Bed Bugs And Safety (Stay Safe!)


Due to the increased travel among developed countries, more and more people are spreading bed bugs!

It's not that you're dirty of prone to nasty things, but bed bugs just like to hitchhike on anyone they can, they don't discriminate!


The most important thing to understand however, if your safety when it comes to these critters.

bed bugs and google



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Bed Bugs and Safety

We wanted to publish this article to highlight the safety impliactions of getting bed bugs. Bed bugs alone are not dangerous as they are not likely to carry any diseases (unlike roaches!)



Possibly the worse of the two, your mental health might be the most affected in a bed bug infestation and potential result in physical stress and other ailments.

Your Physcial Health

Although bed bugs can't hurt you, what you do in your attempts to get rid of them might. In a frenzy, most people will rush to the nearest store buy chemical and powders and slowly begin to unintentionally poison themselves.

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Your Mental/Emotional Health With Bed Bugs

As we mentioned, the worse side of things MIGHT be the fact that you'll end up having panic attacks, significantly increased anxiety, or any other mental illness during the infestation.

What's really bad and relatively ignored is the impact to to your social life with bed bugs. As soon as you tell your girlfriend or boy friend you saw a bed bug in your house, good luck ever trying to get them to come back.

The bug bites they'll leave on you will ITCH LIKE CRAZY, giving you a constant reminder that you have a bug problem...


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有限的时间:节省$ 50的害虫控制服务。

Your Physical Health

Aside from the mental anguish one endures at the hands of bed bugs, physically, these critters can take a toll on you. They might do their damage in a few ways, namely:

  • Loss of sleep, which results in physical breakdown
  • Misapplication of pesticides, which result in unintentional poisoning to either you or your family

Loss of Sleep


This type of scenario is all to common amongst bed bug infested homes. Once you see one, your mind begin to calculate all the ways you can get rid of the bugs.

Google... "How to get rid of bed bugs..." "Best bed bugs killers..." "Bed bugs vs fleas..."


Misapplication of Pesticides


But thankfully, a universe such as this does not exist and we DO have pesticides and DON'T have worms anywhere near our apples (hopefully).


Since pesticides exist and there are "over the counter" variants, consumers like yourself will probably go out and stock up to fight the good fight against those suckers.

The bad thing is people are GOING to mess up in their application of these products. This isn't something you can simply spray and pray without a strategy.

If you're dealing with ants... maybe... roaches... perhaps

But not bed bugs.


  • You expose yourself to the chemicals increasing risk of poisoning by inhalation
  • 您将臭虫侵扰分成多个殖民地,并将虫子散布在房屋周围

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Our #1 Ranked For:清除蚊子,跳蚤,壁虱,黄蜂和其他刺痛昆虫

How To Stay Safe With Bed Bugs




Good luck and stay safe out there!



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