
>去除指南>如何摆脱蟑螂(2022 Edition)>您什么时候应该称呼蟑螂的灭虫剂?(2022版)

When you see a cockroach crawling on your counter, you already know that there are plenty more hiding away under your fridge or beneath your sinks.

Besides being one of the最常见的家庭害虫,蟑螂因传播包括沙门氏菌在内的细菌而臭名昭著。


In this guide, you’ll learn:

  • 当您打电话给蟑螂的灭虫剂时
  • How Long You Can Expect To Wait for Results
  • 如何选择合格的害虫管理专业人员
  • 如何识别蟑螂侵扰

First, if trying to exterminate cockroaches on your own becomes too challenging, we recommendOrkin,,,,终点,,,,and能力。These exterminators have some of the best-trained professionals that can use traps, baits, and other chemically treated solutions that are often more effective than standard DIY methods.

For Terminix quotes, you can reach them at 866-577-5051 or with此形式


For a free quote from Aptive, call 855-521-7075 or visit the company’s网站

Ed Spicer


Table of Contents



    Also, it’s advisable to seek professional help if you’re unsure of what products to use. Even though a pesticide is registered with the EPA, it does not mean it is safe to use in all situations.


    Many reputable companies offer a free quote to let you know how much their services cost. However, some do not, so it is good to ask before setting up the initial visit.

    Compare Pest Control Companies Near You



    In industry parlance, this is called “gaining control.” If, on the first visit, your technician laments that it will take weeks or months, find a different pest control company.


    The best roach exterminators will use以下技术to win an advantage over your cockroach problem quickly:

    • 彻底检查。如果您的技术人员在第一次访问期间从卡车上跳下来,并立即开始在各处喷洒,则会增加巨大的危险信号。那是因为所有真正的专业人员都知道您应该从检查开始。
    • 识别害虫。Cockroach control begins by knowing what species you are treating. Once the technician identifies the type of insect, they can draft a mental plan for dealing with it.
    • 蟑螂处理。在地下室,爬行空间和室外区域中发现了美国蟑螂,有时也称为水虫。在内部,技术人员结合了卫生,排除,和诱饵技术。在外面,他们采用残留的农药喷雾剂,再加上广播的颗粒状诱饵应用。
    • Kitchen Roaches.To clean out roaches from your kitchen, the technician utilizes a shop-vac to suck up live insects along with fecal material, egg sacs, and other waste products. Then, aresidual bait gel应用于整个厨房,储藏室和食品储藏室的裂缝和缝隙。
    • 后续治疗。The most important visit is the follow-up. This scheduled service takes place a few days after the initial visit to assess how effective it was. In addition, it gives the technician a chance to make adjustments to the program as needed.


    Checking online review sites will help determine a company’s ability to solve your pest problem. It will also help you discover the type of service they offer and which ones they don’t.

    Find A Local Exterminator





    The majority of cockroach control companies claim they are the best in the business or can make your home 100 percent cockroach-free. But the question is, can they truly deliver?

    One way to ensure you are talking to the right people is by looking at their credentials. For example, a reliable pest control company must be registered and have licensed technicians. In addition, the company must be willing to show its credentials to you upon request.





    Checking online review sites will help determine a company’s ability to solve your pest problem. It will also help you discover the type of service they offer and which ones they don’t.

    Another great tool is the Better Business Bureau website. There, you can find company statistics as well as ratings and other consumer information.

    Treatment Methods

    Pest control providers use several treatment methods for eradicating cockroach infestations.

    These include:



    A service guarantee helps put your mind at ease. A reliable pest control company should be able to guarantee the effectiveness of its services confidently.

    A service guarantee, at its core, is best matched with a warranty wherein the company is willing to provide a repeat of the service in case the client is not satisfied with the previous visit.

    Number of Treatments

    The number of treatments needed to reverse an infestation depends on the severity of the problem. Unfortunately, this also affects the total cost of the service. Therefore, it is wise to ask how many visits you will receive before signing a service contract.


    仅仅因为一个虫害控制服务提供者告诉you that they are “eco-friendly” does not necessarily make it so. For that reason, it is good to ask them why they make that claim. In other words, tell them to prove it.

    As you can see, there are lots of ways to find a competent exterminator. When all else fails, you can ask the neighbors who they use. In most instances, you will receive an honest assessment.


    Essential Guides
