
>Removal Guides>蝎子清除>都有毒吗?

蝎子是令人毛骨悚然的小动物,是Arachnid家族的一部分,which includes spiders, mites, ticks, and more. Scorpions are characterized by their unique shape, which starts off bulky by their head and large pinchers, then becomes slender towards the end of their body with一个五部分的尾巴. Their tail contains a poison gland, otherwise known as a stinger, which injects venom into their prey or unsuspecting humans. Like spiders, scorpions have八只腿和几双眼睛, usually two to five pairs. However, they don’t see well and rely on their sense of touch to help them move and locate their prey.

Scorpions prefer feeding on insects, such as ants and cockroaches, but will also eat lizards, spiders, and other scorpions if given the opportunity. They are opportunistic, nocturnal hunters who hide during the day and come out at night to hunt and overcome their prey. Scorpions will start by ambushing their prey, injecting them with venom, and waiting until they succumb to it. Then, they will tear their prey into chunks and feast.

If you live in the desert or other areas with scorpions, you may wonder if all scorpions are poisonous and which types of scorpions are considered dangerous.


  • 都有毒吗?
  • 蝎子刺的体征和症状
Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!

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    For starters, let’s define the difference between有毒和有毒. Poisonous animals, such as frogs, toads, or salamanders, are animals that spread their toxins to you when you eat them. Venomous animals, such as snakes or centipedes, are animals that spread their toxins to you through a bite or sting. So, scorpions are considered venomous because they spread their toxin to others through painful stings.

    To answer the question fully, all scorpions are venomous. Scorpion venom is a neurotoxin, which causes a host of problems for the nervous system of the injected individual or animal. Scorpions use their venom when they ambush prey to subdue their prey until it’s no longer able to fight back, then they eat it. Generally, scorpions are not interested in stinging humans unless they feel threatened, which is why many scorpion stings occur when humans accidentally step on them or place a shoe or item of clothing on that has a scorpion hiding in it.

    尽管所有蝎子都是有毒的,但大多数物种对人类都相对无害,尽管它们的刺痛肯定仍然很痛苦和不舒服。据估计只有30至40species of scorpionsare potentially life-threatening, and only one of these species currently lives in North America: the Arizona bark scorpion. Most life-threatening scorpion species live in other parts of the world, such as the Middle East, North Africa, or South America.

    亚利桑那州的树皮蝎子在整个西南部都发现,包括亚利桑那州,新墨西哥州,德克萨斯州和墨西哥部分地区。亚利桑那州的树皮蝎子以前造成死亡,尤其是在幼儿中。如果您住在亚利桑那州树皮蝎子的地区,那么您至关重要立即采取行动如果您在财产上找到蝎子。是否使用紫外线来找到蝎子并消除它们,设置杀虫剂或与您的联系当地的害虫控制专业人员, we strongly recommend not placing your family at risk of being stung by these painful critters, especially if you live near highly venomous scorpion species.



    Sometimes it’s obvious that you’ve been stung by a scorpion because you’ll see the scorpion scurrying away after delivering the painful sting. Other times, you’ll feel the pain but not see the responsible bug. So, how can you tell that you were stung by a scorpion, and what should you do if you’re stung?


    • 在刺痛地点略有肿胀
    • Warmth at the sting site
    • 痛苦,这可能是激烈的
    • 麻木
    • 刺痛


    • Difficulty breathing
    • 出汗
    • Drooling
    • 恶心或呕吐
    • Accelerated heart rate
    • Increased blood pressure
    • 躁动不安(可能在幼儿哭泣)
    • Unusual neck, head, and eye movements
    • 肌肉抽搐
    • Thrashing around

    像蜜蜂一样,有些人可能会经历strong allergic reactionsto scorpion stings, which is why it’s vital that you carefully monitor the situation. Those who experience allergic reactions may even go into anaphylaxis, which is why you should never leave a stung individual unsupervised.


    Most life-threatening scorpion species live in other parts of the world, such as the Middle East, North Africa, or South America.

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    如果您在财产上找到蝎子,请随时接触your local exterminator帮助处理这些危险的害虫。蝎子不是您要解决的害虫,尤其是如果您没有适当的防护装备。

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