
>Removal Guides>去除虱子>虱子是什么样的?(20张虱子的图片)




Head lice are a common problem in the United States with between6,000,000-12,000,000cases per year.

有时人们很容易说出他们有问题,因为他们的所有头发似乎都在移动,但是大多数人都很难确定虱子是否存在,因为虱子倾向于类似于其他东西(like dandruff)。

If you think you have lice, the information below can help you determine if you have an infestation and what you can do to treat it and prevent a future problem.

Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!



    For those who don’t already know, lice is the plural form of louse (some people think they’re entirely different things).


    When trying to figure out what your lice looks like, remember that there are 3 stages a louse will undergo and they all look different: Nits, Nymphs, and Adult.

    尼特:NIT是虱子鸡蛋的另一个术语。尼特是大约结的大小in a strand of hair and are difficult to see. They latch onto hair follicles and can be difficult to remove without proper treatment.

    若虫:Nymphs are the next stage of than adults and look like smaller versions of a full-grown louse. They range from 1-2 mm in length, which is smaller than the size of the tip of your pencil.

    成人虱子:Lice have six legs with feet like hooks that grip onto single strands of hair. Their “hook grip” allows them to move through your hair easily.




    Thankfully, lice have short lifespans.

    成年虱子只活着roughly a month,或30天,在人头上。如果虱子掉下来或以某种方式去除,那么它们只能距离头皮持续1-2天。尼特大约需要8-9天的时间才能孵化,直到虱子出现后才有问题。

    Lice Reproduction

    虱子迅速​​繁殖,并有很多年轻人。每个雌性虱子都可以50-150傻瓜在他们lifetime. This means that a single pair of lice can have 150 children, which can then reproduce as well. Nits are attached to hair using a special, sticky, glue-like substance and are roughly only1/4 inch away从头皮。

    How To Tell If You Have Lice

    It should be pretty easy to tell if you or a loved one have a lice infestation. Below are some of the最常见的迹象that a lice problem exists.

    1. You can see movement from the lice on your head.
    2. 您开始患有发痒的头皮,头皮屑或在头发下干血。
    3. 使用放大镜,您可以看到头发中的虱子。
    4. 您在枕头或刷子上发现尼特。

    The only way to truly tell if someone has lice is to see the infestation. If you have trouble identifying lice, use a magnifying glass.

    You should be able to see small, six-legged bugs moving around close to the scalp. If you have an itchy scalp and flaking without seeing any pests, you might just havedry skinand should consider a dandruff shampoo.


    Thankfully, lice have short lifespans.

    成年虱子只活着roughly a month,或30天,在人头上。如果虱子掉下来或以某种方式去除,那么它们只能距离头皮持续1-2天。尼特大约需要8-9天的时间才能孵化,直到虱子出现后才有问题。




    2. Here we have a women combing hair with a lice comb under a magnifying glass.

    3. This is a picture of one small louse crawling on some white paper.



    6.不是头皮, that’s lice eggs! People with black or dark hair have much better time of spotting these nasty pests.






    12. Here you can see images of lice eggs in a man’s hair at the base of his scalp.

    13. Lice are very small and only with a microscope can you can get a really good picture of their body.


    15. This is a really good picture of lice eggs attached to hair follicles.正常的虱子洗发水只能杀死成年虱子和若虫,但仍然对鸡蛋没有影响。您需要一个梳子才能去除鸡蛋。

    16. Here you can see an image of two lice eggs at the base of this person’s scalp.





    20. Below is our final image and one of the best we could find that help compare the size of lice and fleas. Both are very small and feed on blood, which makes it difficult to decipher which pest you might be suffering from.

    Lice are bit smaller and vastly prefer to live in their host’s hair.

    Closing Thoughts About Lice Pictures…

    As I’m sure you’ve seen by now is that lice are VERY small.

    Most of the images above are taken with special cameras capable of zooming in with great focus.

    Hopefully now you have a new found appreciation for these little guys and can tell them apart from other common pests (like fleas).

    Thankfully, lice are very treatable with over the counter shampoos and equipment. Here’s alink to our lice removal guide for reference.

