How to Get Rid of Drain Flies (A Quick Guide)

>Removal Guides>逃亡>How to Get Rid of Drain Flies (A Quick Guide)

Drain flies (Psychodidae) are a diverse family oftrue flies。They often inhabit household sink drains and feed on accumulated sludge buildup. For that reason, they’re one of the most annoying pests for any home or business. So, how do you get rid of drain flies?

The best way to eliminate drain flies in your home is by first eliminating their breeding areas. This includes drains, sewage pipes, open garbage areas, and yard waste. Indoors, you can utilize various flying insect traps. Then, it’s just a matter of preventing drain flies from returning.

Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!

Table of Contents

    If trying to exterminate drain flies on your own becomes too challenging, we recommendOrkin,终点, andAptive。这些灭虫剂具有一些能够使用陷阱,诱饵和其他化学处理的解决方案,通常比标准DIY方法更有效。

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    For quotes from Orkin, call866-701-4556, or fill outthis form

    For a free quote from Aptive, call855-521-7075or visit the company’swebsite

    In this extensive guide, you’ll discover the tricks the pros use to eliminate drain flies from almost any environment. Then we’ll tell you which exterminators are the best for helping you solve your pest problem. And finally, we’ll answer some of your most pressing questions about drain flies and other annoying pests.


    Drain flies are also known asmoth flies由于某些物种的身体上有蛾状皮毛。但是,排水蝇家族中有几种品种。并不是所有人都具有这种类似飞蛾的功能。



    However, drain flies have different coloring and body shapes than the others. And most species of drain flies are either dark brown or black.

    Life Cycle of the Drain Fly

    The drain fly has four life stages. They are:

    • Egg
    • 幼虫
    • Adult


    Next, the pupal stage lasts for about 20–40 hours until they emerge as adults. After that, the entire lifecycle takes about two weeks. And adults will live about two weeks afterward.


    Drain flies don’t just infest drain areas. They also prefer:

    • 排水管
    • 垃圾桶
    • Septic tanks
    • 院子覆盖物
    • Underneath shower pans
    • 污水泵区域

    You can sometimes spot larvae climbing walls or around shower drains. As adults, they often emerge in swarms. These high numbers signify that the reproductive cycle is at its peak, usually in the spring and summer months.

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    Signs and Causes of Drain Fly Infestation

    There are several signs of drain fly infestations around your home. Here, we uncover the most common ones.

    Increased activity indoors

    If you suddenly notice a higher number of drain flies indoors, it could mean there’s an infestation somewhere in your home. Although fruit flies aren’t usually aggressive, they sometimes display a high activity level.


    Adult male drain flies typically emerge在女性之前。The highest point of activity occurs during the spring and summer months.

    Males swarm to attract females. As a result, there could be thousands in one location. Then, once paired up, the female lays her eggs, and the lifecycle begins again.

    Causes of Drain Fly Infestations


    • Dirty drains.Drain flies prefer an environment where there is a lot of sludge buildup. These layers of organic material accumulate over time. And then it gets to the point where drain areas in your home become magnets for drain flies.
    • Open drain pipes.The buildup of organic material in open drainpipes attracts flying pests. In addition, the combination of moisture and decaying matter in open plumbing is a strong attractant for drain flies.
    • Unsealed septic tanks.Drain flies love areas around septic systems. So, if your cover is even slightly open, they will find a way in.
    • Open trash areas.Rotting garbage attracts all sorts of flying pests. Drains flies find it especially appealing if it has decayed enough to form a thick sludge.
    • 院子覆盖物。分解院子废物可能是吸引人的对于某些类型的排水蝇。但是,最重要的是它花在腐烂的时间里。对于排水蝇,越长越好。

    How to Get Rid of Drain Flies

    Eliminating drain flies starts with a thorough inspection of all possible harborage areas. Then, it’s time to eliminate all those breeding spots. And finally, it’s vital to prevent this nagging pest by utilizing proactive control measures.

    Here are the most important steps to take for getting rid of drain flies:




    热水can help loosen some of the surface debris and make drains flow better. However, use caution when using boiling water. It could harm your PVC pipes over time, especially if you’re using it to remove clogs.

    If you decide to go the boiling water route, it’s wise to limit it to once a week. Also, it’s best to use less than about 16 ounces at a time. However, this amount should still be sufficient to kill any developing larvae.

    Baking soda and vinegar

    One of the best DIY methods for cleaning household areas like drains is baking soda and vinegar. First, pour about 1/2 cup of baking soda in. Then, follow it with about 1/2 cup of vinegar— white vinegar usually works the best.

    This mixture helps to remove built-up grime in your drains and plumbing. Leave it overnight for the best results. It will also keep your pipes from smelling bad.


    Chlorine bleach has its place as a cleaner and deodorizer for bathroom drains, kitchen sinks, and floor drains. However, using it too often can harm your home’s plumbing. Also, it’s best to flush the bleach thoroughly from pipes after about 15 minutes of use.

    Enzyme drain cleaners

    Lipase enzyme cleanerswork well to remove grease, food, and sludge from your drains. Most utilize a natural ingredient like citric acid. However, these are powerful cleaners, so be sure to read the label directions before use.

    Pipe brushes

    One of the most cost-effective methods to clean your drains is with a pipe brush. It works well when used with drain cleaners. Or it can help with the rinsing process by scraping any stubborn particles left on the pipes.

    Some of these brushes come with a long, flexible wire so you can reach far into the plumbing. This will help remove grime from otherwise remote areas.

    2. Repair water leaks

    Puddles under your sinks can cause drain fly infestations. The combination of moisture, mold, and rotting food sources can become breeding areas. So, it’s a good idea to repair leaky plumbing to keep that from happening.

