Top 21 Best Mosquito Repellent Plants for Your Garden


They can be especially annoying when just trying to enjoy the peace and serenity provided by your own yard and garden.

Luckily, there are a number of plants that naturally repel mosquitoes.

Best Mosquito Repellent Plants

In this article, we have compiled a list of the most effective mosquito repellents plants available to put in your garden or yard.

You can read on to learn how these plants repel mosquitoes and the best use for them, or you can alsoclick here to get to our list of plantsright now!


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What Are Mosquito Repellent Plants?


Thousands of years ago, early people soon noticed that insects had a tendency to avoid certain plants. By keeping close track of which one they avoided, people collected a list of plants to use in repelling mosquitoes, flies, and other biting insects.

Read More:Top Mosquito Repellents

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How Do Mosquito Repellent Plants Work?

There is no standard “method” by which plants repel insects. Many plants use a combination of sap and essential oils to create offensive scents or irritating fumes that affect the eyes or nostrils. Some cause a burning sensation while some others cause itching and scratching.

Science doesn’t have any explanation for why or how these plants interact with mosquitoes and other biting, stinging insects. The only thing that can be stated with any certainty is that some plants do repel bugs.

Some mosquito repellent plants don’t actually repel the mosquitoes as such. Instead, they mask the CO2 we exhale or cover our body scent with their own scent. The exact mechanism by which they manage this is also a mystery to the scientific community.

Read More:How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes

Catnip repels mosquitoes

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Are Mosquito Repellent Plants Effective?

The only honest answer is yes and no.

Yes, mosquito repellent plants will tend to repel mosquitoes that come into close contact with them or smell the fumes or odors these plants naturally emit. That tendency is best expressed as a percentage.


None of them will repel more than 50% of the mosquitoes or other insects, giving them, at best, a 50/50 chance of working on any particular bug that approaches them. This is the high end of the scale though. Most of these plants don’t repel anything like 50%. It is usually much less.

Read More:How to Keep Mosquitoes Away


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How to Use Mosquito Repellent Plants


Start at the outside of your property with the tallest plants. Some of these plants are quite aggressive and try to spread out over the whole yard so put those in ceramic planters or pots. Post them along your fence or the edge of your property all the way around the house.

Mosquito Repellent Plants

Just inside that line, put another row of plants, this time using a smaller plant. They have different colors and flowers as well as various scents. Mix and match the plants until you find a combination that is visually appealing as well as pleasant to smell when you go past them.

Up close to the house, put another double row consisting of plants that are different from the ones you used at the edge of your property. When you’re finished with them you should have four concentric layers of four different repellent plants around your house.

Do the same thing around your vegetable garden as well. Pay close attention to our descriptions below of which one attractsbees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators. You want those to be the ones closest to your garden.

No two areas of the country are the same. Pay attention to the environmental requirements for the plants you’re using and plant appropriate ones for your section of the country.



Check out the video below for more information on plants that repel mosquitoes.

21 Best Mosquito Repellent Plants Reviewed

#1 – Alliums

Alliums (Allium giganteum) are wonderful plants thathave the natural ability to repel a number of insectsthat plague your garden. They’re a favorite for many people due to the beauty of their round puffy heads, on top of stalks that can be up to six feet tall.

Alliums can repel aphids, cabbage worms, carrot flies, mosquitoes, and slugs. Vegetables such as broccoli peppers, cabbage, carrots, kohlrabi, and tomatoes, often gain benefits from growing near them.

Alliums are herbs. Some other members of the allium family are chives, garlic chives, leeks, and shallots. Not only do these herbs keep mosquitoes away, but they also add flavor to your meals and beauty to your garden.

#2 - 罗勒

罗勒(ocimum basilicum)是a fragrant plant that repels bugs and insects, including mosquitoes and house flies。这也是您食物的美味添加剂。当蚊子被包含在当时位于门和室外娱乐区附近的播种机中时,它最有用。

It is basil’s pungent smell that acts to repel pests. There are several types of basil, and cinnamon basil and lemon basil appear to work the best at repelling mosquitoes. It is toxic to mosquito larvae. It helps that basil is a low maintenance plant.

Basil is an herb that flourishes in damp soil. It needs lots of sunshine so don’t plant it in the shade. Planting it in your garden beds will repel mosquitoes and give you access to an herb that will add lots of flavor to any dish you put it in.

