How To Keep Ants Away (2022 Edition)

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The weather has a huge impact on ant infestations. When the weather is too cold or wet, you’ll find ants taking refuge in your home.Research has even foundthat most Argentine ant infestations happen during drought and intense rainstorms.

潮湿条件下最有可能发送蚂蚁真了不得g for shelter in your home. Most other ant infestations will occur during hot, dry seasons, typically August and September. In general, ants will frequently come in when it’s too hot out, and they’re looking for food and water.

Unfortunately, ants are prolific pests that quickly bring other ants into your home. Once inside your home, some ant species, like carpenter ants, will create nests. Other ant species will continue to bring other ants into your home for shelter and food. Regardless of the ant species, ants are undesirable tenants that you don’t want sticking around.

If you’ve noticed ants in your home, you’re probably wondering how you can keep them away and get rid of ants. Sometimes it can feel like a fruitless effort because ants are stubborn pests that are difficult to get rid of, but it can be done.

To help you out, we’re going to go over the following topics that’ll help you with ant control:

  • Top 8 Ways to Keep Ants Away
  • 前5个自然解决方案
  • 什么吸引了蚂蚁
Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer


Table of Contents

    Top 8 Ways to Keep Ants Away

    There are many ways to keep ants away from your home, kill ants, and set up ant control to prevent ants in the future. The primary ways to squash your ant problem include:

    • Ant exclusion (keeping ants from physically entering your house and removing attractants)
    • Insecticides (pesticides that eliminate ants)
    • Ant baits
    • Ant repellents

    Let’s go over some specific steps that you can use to keep ants out of your house. Often, it will require multiple methods to get rid of and prevent ants, so we recommend working with several of these to start your pest control efforts:

    • Get rid of ant attractants。蚂蚁是fo主要吸引了我们的家园od, water, and shelter. Start by using airtight containers to seal off food sources in your home so that ants can’t eat your food and contaminate it. Then, check your home for leaks in your plumbing and faucets. Fix any leaks you find immediately to eliminate water sources for pests, such as ants, roaches, and fleas.
    • Clean up your trash。Regularly take out your trash and make sure that the lids on your trash cans are tight and sealed for both your indoor and outdoor trash cans. Then, hose down the area around the trash cans weekly to wash away the pheromones that ants leave behind. Other ants use these pheromones to guide them to your home, so erase these pheromones regularly to prevent this from happening. Ants will need to觅食repeatedly instead of having a direct route to your home when you wash away their pheromones.
    • Seal off entry points to your home。您家中的任何开口都可以使蚂蚁和其他害虫轻松进入您的房屋。检查房屋的整个外部是否可能开放。硅胶填缝是理想的选择,因为蚂蚁可以通过常规填缝咀嚼。在窗台上寻找裂缝和缝隙,门框,烘干机通风口以及任何水管或室外水龙头附近。另外,请检查电气,电话或有线电视接线以获取可能的入口点。屋顶上的屋檐,灯,烟囱和通风口是其他审慎的地方寻找入口点的地方。确定任何入口点后,用硅胶填缝填充这些裂缝和缝隙。
    • 跟上美化环境。木匠蚂蚁因在树木中建造巢穴而臭名昭著,可能会使用树木进入房屋和建筑物。定期修剪任何触摸您家的树木,以防止木匠蚂蚁以这种方式进入您的房屋。
    • 在进入您的房屋之前,涂上颗粒状杀虫剂,以消除蚂蚁在院子里。One granular insecticide普遍推荐的是Talstar PL颗粒,这是有效控制蚂蚁的好方法。这些颗粒通常装在25磅重的袋子中,需要用手动吊具在院子周围散布。要使用,请在散布器上填充料斗并设置开口的大小。我们建议以三个启动,这是在滑动开关上提供的尺寸的中间。这些颗粒被水激活。一旦水接触它们,它们就会融化并散布以形成一条杀虫剂。建议您每月进行一次,尤其是在一年中的温暖月份,以持续保护蚂蚁。
    • Use insecticide sprays.Insecticide sprays are helpfulto use near entry points in your home. If you find out where ants are entering your home, use an insecticide spray to prevent ants from entering.
    • 将蚂蚁诱饵放在您的家中。If you find ants inside your home, place ant baits around your home. Unlike other pest baits, ant baits don’t lure ants into a trap. However, the bait is toxic and attracts ants. When worker ants eat the ant bait, they bring it back to the ant nest and perform a过程称为滋养。Once back in the ant nest or colony, the worker ants will regurgitate the partially digested, toxic bait and feed it to other ants, larvae, and the queen ant. Since the ant bait is toxic, this will kill any ants that consume it, effectively eliminating the ant colony. We recommend using the Terro Liquid Ant Bait, which smells like food and attracts ants easily. The active ingredient in this ant bait is四钠脱氢酸钠, 还known as borax。Borax will quickly kill Pharaoh ants, odorous house ants,pavement ants,木匠蚂蚁,火蚂蚁和其他类型的蚂蚁。将这些蚂蚁诱饵陷阱放在您看到的蚂蚁小径附近,靠近入口点,巢附近和蚂蚁丘陵,以取得最佳效果。
    • Deep clean your home.蚂蚁被吸引easy access to food sources and water.If you leave pet food out, this will attract ants to your home. Ants will happily go after any crumbs, spilled substances, or leftovers left on the counter. Ensure that you keep food safely stored and frequently sweep, vacuum, and mop your floors to pick up food crumbs that pests may go after.
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    If you’re looking for natural remedies to take care of ants on your property or inside your home, keep reading to learn more.

