How To Get Rid of Raccoons (2022 Edition)

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Raccoons are notoriously adorable, but they can also be a major nuisance in or around your home. They can make their way into almost any area and find food in places you might not even realize they can get to. Some of the areas they like to hide include:

  • 烟囱
  • 内壁
  • Roofs
  • Under houses
  • 阁楼
  • Garages

Knowing how to identify a raccoon issue is an important step for any homeowner in getting rid of these critters safely and humanely. There are many ways you can prepare your home and keep it protected from raccoons, so you don’t have to worry about running into one in your yard or garage.

Read on to learn more about:

  • How To Get Rid of Raccoons
  • 如何将浣熊远离
  • 如何识别浣熊
  • Signs of a Raccoon Infestation
  • Causes of a Raccoon Infestation
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Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer


Table of Contents

    How To Get Rid of Raccoons


    1. Live Traps

    如果您知道自己有一个或多个浣熊住在您的房屋区域,例如车库或地下室,活陷阱could be your best option. Live raccoon traps are large cages with a one-way door that shuts when the animal enters so you can release them somewhere else far away from your home. These traps are some of the most humane ways to remove wildlife from in or around your house.


    2. Granular or Liquid Repellents

    浣熊驱虫剂使用浣熊讨厌的气味和口味。它们通常是无害的,但会阻止动物回到他们筑巢的地方。驱虫剂通常以颗粒状或液体形式出现。如果你是使用液体喷雾剂,,,,you should only apply it outdoors and in temperatures above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. If you’re using a granular repellent, it should be used on flat surfaces like floors or pathways. If you don’t want to use commercial repellents, cayenne pepper can also work.

    Substance repellents like these will usually require quite a few applications before the raccoons start to learn to stay away. If you have found a nest, apply the repellent in or around the area after clearing it out. This will prevent the raccoons from coming back as they figure out that it’s no longer a pleasant place to live.


    Electronic raccoon repellents use motion-activated water sprinklers to spray raccoons or bright lights to scare them as they try to get to their nests or areas where they can find food. They can work well as a conditioner to frighten animals away and don’t use any chemicals or harmful pesticides, making them a good option for areas like your garden or koi pond. One issue with electronic repellents is that it won’t take long for raccoons to figure out that the water or lights aren’t harmful. They’re very smart animals, so repellents may not work long term. You’ll need to take steps to prevent them from getting back into the area after repelling them.

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    How to Keep Raccoons Away

    Once you’ve gotten raccoons out of your home or yard, you’ll have to prevent them from getting back in. It’s one thing to remove them temporarily, but once raccoons have found a spot where they can be relatively safe, they’ll do everything they can to come back. This is why deterrents are not good solutions in the long run. You’ll need to take more steps to keep them from returning.

    1. Seal All Entry Points

    If you have any access points like gaps or openings under your doors or in your walls or loose shingles, raccoons will find a way to get inside. This is especially true during colder winter months when they hunt for shelter and warm places to make their nests. If you have a chimney, make sure the top has a wildlife guard to prevent raccoons from settling inside.


    2. Remove Food Sources



    3. Install Raccoon Guards

    浣熊警卫是螺纹的金属板to the bottoms of trees and fences that prevent raccoons from climbing up and making their nest or accessing your yard. Even though they’re excellent climbers, they still need to grip the bottoms of the trees to get enough purchase. Metal raccoon guards keep them down on the ground.


    4. Trim Your Vegetation


    5. Install Electric Fencing

    Electric fencing is one of the best ways to keep raccoons out of your yard. Installing a perimeter of electric fencing on top of your wooden or chain-link fence can keep them out and be a fast-acting deterrent. Raccoons can climb nearly anything, but if they get a mild shock from the electric top of the fence, they will quickly learn to stay out.

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    浣熊是可以识别的,,,,but they can often be mistaken for opossums, especially in the dark. These two animals also leave very similar footprints, making getting rid of them difficult since each has different techniques. Knowing how to identify a raccoon when you see one can help you find the best solution.




    One of the main differences between raccoons and opossums is their size.Adult raccoons can be incredibly large,,,,and they’ll be significantly larger than most opossums and cats, with some of them growing as much as three feet long, not counting their tail. This makes them easy to identify if you see an animal that is bigger than what you’re used to seeing around your yard. You may also see a mother raccoon being closely followed by several baby raccoons in a single-file line.


    浣熊和肖有一种独特的矮壮的形状t legs and a round body. Their walk is extremely distinct, with an arched back and a gait that relies heavily on their front legs. They also have a ringed tail that is very furry and will often stick up in the air as they walk.

    Type of Nest

    Raccoons will build their nests anywhere they can find warmth. They’ll usually consist of small branches, leaves, and shrubbery, but they also use trash and discarded paper. Anything that can be used to insulate their den and keep it as warm as possible will be gathered and brought back. If you have an area like a hollowed-out tree in your yard, this would be a good place to look for a nest if you suspect you’re处理浣熊侵扰

    Signs of a Raccoon Infestation

    Since raccoons are nocturnal, it can be difficult to know if you have an infestation. They’re very good at hiding and will work very hard to ensure their nests are out of sight. However, there are some things you can look for that will be tell-tale signs that you have a raccoon problem.

    Footprints– Raccoon footprints look just like human footprints, except they’re only a few inches long. They will usually be in places like your garage or basement floor.

    – You’re more likely to notice raccoon droppings around the bases of trees or woodpiles, and you may also notice a feces smell in your garage or attic.

    Trash- 如果您注意到垃圾桶已经被撞倒,或者垃圾已经散布在您的院子周围,那么这是浣熊活动的肯定标志。

    Causes of a Raccoon Infestation

    无障碍庇护所- 如果您的车库或阁楼很容易从外部进入,浣熊将更有可能在那里居住。在他们可以找到温暖和免受元素保护的任何地方,都是出没的公平游戏。

    Water source- 室外池塘和水特征非常适合吸引浣熊。他们不仅喝水,而且还以洗食物而闻名。

    Food source– If you leave trash or discarded food unprotected, you’ll likely get a raccoon infestation. Althoughraccoons are omnivores,他们最喜欢的一些食物包括:

    • Acorns
    • 浆果
    • Grains
    • Pet food
    • 坚果

    Protect Your Home from Raccoon Infestations

    While raccoons are relatively docile, having them in or around your home can be unsafe for you, your family, and your pets. If you notice any signs of a raccoon infestation, it’s best to be proactive and remove it as soon as possible. You can start with your prevention and removal before it becomes a safety issue by recognizing the signs.

    While there are many ways to remove raccoons yourself, it’s important to remember that they’re wild animals and can be dangerous if cornered. If you’re uncomfortable dealing with a raccoon infestation, hiring a professional wildlife removal or动物控制技术员is highly recommended for your raccoon removal. Not only will aprofessional exterminator in your areabe able to remove the animals, but they’ll also be able to give you guidance on how you can prevent another infestation in the future.

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