如何摆脱臭虫(2022 Edition)

>去除指南>如何摆脱臭虫(2022 Edition)


So, what can you do to get stink bugs out of your home if you have stink bugs?

Keep reading to learn more about:

  • 如何摆脱并消除臭虫
  • 如何使臭虫远离
  • 如何识别臭虫
  • Signs & Causes of a Stink Bug Infestation

If trying to exterminate stink bugs on your own becomes too challenging, we recommendOrkin,,,,终点,,,,and能力。These exterminators have some of the best-trained professionals that can use traps, baits, and other chemically treated solutions that are often more effective than standard DIY methods.

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Ed Spicer


Table of Contents


    You’ve had the unfortunate luck of finding stink bugs in your home. We know that crushing stink bugs is not a good idea because of the disgusting odor they produce.

    So, what can you do to get rid of stink bugs quickly?

    • 使用您的真空。真空吸尘器在快速消除臭虫方面非常有效。如果您有软管附件,请使用它快速吸收臭虫。完成真空后,在清空之前冷冻真空灰尘容器以避免粉碎虫子并释放气味。在再次使用之前,请确保您彻底清洁真空收集容器。
    • 做一个DIY臭虫陷阱。First, gather your ingredients: a foil pan, water, and dish soap. Then fill the pan with water and splash it with dish soap so that you have a frothy layer of bubbles in the pan. Then place it near a table lamp and switch the light on, leaving the light on overnight. The light will attract the stink bugs and entice them to jump into the foil pan filled with soapy water, causing them to drown.
    • 用你的扫帚。臭虫是typically found in higher points of a structure, such as on the ceiling, eaves, awnings, attics, or top of tall shelving. If you notice stink bugs in high hiding places, make a DIY soapy water trap and use the broom to knock stink bugs into the water.
    • 购买商业农药来治疗臭虫。Look for a stink bug specific insecticide to treat for your stink bug infestation. Make sure you carefully follow all instructions on the product, carefully noting any safety instructions about if the product is safe to use around kids or pets.
    • 跟上美化环境。将木柴移开至少20英尺的距离房屋的外部,至少距离地面五英寸,以防止臭虫使用柴火进入您的房屋。定期修剪树枝和灌木,以防止害虫友好的区域形成。
    • 安全爬网空间条目。臭虫经常使用crawl spaces to enter our home,所以一定要仔细检查这我s not possible with your home.
    • Contact a pest control professional.害虫防治专业人士可以治疗房屋周围的植被,并杀死已经进入房屋的臭虫。专业的臭虫控制可以在防止和处理已进入房屋的臭虫方面创造奇迹。
    • 捕获并释放臭虫。Use light to attract the stink bugs, then place them into a jar. Once inside the jar, you can move the stink bug outside and away from your home.
    • Use essential oils.薄荷精油是一种从家里排斥臭虫的有效方法。它还可以帮助抵消您房屋在出没期间可能遭受的臭虫的讨厌气味。
    • 制作DIY臭虫驱虫剂。在喷雾瓶中混合热水,白醋和洗碗皂。然后将其喷在房屋的高区域周围,以驱除臭虫。


    How to Keep Stink Bugs Away

    Nobody wants to deal with the smell of a stink bug, so the best-case scenario is keeping them away from your home in the first place.

    Here are some of our top tips for homeowners for preventing stink bugs from entering your property:

    • Seal off all entry points.Inspect your home and check for any cracks, crevices, and gaps in your home’s exterior. Once you’ve identified these weaknesses, caulk them with a sealing agent to prevent pests from entering your home.
    • 维修和更换屏幕。Examine door and window screens for small openings. Even the tiniest opening will allow a stink bug to enter your home. Go through and repair or replace any window or door screens that are damaged.
    • 安装门扫防止臭虫进入。Door sweeps can be incredibly effective at preventing many pests, including stink bugs, from breaching your home.
    • Turn your lights off.Don’t leave outdoor lighting on. Before you go to bed,关闭门廊灯并关闭窗户百叶窗,以防止光走在外面。臭虫以及许多其他害虫都吸引着灯光,因此尽可能多地保持灯光可以帮助防止它们进入家中。
    • Reduce excess moisture.定期检查堵塞的排水管和泄漏的管道,以防止水分积聚。
    • 消除简单的食物来源。Stink bugs love fruits and vegetables but will eat other foods too. Make sure you store all food in airtight containers and get rid of your trash regularly.
    • Clean your home frequently.擦拭柜台,扫地以捡起任何碎屑。擦地板以清理溢出物中的残留物。


    They are not known to be harmful to humans or our pets, even though their smell and secretion may inspire fear due to their awful odor.

    Find A Local Exterminator


    臭虫,也称为棕色的臭虫or the East Asian stink bug, are invasive bugs that originated from Eastern Asia. They’re most commonly found on the East Coast and in the Atlanta region, but they can be found throughout most of the United States now.


    臭虫是不知道有害to humans or our pets, even though their smell and secretion may inspire fear due to their awful odor. The smell could make your stomach turn, but it’s unlikely that you or your pets would suffer from an illness or actual harm from the stink bug.

    Signs & Causes of a Stink Bug Infestation

    So, you’ve spotted a stink bug in your home? Should you be worried about a stink bug infestation, or is it just a single stink bug that found an entry point to your home and took advantage of it to enter your home? Keep reading to learn about the signs and causes of a stink bug infestation.



    • A foul odor (some describe the odor as the smell of cilantro, a woody smell, or the smell of burnt tires)
    • 受损的蔬菜和水果(从臭虫中寻找水果上的“疤痕”,以供作物喂养)
    • 突然生长不佳的植物
    • 一组臭虫(它们经常聚集在一起以保持温暖)
    • 臭黄色的污渍从臭味




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