    漏水的淋浴盆也可以提出一个问题。Drain flies are drawn to the dark, warm area underneath the shower. In this case, you want to either repair the leak or replace the shower pan.


    3. Other sanitation measures

    Drain flies don’t just breed indoors; they’re trulyoutdoor pests。They infest anywhere there’s moisture combined with decomposing, solid waste material. For example:

    • 化粪池系统
    • Sewage treatment plants
    • Outdoor drain pipes
    • Stormwater drains
    • Mulch
    • Outdoor garbage areas/dumpsters
    • Air conditioning condensate pipes

    It’s vital to keep septic tank covers secure at all times when not performing maintenance. Also, be sure to repair any lines in the system that can cause leakage. Lawns contaminated by sewage will attract all sorts of pests, including drain flies.

    Cleaning, repairing, or replacing drain pipes will help ensure you keep drain flies at a distance. In addition, it’s crucial to keep trash containers sealed as much as possible. Also, be sure to limit the amount of moisture in these areas.


    When getting rid of any flying pests in your home, there’s no better way than usingtraps。对于大多数,不涉及化学物质。他们通常在孩子和宠物周围安全。


    First, throw some rotting fruit into a glass bowl. Now, cover it with plastic wrap. Then, poke small holes in the plastic with a toothpick or sharp knifepoint. Finally, place the bowl near a sink or shower area to draw the drain flies out.


    Apple cider vinegar trap

    Apple cider is a strong attractant for most flying pests. That’s why this trap works so well for drain flies, gnats, and fruit flies.


    Leave several traps in humid environments such as kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms. Once lured, the drain flies will land on the mixture and become trapped by the dish soap.

    Candle trap

    Candles sometimes attract flying insects. And drain flies are no different.



    1. The insect will get close enough to the candle and burn up
    2. The insect will get overheated and fall into the water, eventually drowning
    3. 昆虫将被吸引到水中,并被洗碗皂。

    Flytraps can work for drain flies if positioned properly. They typically come with a glue board attached to a string.

    You can hang these traps anywhere. But, for best results, position several throughout your home to catch gnats, mosquitoes, and house flies.

    Electronic UV light traps

    紫外线是大多数昆虫的绝佳吸引力,在某些情况下,light trapswill work for drain flies. However, they may be more effective if you utilize afly baitfor the glue boards.

    5. Environmental control

    Most flying insects hate cool, dry climates. So, why not create that environment in your home?

    The most important consideration is temperature. Drain fly larvae develop better in temperatures above 70°F. Therefore, to limit infestations, it’s best to bring temperatures down below that.

    Also, you need to lower humidity levels. Consider a dehumidifier in the summer. Better yet, invest in a quality central air unit that will lower both temperature and humidity in your home.


    6. Spray treatments


    However,户外治疗may have some limited use when it comes to drain fly management. Most have an excellent residual effect for long-term control and depending on the formulation, outdoor spraying can limit insect breeding for a wide range of flying pests, including drain flies.

    Be sure to treat grass areas where decaying material may accumulate. Also, perform a perimeter barrier treatment for overall protection from pests. And finally, be sure to spray around window and door sills to keep out flying insects.

    Drain flies prefer an environment where there is a lot of sludge buildup.

    In addition, the combination of moisture and decaying matter in open plumbing is a strong attractant for drain flies.

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    How to Prevent Drain Fly Infestations

    Preventing future infestations is not all that difficult. It just takes some willpower and planning on the part of every homeowner. So, that’s why we’ve provided this checklist to help you keep drain flies from invading your home.

    • Monitor pest activity.在您以前遇到问题的每个排水管上放置一些透明的包装胶带。然后将其保留过​​夜。如果您有排水蝇,您会知道,因为它们会被粘在胶带上。
    • Keep drains clean.It’s a good idea to clean drains regularly to keep sludge from building up in pipes.
    • Check for water leaksto ensure you aren’t causing ideal breeding environments for drain flies.
    • Remove decomposing mulchand grass clippings from your yard.
    • 防止积水源通过从房屋外面卸下旧轮胎和其他碎屑。



    • 终点会为您摆脱蚊子,水槽苍蝇,gn和排水苍蝇。他们将利用他们传奇的客户首先方法来做到这一点。
    • Aptive Environmentalmay be the youngest company of the three, but its track record is impressive. With their focus on results, it guarantees that your drain fly problem won’t return.
    • Orkinshines as the leader in commercial pest management by providing businesses with a wide range of services. One of those is fly and mosquito management that’s been proven effective for over 100 years.

    Drain Fly FAQs

    Are drain flies harmful to humans?

    Since drain flies don’t bite humans, scientists believe they are not vectors for disease. However, they do sometimes transmit parasitic conditions such as肌病to animals through open sores. They do this by burrowing into the wound and infesting it with their larvae.

    How long does it take to get rid of drain flies?

    Once you remove the drain fly’s breeding ground and food source, the infestation can go away almost instantly. However, the problem remains of how widespread this pest really is. Since it lives with humans, it has almost an unlimited supply of resources available to survive.

    Does Drano kill drain flies?

    Drano contains chemicals, including bleach, that kill drain flies on contact. However, it’s not the most cost-effective method for eliminating them. So, it’s best to use Drano strictly to unclog sinks.


    Like so many other species of flying insects, drain flies hate the smell of what humans find attractive. Here are some examples:

    • 桉树
    • 薰衣草
    • Peppermint
    • Lemongrass
    • 香茅

    在大多数情况下,这些气味是打包为essential oils that have a wide range of uses. For example, many natural pesticides contain these ingredients to repel insects and other pests.

    However, most of these don’t belong in your drains. Therefore it’s important to read the label directions carefully before using these products.

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