to be completed, in writing before you sign a contract.

    One final note:最好避免用杀虫剂喷洒蜂箱。女王位于几层之内。如果她发现任何危险,她将把殖民地分开,并继续深入建筑物。这将使定位和去除殖民地更加困难。



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    How to prevent bee infestations

    There are several methods to deter bees from nesting or building hives around your home. Most are simple measures you can apply yourself. We’ve included some examples here.

    Sanitation measures

    Some species of bees喜欢湿的腐烂的木材来建造巢。因此,作为至关重要的预防措施,最好修复房屋周围的任何漏水管道。另外,最好将木枪远离结构并卸下所有腐烂的原木。


    Bees nest in various locations throughout a home or building. For that reason, mechanical exclusion methods work best for sealing out bees and other insects. It involves closing off entry points and cracks where bees enter homes. Materials for mechanical exclusion include:

    • Wire mesh
    • Steel wool
    • Expansion foam
    • Caulking compound
    • Silicone sealant

    It’s best to start with the largest openings first. Use wire mesh and foam to plug wide holes and gaps. Block medium entry points with steel wool. And finally, seal any small cracks with silicone caulking.

    Bee traps


    Another type uses a UV light and a sticky glue board. Once the bee enters the trap, it gets stuck on the tacky area and eventually dies.


    Studies showthat citronella works well for mosquitoes. And although it’s not as good for bees, it does help. Used in conjunction with other deterrents, citronella candles can play a part in a comprehensive effort to thwart flying insects.

    Top Recommended Companies for Bee Removal

    If you’d rather leave bee removal to the professionals, you’re not alone. Most people prefer to hire a pest control company for this type of work. Here, we list the top three to consider next time you find bees around your home or business.

    Aptive Environmental使用一个集成的方法去除尖锐pests from a residence. It also employs the use of earth-friendly materials for long-term control. By taking care of the problem with minimal pesticide use, Aptive ensures that children and pets are safe during the process.


    Orkintechnicians help educate customers on how to improve the home to keep stinging pests away. Then, using powerful treatment methods, they quickly eliminate unwanted infestations. In addition, if conditions are favorable, the tech will apply natural materials for long-term, residual control.

    Bee Removal FAQs


    According to the最新研究, some people can be severely allergic to bee stings. Not only that but if left untreated, they can result in anaphylaxis, which is a serious allergic reaction, sometimes causing death. What’s surprising is that most of these cases involve the honey bee.

    The good news is, only a small percentage of the population is allergic to stinging insects. It’s those who are stung regularly that are susceptible. This includes beekeepers, their family members, or their closest neighbors.

    Will bees sting for no reason?


    What attracts bees to a home?

    • Potential nesting site.当蜂巢变得太大时,殖民地将蜂拥而至,寻找一个新的居住地。如果您的房屋有足够的空间,则群可能会移入墙壁空隙,阁楼空间或开放的屋檐中。
    • 你的房子闻起来很香。If you’ve recently had a hive move off your residence, it could attract another hive. That’s because bees prefer to nest where there are other bees present. For that reason, it’s important to wash the entire area where you’ve recently removed a beehive or nest.
    • 您在附近有一个花园。它可能是太近。试着保持芳香的花朵growing at least 50 to 100 feet away from your house. That should be enough of a distance to lure them away from the structure.

    What are some natural bee repellents?

    Eucalyptus and peppermint oils work well to deter bees temporarily. They hate the smell of both fragrances. However, it’s not to kill them but repel them from locations where you don’t want bees.


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