Boric Acid Facts (Definitive Safety Guide)

The term "boric acid" may sound more like a horrifying ingredient in a laboratory science experiment...

。。。but did you know you can actually use it to your advantage in the home?


boric acid

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What is Boric Acid?

硼酸is a compound of the element boron, which can be found in many places on the planet like rocks, soil, and even water.

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Thought many people swap out the two names interchangeably and even believe that these two substances are one in the same, it's simply not true.

  • 硼酸is more of an umbrella term for all extractions from the element boron. It's a fine powder with the consistency like that of powdered sugar.
  • Borax is just one of the硼酸盐盐of boric acid. Much like table salt, it has a rough, almost gravel-like consistency.
boric acid facts



然而,硼酸和硼砂之间的毒性水平因害虫而异。就蚂蚁而言boric acidwill be more advantageous at providing a quicker turnaround at controlling your ant infestation.


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How Does Boric Acid Work?

Most pesticides work by interrupting the insect's central nervous system. Boric acid does this, in addition to destroying the insect's stomach—by causingabrasive damage.

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Which Products Use Boric Acid?

What kinds of pest control products would normally list boric acid as an active ingredient?



农药灰尘are normally used in small cracks and tough-to-reach areas, as well as low-traffic rooms like attics and basements where bugs can easily come into topical contact with the dust.

Liquid Baits


These are normally used to lure pests like ants and termites away from a certain area (for example, the home), and poison them in the process. The workers of the colony will usually eat a bit of the bait, then take it back to the colony where it will poison all the other members.


颗粒are used to ward off a variety of different pests, and is perfect to use in turf and high grasses because of its pebble-like consistency. If you're trying to摆脱爬行的害虫或令人讨厌的动物,这通常是您想要购买的产品类型。


我们的#1排名:Termites,Bed Bugs, and Larger Infestations


我们的#1排名:Ants, Roaches, Spiders, and Rodents Issues


我们的#1排名:Mosquito Removal, Fleas, Ticks, Wasps, And Other Stinging Insects

When Should You Consider Using A Boric Acid-Based Product?

Because boric acid is自然发生,许多人更倾向于使用它their pest control needs other than a chemical compound designed in a lab.

In addition to this fact, boric acid is widely available both on its own and as an active ingredient in several different types of pest control products. Its versatility speaks for itself, and it's able to hold its own in a changing pest control marketplace.

Will Boric Acid Kill Bed Bugs?

硼酸is effective as a pest control agent when it's ingested by the pest.金宝搏官网登录, in contrast, get their fill by drinking the blood of humans.


Read Also:有关硼酸和臭虫的更多信息金宝搏官网登录金博宝188充值

Is Boric Acid Dangerous To Humans?

When used as directed, boric acid is safe for human use.

However, sometimes accidents happen. If you mistakenly ingest, touch, or inhale this stuff, you can fall victim to a few symptoms, as listed below.

General Side Effects

那些意外吃或触摸硼酸的人几乎没有副作用。国家农药信息中心。However, the symptoms of an accidental ingestion of borax are a bit different.

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • 肚子疼
  • diarrhea
  • convulsions
  • 接触时皮肤刺激
  • eye irritation upon contact


A 1994 studyon the effects of boric acid in pregnant mice revealed that birth defects occurred after the the maternal mice were exposed to boric acid during their pregnancies.



For Babies

It's not recommended to expose your babies and young children to boric acid. Smaller bodies are always at a higher risk for pesticide poisoning, so we recommend that you keep this product away from your children.

此外,在1960年代有报道称硼酸被用作消毒剂,然后将其标记为婴儿配方中的成分。因此,many babies died.

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Is Boric Acid Dangerous To Cats?

硼酸is considered a"less harmful"pesticide to cats due to the slow speed at which it works to kill pests.

但是,这并不意味着isn'tharmful to your feline friend. If your cat becomes exposed to too much boric acid (or borax, for that matter), you may have to make an emergency trip to the vet.

Side Effects

注意这些signs of toxicity

  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • depression
  • weakness
  • 共济失调
  • 癫痫发作

Is Boric Acid Dangerous To Dogs?

Not unlike its low toxicity to cats, boric acid has alow toxicity level给狗。

If your dog is overexposed, there can be harmful (and sometimes deadly) consequences.

Side Effects

In some circumstances (and depending on the level of exposure), your dog could suffer以下症状

  • 皮肤过敏
  • eye irritation
  • vomiting
  • retching
  • diarrhea
  • bloody stools
  • tremors
  • kidney damage resulting in decreased urination
  • 癫痫发作
  • 共济失调

What Does The Government Think About Boric Acid?



The EPA has recognized boric acid as a registered pesticide in the United States since the year 1948, and has conducted reregistration evaluations in years since to ensure that it meets all current standards in regard to public safety.

Currently,boric acid is recognized by EPA作为农药和所有重新分配是最新的。

Center for Disease Control


除此之外,硼级硼被列为有毒物质和疾病注册机构(ATSDR)的一部分(ATSDR)(CDC子公司)not classified as a carcinogen由于缺乏证据。

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所以,我们讨论了硼酸几乎从一个Z...but why should you use it compared to other options? What makes it stand out?

Boric Acid vs Diatomaceous Earth

Both these substances can be powerful in the fight against pests in the home, but there's a big difference in how theycanwork.

We're mainly talking about硅藻土。这是DE(以及大多数人不知道的)要理解的主要内容:实际上,这些东西有三种不同的类型。有食物等级,害虫级和过滤级...如果您使用食物级DE解决害虫问题,那么您可能不会看到最佳效果。

硼酸, on the other hand, is pretty much just that: boric acid. It's got one form, it doesn't ever change, and people confuse it with borax, but that's mainly due to misinformation.



So, why is there an "ortho" added to the beginning?

如瓜拉夫·贾阿(Guarav Jhaa)所解释的那样,请看下面的视频,以获取有关硼酸基本化学结构的快速课程。



Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate is another钠盐from the element boron, which makes it almost like a cousin to boric acid. These two are related, but not the same.

Boric Acid vs Sodium Borate

硼酸钠是another term for borax。As we mentioned earlier, borax is a sodium salt derivative of boron, which means that these two are related in nature, but not totally similar.

Final Thoughts on Boric Acid

硼酸is widely distributed and sold as a general-use pesticide that can be used indoors and outdoors, in both residential and commercial environments, and even around pets with caution.

We recommend that you shield your young kids fromboric acidand as always, only use this product as directed. However, when used properly, this is a valuable all-around pesticide to have at your disposal for a wide range of uses both inside and outside of the home.

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我们的#1排名:Termites,Bed Bugs, and Larger Infestations


我们的#1排名:Ants, Roaches, Spiders, and Rodents Issues


我们的#1排名:Mosquito Removal, Fleas, Ticks, Wasps, And Other Stinging Insects

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