    • 使用硅藻土(DE)as an all-natural repellent against ants. DE is made from microscopic marine plants, also known as diatoms. DE has razor-sharp edges, which slice open the protective shell on ants and insects, ending in death. Most of the time, DE comes in powder form and can be spread finely across entry points, like window sills, and along ant trails that you’ve come across. Our recommendation for DE is Harris Diatomaceous Earth, which comes in a 21-pound bag and includes a powder duster that allows you to quickly spread the fine powder across your home without creating a giant mess.
    • Try essential oils破坏蚂蚁留下的信息素的化学痕迹。通过破坏信息素步道,您使蚂蚁很难找到自己的路。Essential oils are createdby squeezing, steaming, or grinding plants to release the oils within the plant fibers. The resulting distillate is highly concentrated and is often used for household cleaning products, pest control, and aromatherapy. Popular essential oils for pest control include peppermint oil, lemon,薰衣草,,,,eucalyptus,,,,lime, and lemon oil. We recommend diluting one of these essential oils and placing the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray this scent around your home and entry points to disrupt the scent trails that ants follow into your home.
    • Create a DIY mixture of white vinegar and water。Make a 1:1 ratio in a spray bottle ofwhite vinegar and waterand spray it wherever you see ants. It’s a safe and effective method that iskid and pet-friendly。We also recommend spraying this near countertop food items, and on cracks and crevices where ants may be entering your home.
    • Use boric acid to kill ants.Boric acid is a natural ant killer that is not toxic for humans but is highly effective against ants. Try mixing boric acid in water and sugar to create a trap that will lure ants and kill them. Place this mixture near ant trails. Once they climb in, they will die, or they’ll escape and take the boric acid back to their colony, effectively killing off other colony members.
    • Try cayenne pepper against ants.蚂蚁广泛讨厌辣椒和黑胡椒粉。Identify the ant infestation problem and spread cayenne pepper or black pepper around the source. You can even create a wall around your property with cayenne pepper to prevent them from entering your home, as this is a natural deterrent to ants.

    Use insecticide sprays.

    Insecticide sprays are helpful to use near entry points in your home. If you find out where ants are entering your home, use an insecticide spray to prevent ants from entering.

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    Ants are primarily attracted to three things in our homes: water, food, and shelter. If they find all three in your home, they will turn to reproduction and expand the infestation in your home.

    Water and Food




    Another factor in ant shelter is the weather. Heavy rain soaks the ground and forces ant colonies to look for higher ground to avoid drowning. During heavy rain, your home will look like a haven for these pests. Drought will drive ants and other pests inside to look for water sources and food to prevent them from starving during these intense seasons.

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