How To Get Rid of Earwigs (2022 Edition)

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耳长是常见的昆虫that are mostly harmless,但它们的外观令人震惊,使它们令人难以置信。如果您正在处理耳wig侵犯,您可能想尽快摆脱它。一旦将它们删除,防止它们回来至关重要。

There are quite a few ways to remove earwigs from your home if you’re noticing a lot of them around. Understanding what repels them and how to recognize them can help you deal with an infestation if it happens. In this article, you’ll learn:

  • 如何摆脱和杀死埃尔维格斯
  • How To Prevent Earwigs
  • 如何查找和识别Earwigs
  • Signs of an Earwig Infestation
  • 遭到耳鼻喉的原因

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Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer


Table of Contents


    您可以使用很多技术get rid of earwigsthat have made their way into your home or garden. Using all of these and seeing which ones work the best can help you get rid of an earwig infestation quickly and easily.

    Make a Soap and Water Spray

    Earwigs are incredibly averse to soap and water, and making a spray solution can help get rid of them. Mix a few drops of liquid dish soap into a spray bottle of warm water and spray it in places where earwigs are likely to congregate. These will be places like the bases of your doorways or the leaves of your houseplants. This will also keep earwigs from coming back in the future.

    Make a Light Trap



    Boric acid powder可以在几乎所有五金店购买,并且是一种出色的Earwig驱虫剂。您可以将其撒在缝隙中,在这些缝隙中,Earwigs可能可以进入房屋,它将杀死任何试图爬行的错误。但是,在使用硼酸时,您应该非常小心,因为这对儿童很危险animals to be around。Always keep it out of reach and sprinkle it in out-of-the-way areas.


    真有蜡状外壳使得他们difficult to get rid of and very physically strong. This shell can be penetrated by using a mixture of rubbing alcohol and water. Put the mixture in a spray bottle and spray earwigs on sight to kill them immediately. The alcohol solution acts as a pesticide and will get through the shell and get the job done.


    酱油的气味对耳肉非常有吸引力,并且可以作为一种奇妙的诱饵lure them into a trap。将相等的酱油和植物油混合,然后将溶液放入容器中。将容器留在您发现的任何地方,并根据需要更换。他们会爬进容器,但由于油而无法下车。

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    Once you’ve gotten rid of the existing earwig population in your home, you’ll have to do what you can to prevent them from coming back.耳长是弹性的昆虫,但是有了一些简单的技术,您可以确定它们呆在外面而不是在您家中。

    Seal Up Holes


    Fix Leaks

    毛毛最吸引的一件事是水分。如果您的家中有任何泄漏,这些区域将很快成为耳鹿和其他昆虫的栖息地。检查所有管道,并确保您没有任何泄漏或滴水。这不仅会阻止耳鼻喉科,而且还会also prevent cockroaches,啮齿动物和其他动物从这些潮湿的地区居住。

    Remove Fallen Vegetation

    Earwigs love to eat fermenting vegetation like dead leaves and twigs that fall in your yard. Because of this, you need to make sure that you pick up any piles of vegetation or leaf litter, especially in wet weather. These can attract earwigs and beetles to your yard and make them more likely to end up in your house.

    Clean Gutters


    Fix Leaks






    How to Identify Earwigs

    Earwigs are easy to identify due to their distinct pincers or forceps that protrude from their abdomen. These forceps are one of the reasons they look so frightening and can be so intimidating. It’s important to note, though, that earwigs aren’t poisonous and don’t spread any diseases.


    Signs of an Earwig Infestation

    Sight– The most surefire way to know that you have an earwig infestation is to see them with your own eyes. Earwigs are very distinct, but they are very good at hiding. Checking under rocks and woodpiles is a good way to know if you have an earwig issue.

    Plant Damage– If you’re noticing jagged holes in the leaves of your plants, this could be a sign that you have an earwig infestation. This is especially true if you’re noticing the damage after particularly rainy weather.


    潮湿条件- 如果您的房屋特别潮湿,您可能会更有可能出现耳鼻喉科。它们在降雨或夏季非常潮湿的气候中非常普遍。如果您的房屋有水分问题,除湿机可以帮助干燥房间,并使它们对这些害虫的热情降低。

    Hiding Places- 拥有木piles的房屋,带覆盖物的花床或后院的许多园林绿化岩石将更容易受到大量花园害虫(如Earwigs)的影响。昆虫可以躲藏而不会受到干扰的地方将是耳生的藏身之地。定期检查这些区域,以查看您是否必须使用上述任何方法来摆脱侵扰。

    Protect Your Home From Earwigs


    Using the above techniques, you should be able to get rid of any earwig infestation. However, if you’re still noticing them after trying the prevention methods, aprofessional pest control technician能帮忙。他们将拥有正确的工具和知识,以确保害虫被删除后不会回来。

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