最好的蚊子杀手((Complete Guide)


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Home>Product Reviews>最好的蚊子杀手((Complete Guide)


In this section, you’ll find product reviews for the best mosquito killers on the market.

Unlike, bed bugs or termites, mosquitoes are actually a bug you have a decent chance of controlling without the help of a professional exterminator.


Let’s start off by saying that mosquitoes are one of the most dangerous ANIMALS thatexist

Yes, you read that right, ANIMALS.

When you think of a dangerous animal, I’m sure your mind goes to sharks, alligators, snakes, spiders even…

But alas… the annoying mosquitoes earn the top spot killing upwards of1,000,000 people around the world each year

Mosquitoes themselves aren’t THAT bad, but their ability to CARRY diseases and spread them around with a high degree of effectiveness makes them dangerous.

More specially its their ability to spread blood borne diseases due to their constant biting.

Let me put it this way, where bed bugs are gross, mosquitoes are dangerous.

Mosquitoes are capable of infecting humans with a number of infamous diseases such as:

  • Malaria:世界卫生组织(WHO)在2015年报告说,蚊子可能会传播最严重的疾病中,仅疟疾就杀死了约438,000多个(来源)。Malaria is mostly a non-issue in the USA with the biggest impact coming within the Sub Saharan desert.
  • Zika:Affecting mostly tropical areas (e.g, Mexico,Florida,非洲,印度等),WHO报告说,怀孕期间的寨卡病毒感染是先天性脑部异常的原因,寨卡病毒是Guillain-Barré综合征的触发因素,免疫系统会攻击神经系统。((来源
  • 黄热病:Of the diseases that are spread by mosquitoes some of the most progress has been made to combat yellow fever. Its name comes from the yellow color (Jaundice) it creates in some of the people it infects. If you’re traveling abroad, ensure you get vaccinated and you should be in good shape.
  • Dengue:除了黄色fever, another tropical borne diseases is dengue or “Dengue Fever” where patients affected are diagnosed with temperatures of 104 degrees as well as headaches and pressure behind the eyes. In 2015, the first vaccine to combat Dengue was created (来源)。
  • West Nile Virus:1999年左右受欢迎,影响了美国蚊子从感染的鸟类转移到毫无戒心的人类。((来源)。

In 2015, The World Health Organization reported 438,000 deaths from malaria alone!


The only REAL way to combat mosquitoes is by preventing them from infesting areas. That is removing and reducing breeding grounds, and making it difficult for them to reproduce.

Unfortunately, that’s not as easy as it sounds. Mosquitoes are capable of leaving eggs in areas as small as a water filled bottle cap on the ground…

That being said…




Like the name implies, mosquito traps lure unsuspecting mosquitoes into device that effectively captures the bugs.

Most traps produce chemicals that trick mosquitoes into thinking that their is a food source.

Some traps use water to kill mosquitoes others trap them inside a compartment where they die.


Mosquito Repellents

Repellents don’t really KILL any mosquitoes, but rather mask your natural producing odors making you invisible and a little less likely to receive a mosquito bite. Most mosquito repellents use some kind of special ingredient that gives it the “kick”. In the 1950’s that “kick” was DEET.



Mosquito Foggers




Mosquito Sprayers

When you really want to kill the mosquitoes around your home, foggers are okay, but mosquito sprayers are where you can really do some damage to the population.

This is because most of the tools are built for effective disbursement insecticides for longer lasting mosquito elimination.



Need to clear your yard from nasty mosquitoes quickly? Then you’re probably in need for an effective mosquito zapper.




Mega Catch Pro 900

Why it’s the best:For most people, if you are going to make an attempt at reducing the mosquito population of any significant area, you are going to need a combination of a trap and CO2 attractant. Mosquitoes are attracted to CO2, and a CO2 attractant releases higher concentrations of CO2 than we do, and the mosquito trap does the rest with heat and lights.

将此与Mosquito Magnet Octenol, and you have one potent mosquito trap.


Why it’s the best:如果没有后院的流动式蓝色光芒,您会在哪里?这是您久经考验的蚊子杀手。只需将其设置在您的后院,然后大声听到ZAPS即可。唯一的缺点是,其中之一是,您可能会吸引更多的昆虫,而不仅仅是蚊子。有时,您甚至可能会偶然得到蝙蝠,因为蝙蝠吃了蚊子,这是半讽刺的。

Best Mosquito Repellents

Where would the world be if mosquito repellents didn’t exist? With thousands of variations and brands, what are the best? Take a look at our top picks below to find out.


Why it’s the best:Picaridin是DEET的一个很好的替代品,是一种流行的驱虫剂解决方案,排名远高于其竞争对手!该特定产品的伟大之处之一是它的无味并排斥了大多数其他错误。

Avon SKIN-SO-SOFT Bug Guard

Why it’s the best:This is a mosquito repellent with IR3535 as the active ingredient. This product doubles as a moisturizing lotion AND a sunscreen. You really can’t go wrong here, highly recommended and smells great!

Best Mosquito Foggers

Perhaps the most unheard of mosquito killing method, a fogger can be one of the most potent ways to annihilate a population quickly. Our top fogger picks are listed below.

3 in 1 Cardinal Fogger

Why it’s the best:如果您需要雾灭,那么您很可能住在有足够的土地的地方,您需要能够雾化大面积。红衣主教是气体经营的背包雾气器。它也可以用作空气duster和叶吹风机,从而可以节省购买另外两台设备的钱。此外,它减少了容纳它们所需的存储空间。最重要的是,它具有1年的工厂保修。

Petra Electric Fogger雾化器背包喷雾器

Why it’s the best:As an alternative to the Cardinal, the Petra is a “mist blower” and can spray up to 15ft. It can carry up to 4 gallons and has comfortable, thick straps for easy wear.

Best Mosquito Sprayers

Similar to foggers, sprayers are more long term methods often used by professionals. The chemicals are meant to least 30+ days in some cases. We listed out the best below.

Happybuy Stainless Steel Sprayer

Why it’s the best:每个单元都具有刮擦性,并配有1-3.5加仑的水箱,并带有手动泵来部署化学剂。它的昂贵有点贵,但以前的所有者将其视为一项投资。


Why it’s the best:这不是什么花哨的,但是它是一个坚固的背包喷雾器,背面有一个四加仑的坦克。平均而言,该单元将允许您一次治疗约4,000平方英尺,或者如果区域较小的区域,则可以减少混合的产品。

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