Basil Plants Mosquito Repellent

#3 – Bee Balm

Bee Balm (Monarda didyma) isalso known as horsemint and wild bergamot。It is a mosquito repellent plant. The essential oils in it emit a strong odor that prevents mosquitoes from staying near it for any length of time. They prefer to stay away from it.

However, it does strong pollinator attractant properties, drawing in bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. This means it does double duty. Planting it in your garden will draw those pollinators to it and other plants in its vicinity as well.

It is a hearty plant that doesn’t require much care. All it requires is to be planted in well-drained soil where it can get lots of sunlight. In addition, it makes a good garnish for salads as well as being used to make jellies and tea.

#4 – Catnip

Catnip (Nepeta cataria), the same stuff that makes cats go crazy alsorepels mosquitoes, termites, and cockroaches。Researchers have learned that it contains a chemical known as nepetalactone, making it one of the best mosquito repelling plants available.

It appears to be better at repelling mosquitoes than DEET, one of the most well-known insect repellents on the market today. Planting catnip around the edges of your property will keep mosquitoes from entering your property in the first place.


#5 – Cedar Tree

Cedar Tree (Cedrus) oil is an excellent bug repellent, one of the best ones available. If you plant a cedar tree in your yard, you’ll have a permanent source of cedar oil around your house 24/7. It will create a natural and low-maintenance mosquito barrier for you.

However, you should also be aware that cedar oil can be harmful to your pets. If you have cats or dogs (or both), planting a cedar tree in the yard probably isn’t the best option for you.

#6 – Citronella Grass

Citronella Grass (Cymbopogon nardus) is a natural mosquito repellent.Citronella is one of the most common natural ingredients for repelling mosquitoes and flies。由香龙植物制成的精油用于香菜蜡烛。Citronella Oil由于其驱虫性质而用于Tiki火炬中。

香茅和相关的植物,如雪铁龙sum, are perennials, which means they’ll grow back year after year. It’s a large plant that does well in planters. It’s quite toxic to pets so planting it in a planter with wire fencing around it will protect your pets at the same time it drives away mosquitoes.

It grows in well-drained soil and requires both sun and shade. It’s a large plant, reaching heights of five to six feet each year.

#7 – Clove

Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) essential oils are驱除苍蝇和蚊子的自然方法。The strong fragrance makes an effective mosquito repellent, driving them away. Although the essential oils made from cloves don’t last very long, having clove plants in your garden will last.

丁香是有用的一般的害虫防治,driving away a wide range of bugs and other critters. Many DIY recipes use clove oil to create a homemade bug spray for repelling all kinds of bugs.

Cloves are also a well-known herb with many uses in the kitchen as a flavorful additive to many different dishes.

#8 – Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus Plants Mosquito Repellent

桉树(蓝桉)树木不断emit a strong scent that is quite good at mosquito repelling. There are several species of eucalyptus, none of them any better or any worse than the others at keeping mosquitoes away.

However, eucalyptus is toxic to cats and dogs. If they eat it or get it on them it can be quite toxic to them. If you decide to use it, keep the low-hanging limbs trimmed so they don’t touch the ground and keep the leaves raked up.


#9 – Floss Flower

Floss Flowers (Ageratum houstonianum) contain a chemical known as coumarin that is often used in natural mosquito repellents. The floss flower also repels flies, rabbits, and deer. Instead of building a fence to keep rabbits and deer out of your garden, a row of floss flowers might do the trick.

Floss flowers are also visually stunning. They come in bright blue, pinkish-white, and purple. They make a nice bouquet for the dinner table for a little bit of indoor pest control as well.

Additionally, if you like butterflies and hummingbirds, plant some of these and you’ll have all the butterflies and hummingbirds in your garden and flower beds that you could ever want.

#10 – Garlic


It is harmless if you rub it directly on your skin, and of course, you can eat it raw if you want to. That might be going a bit overboard, though. However, eating garlic is often suggested as a way to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. It’s up to you.

#11 – Geraniums

Geraniums (Pelargonium) grow and bloom very quickly so they are bested suited for warm climates. Due to their fast life cycle, they are also very fast-acting mosquito repellents. Thecitrus-scented geraniumsare best for repelling mosquitoes and flies.

