Gophers vs Moles (What’re The Differences?)

>Removal Guides>How To Get Rid of Gophers? (A Simple 5 Step Guide)>Gophers vs Moles (What’re The Differences?)


And how in the world can you tell them apart?


  • 确定地鼠与痣之间的身体差异
  • 了解他们的行为差异
  • Understand their dietary differences
  • 确定丘陵的差异
  • 获取知识来消除它们
Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!


    把differences between gophers and moles will shape the methods and techniques you’ll use to eradicate them.

    Although they’re both burrowing creatures, there are enough distinctions between them, especially in their dietary requirements, that it creates variations in how you approach, and deal with, their presence in your yard, garden, or fields.

    In short, what works on one won’t necessarily work on the other. Knowing the differences will save you a lot of time, money, and frustration.

    We’ve got a lot of ground to cover so let’s get started!



    Gophers have the usual “rat” or “rodent” look about them; beady eyes, chisel teeth, whiskers, round ears, long skinny tail, and clawed feet. When you first see one, you might be forgiven for mistaking it for a large rat. The hindquarters aren’t as big and “bulgy” as those on a rat, but at a casual glance, it’s easy to mix them up.

    Moles, on the other hand, have a very distinctive appearance. They have an elongated, pinkish snout.

    他们的眼睛几乎是看不见的,他们的脚肿大的脚是像爪子一样的,虽然有爪子 - 但他们的身体毛发太短了,他们的腹部几乎是赤裸裸的。他们的脚是明亮的粉红色,与身体其余部分的颜色形成了鲜明的对比。

    We’ve included some pictures of gophers and moles for you to look at. As you can easily see, the differences between them are very visible and easy to spot. Once you know what to look for you’ll always be able to tell them apart.


    Differences in behavior between gophers and moles?

    Gophers live alonein their burrows, which can be quite extensive. Only when mating, or when the female is caring for her young, will there be more than one gopher per burrow. However, their burrows can interconnect with each other. Their population density can be very high sometimes, up to 60 per acre if there is an alfalfa field for them eat from.

    Pocket gophers, as they’re sometimes called, get their name from the deep, fur-lined external pouches on their cheeks that they use to carry food in.

    Moles also live aloneand the burrow systems of several moles may be connected, just like gophers. They burrow year-round, peaking in May through June, and a single mole can create an extensive network of burrows. They mate in February and March but are otherwise solitary.摩尔人的种群密度is much lower than for gophers, only about 2-3 per acre.

    Differences between gopher and mole diets?

    Gophers are vegetarians。尽管它们在进食时会吸收一些较小的昆虫,但这只是一种偶然的事情。

    They’re going for the veggies. They eat mostly roots and tubers. Alfalfa and dandelions are their favorites, along with tree roots, bulbs, leaves, and tender roots they encounter while digging.

    Moles, by contrast, are carnivores。大多数人认为它们是非常缓慢的生物,但是由于无休止的隧道行为,痣实际上具有很高的能量需求。因此,他们的食欲很大。

    Moles & Gophers


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    Differencesbetween gopher and mole tunnels/mounds?

    Gopher mounds展示独特的风扇,马蹄或半圆形形状。洞穴的入口位于土墩的“开放”侧。一旦看到一个,您就永远不会将其误认为。他们真的很脱颖而出。

    他们的tunnels are 12-18 inches underground,因此它们大多是从上面看不见的。它们存在的唯一迹象是土墩 - 每个地鼠都可以将几个土墩连接到同一隧道系统。

    鼹鼠丘,另一方面,像miniature volcanoes,围绕中心的洞穴入口。另一方面,他们的隧道是清晰可见的everywhere they go. They leave the ground soft and mushy. One of the dangers associated with them is the risk of a twisted ankle if you step on a mole tunnel and it collapses under your weight.

    How do you get rid of gophers and moles?


    • 困住他们的跑步
    • 引诱他们的运行and mounds
    • 使用声音或化学驱蚊剂
    • 熏制他们的洞穴

    Click here for more information on gopher removal.


    • 困住他们的跑步
    • 引诱他们的运行
    • 使用声音或化学驱蚊剂
    • 喷洒农药以杀死他们进食的昆虫


    Fumigation works fairly well on gophers because their burrows are deep enough underground to prevent major leakages of the gases used on them. It’s rather time-consuming because of the need to fumigate each mound separately and seal off any leaks that do occur – and there are always some. Fumigation doesn’t work on moles because their tunnels are so close to the surface there’s no way to trap the gases inside. It’d be like trying to fumigate a roll of chicken wire.




    Gophers and moles have a number of similarities since they’re both members of the rodent family, but the differences between are large enough to make their identification relatively straightforward.


