如何摆脱糖蚂蚁(2022 Edition)

Home>Removal Guides>How To Get Rid Of Ants (A Quick Guide)>如何摆脱糖蚂蚁(2022 Edition)

糖蚂蚁是一个通用术语广泛的蚂蚁物种that prefer sweet foods. They are typically minuscule, but can take over your entire kitchen in a matter of minutes. So, how do you get rid of these pesky little creatures?

In this helpful ant control guide, you’ll learn:

  • How To Eliminate Sugar Ants From Your Home
  • 如何防止他们返回
  • How To Identify the Different Types of Sugar Ants
  • Signs and Causes of Sugar Ant Infestations

If trying to exterminate sugar ants on your own becomes too challenging, we recommendOrkin,Terminix, 和能力。These exterminators have some of the best-trained professionals that can use traps, baits, and other chemically treated solutions that are often more effective than standard DIY methods.

对于Terminix的报价,您可以通过866-577-5051或与他们联系this form

For quotes from Orkin, call 866-701-4556, or fill outthis form

For a free quote from Aptive, call 855-521-7075 or visit the company’swebsite

Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!

Table of Contents


    Eliminating sugar antsfrom your home is not easy. But it’s possible to get control of them quickly by utilizing the proper guidance. In the following section, our in-house pest control experts provide a step-by-step guide to getting rid of these unwanted pests.

    Step 1. Inspection

    To solve your sugar ant problem, it’s vital to look everywhere around your home, not just in the areas you currently notice them.

    The first places to inspect are these common locations where ants nest:

    • Kitchen sinks
    • Pantries
    • Laundry rooms
    • 浴室


    Step 2. Identification


    Step 3. Knock Them Out

    Ant trails are easy to eliminate. There are some simple DIY home remedies you can try before reaching for the蚂蚁杀手喷雾。The good news is, they cost very little to use.

    Start by filling a 32-ounce spray bottle with water, white vinegar, and baking soda. This mixture will kill sugar ants quickly, without any chemical smell.

    If you prefer a pleasant fragrance instead, use essential oils in place of vinegar and baking soda. Peppermint and tea tree oils are the best ones for killing ants, and they’re generally safe for countertops.

    For larger infestations, ant repellent sprays provide quicker killing action. These are potent insecticides that you would use forbed bugs as well。Consequently, it’s best to read the label directions carefully before using them.


    The problem with killing just the ants you see on the surface is that they represent only a fraction of the entire colony. It’s better to use ant baits instead, and they contain a combination of attractant lures with the killing power of borax.

    You can deploy bait stations that resemble ant traps in various locations throughout your home, including:

    • 厨房
    • 餐厅
    • Storage closets
    • Pantries
    • Laundry rooms
    • Basements

    Liquid ant baits are best for treating sugar ants, while the solid formulations do well for the protein feeders.

    Step 5. Plug the Holes



    How to Prevent Sugar Ants


    Limit Food and Water

    Ants are alwaysin search of food。肮脏的菜肴,柜台上溢出的枫糖浆以及溢出的垃圾桶都导致了蚂蚁问题。因此,最好在室内区域保持干净,然后才能成为问题。

    Also, it’s preferable to repair leaky plumbing. Excess water can attract ants just as much as the abundance of food.

    Limit Their Access

    The best way to keep ants from returning to your home is with mechanical exclusion, a term used by professional exterminators. It allows you to save money long-term on products used to kill ants, and it also frees up time otherwise spent chasing these annoying pests.

    It’s best to start with the largest potential entryways and work your way toward smaller openings. For example, replace door thresholds where ants can readily travel through. Also, replacing weatherstripping will help deter foraging ants as well as cut down on your energy bills.

    Next, inspect the windows and replace broken glass or sashes that ants can squeeze through. Also, be sure to caulk around window sills to prevent ants from sneaking into wall voids.

    In addition, it’s crucial to remove tree branches or shrubs in direct contact with your house. Last, be sure to locate firewood at least 20 feet away from the main structure of your home. This one step alone can prevent ant infestations.

    Set Up a Defense Against Ants


    To make up for any entry points too small to seal, you can use a chemical barrier around your home to fill in those gaps. It provides a perimeter defense against ants, and it keeps working for up to 90 days, in some cases.

    A residualinsecticide spray containing cyfluthrin作为对蚂蚁的无形边界的运行良好。或者,您可以选择含有fipronil的持久的微型纸产品。

    The idea is to treat the house directly to set up a chemical barrier. Some products even allow you to spot-treat indoors where ants often enter your home.

    To reach inside cracks and crevices, use food-grade diatomaceous earth. It is a naturally occurring product mined from dry lake beds. Also, it contains crushed diatoms that strip the outer layer of the ant, causing it to dehydrate and die.

    对于稍强的东西use boric acidin wall voids to eradicate ant nests indoors. It also works well for pipe entry points, openings in eves and overhangs, and the area between the wall and the baseboard.

    Set up a defense against ants

    A residual insecticide spray containing cyfluthrin works well as an invisible boundary against ants. Or you can opt for a long-lasting microcap product containing fipronil.

    Find A Local Exterminator


    The banded sugar ant is from Australia and is not the species referred to as “sugar ant” in the U.S. Instead, it’s a generic term for several ant species that prefer sweet foods.

    这里有一些的common examples:

    • Pavement antshave black bodies and brown legs. They prefer urban environments with little vegetation, making them one of the most prolific pests in the U.S.
    • Odorous house ants发出难闻的气味,当你一步。他们是sure about 1/8 inch long and are primarily dark brown.
    • Carpenter antsare notorious for causing widespread damage to homes and other wood structures. They are all black, with large bodies measuring up to 1/2 inch long.
    • Ghost ants是蚜虫防止捕食者的保护者,可以稳定地供应蜜糖作为食物来源。这些小蚂蚁还入侵厨房,寻找任何可食用的东西。
    • Argentine antsare known for attacking beehives to access the sweet honey. Their bodies are about 1/8 inch long and are dark brown. They infest both indoor and outdoor spaces.
    • Pharaoh antspossess a cyclical feeding pattern where they eat sugary foods followed by periods of binging on nothing but proteins. They are yellowish-brown and have tiny bodies measuring just under 1/16 of an inch long.
    • 杂技蚂蚁are mostly an outdoor nuisance and are about 1/4 inch long. They have reddish-brown bodies and a dark brown to black gaster (abdomen).

    Signs & Causes of a Sugar Ant Infestation




    Another feature of most sugar ant species is their willingness to share their colonies with multiple queens without any rivalry. This cooperation allows for budding, a term entomologists use to describe the founding of several satellite colonies.

    来自萌芽殖民地的工人produce pheromone trailsupon locating a new food source. This could be a plant with a bunch of aphids on it or a dropped piece of candy.

    Whatever the case, if your home contains either of these things, you can be sure those tiny sugar ants will find it.

    Final Notes How To Get Rid of Sugar Ants

    Sugar ant is just a slang term for a huge variety of insects that can wreak havoc on your life in a short period. That is why it makes sense to have the correct information regarding these bothersome creatures. And hopefully, we have provided that here.


    It makes no difference whether you have black ants, brown ants, or sugar ants. A trained professional can help you deal with them every step of the way.

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