
Home>去除指南>Fly Removal>如何使苍蝇远离(8种简易方法击退苍蝇)



  • Poor sanitation
  • 动物粪便
  • 窗户中的裂缝或缝隙
  • 过度温暖
  • Ripped screens


In this article, you’ll learn:

  • How To Get Rid of Flies
  • How To Prevent Flies
  • 如何识别苍蝇
  • 苍蝇侵扰的迹象
  • 苍蝇侵扰的原因
Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer



    How to Get Rid of Flies


    Flies are attracted to the fermented smell of apple cider vinegar, and you can use this to your advantage when trying to trap them using home remedies. To make a vinegar and soap trap:

    1. 将一杯醋倒入一个浅宽口碗中。
    2. Add a few drops of dish soap and water from the tap until bubbles start to form.
    3. 用保鲜膜盖住碗,顶部戳孔。
    4. Leave the bowl out in your problem area for several hours.
    5. Pesky flies will be attracted to the vinegar but will not crawl out of the bubbles.

    2. Put Up Flypaper



    Venus fly traps are a unique and effective way to remove flies from your home. They’re carnivorous plants that eat flies and can add a lot of charm and style to your houseplants. You should never force-feed your Venus fly traps or try to open their leaves when they’re eating a fly, which may take a few days. Because of this, you may want to get more than one, so they can keep catching flies while others are digesting.

    4. Use a Light Trap

    光阱使用同样的原则作为粘蝇纸,交货cept they feature lights that flies are attracted to. They’re more sanitary than flypaper since the sticky element is mounted inside a flat box. Unlike a bug zapper, which is only for outdoor use, it can be used in all the rooms of your house, so you can get the best coverage possible to get rid of your fly infestation.

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    You can build your DIY fly trap using a 2-liter soda bottle and some sugar water. Simply cut the bottle in half and place a cup of water and sugar in the bottom half. Then, place the top half upside down in the bottom portion and tape them together. Place the trap in your problem area and leave it until it fills up. Flies will be able to get in, but they won’t be able to crawl back out. Replace the trap once it fills up with dead flies.

    How to Prevent Flies


    许多精油充当驱虫的虫子和其他昆虫。这些包括lemongrass, eucalyptus, and peppermint,野外释放的植物充当天然驱虫剂。将这些精油撒在您的房屋中,作为一种天然杀虫剂,以帮助防止苍蝇进入室内。

    2. Seal Up Windows


    3. Cover Garbage

    Flies thrive in the first places they find where there’s a lot of garbage or food scraps to eat and lay eggs on. If you have uncovered garbage in your home, you’re much more likely to have a fly infestation. Keep trash covered and double bag it when you take it out to your larger cans.






    Citronella is one of the best naturalfly repellents available on the market。这种天然植物提取物可以制成蜡蜡烛,它们可以很好地排斥苍蝇,蚊子和其他各种害虫。




    Overripe or rotten produce is a magnet for flies, and not only do they eat it, but they also lay eggs in the peels, which perpetuates the issue even more. As soon as you notice produce getting overripe, either use it immediately or throw it away in a covered trash can or compost bin.