Scented geraniums are well suited for general pest control since many pesky bugs detest and actively try to avoid the smell of citrus. People, on the other hand, enjoy the scent and their beautiful flowers make them a favorite for bouquets and general decorating.

Like many other items on our list, geraniums are toxic to cats and dogs. If you have pets, keep these plants safely out of their reach. On a positive note: butterflies are attracted to geraniums so put them in your flower beds and you’ll soon have some lovely butterflies floating around.

#12 – Lavender

Lavender (Lavandula) is asweet-smelling purple flowerthat people love but mosquitoes don’t. The oils contained in the lavender plant create strong, pungent odors that repel mosquitoes, as well as moths, fleas, flies, and spiders.


It’s a beautiful plant that attracts pollinators such as bees and butterflies while repelling the pests you don’t want.

#13 – Lemon Balm

柠檬香脂(Melissa officinalis)是薄荷家族的成员。这是一种侵入性的植物,在充满阳光或部分阴影下生长良好,如果您在那里种植花坛,它将很快接管您的花坛。取而代之的是,通过将其放在播种机中来控制它。

Once there,the lemon balm plant will begin repelling mosquitoesand fleas as well as most other insects. Insects of all kinds detest anything from the mint family of plants, so this is a good choice of plants to position near your windows and doors.

On the flip side, it is known to attract butterflies and bees, which you want in your garden and flower beds to keep everything pollinated. It is a drought-resistant plant that does well in dry climates.

#14 – Lemongrass

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon) is a tall, tough, and growing grass.它包含柠檬酸,这是许多蚊子中使用的精油and commercial bug sprays. It repels many insects including flies and is highly toxic to mosquito larvae.

Lemongrass is a hardy grass that often reaches three to six feet high. It’s a tough plant that requires full sun for best results but very little maintenance from you other than that.

Lemongrass Plants Mosquito Repellent

However, lemongrass has been shown to cause birth defects. Therefore, you should keep it well away from pregnant women and new mothers.

#15 – Lemon Thyme


It’s a perennial that grows out across the ground like a mat so you’ll want to leave plenty area aside for it to spread out. And, of course, it’s an excellent herb to add to many different dishes in the kitchen.

It is native to the Mediterranean and needs a similar climate in order to flourish. In the winter you can keep it in a hothouse, then bring it outside during the summer.

#16 – Lemon Verbena

Lemon Verbena (Aloysia citrodora) is a native plant from Southeast Asia. If you live in a hot, humid environment, it will flourish, thereby protecting you from mosquitoes and other flying insects of all kinds, including flies.

It can grow very large, however, so you will have to do some trimming to keep it from taking over the flower beds or garden. It has a strong citrus smell to it. This gives it its name and explains its effectiveness against insects.


#17 – Marigolds


These annuals have a strong fragranceand are often used as edging plants in vegetable gardens. Their odor creates a “wall” that prevents insects from entering the garden to feed on the plants.

Marigolds also taste great in soups or salads, bringing a light citrus flavor with them. Like many other mosquito repellents, they attract bees and butterflies.

#18 - 薄荷

Mint(Mentha Spicata),Peppermint(Mentha X Piperita)和Pennyroyal(Mentha Pulegium)都是Mint家族的成员。各种,蜘蛛和啮齿动物的虫子都会讨厌薄荷家族的所有成员,尤其是薄荷的气味。

Mint oil can kill mosquito larvae where they live in pools of standing water, so it does more than just repel them. Mints properties are found in all parts of the plant; the stem, the flower, and the leaves. All of it can be used to repel mosquitoes and other insects.

Mint Plants Mosquito Repellent

Mint is an extremely aggressive plantthough. It spreads very quickly and will take over your whole flower bed, garden, or yard if you don’t stay after it. The best way to contain it is to plant it in planters, flower boxes, or similar containers.

Peppermint is also an aggressive, spreading plantthat needs to be constrained by planting it in planters or flower boxes. In addition to being an excellent mosquito plant, it helps ease headaches and nausea. It makes a great tea too.


Be warned, however, pennyroyal is also quite toxic to cats and dogs. Either don’t grow it if you have pets or put some chicken wire around it to keep your pets from coming into contact with it.

#19 – Rosemary

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a popular seasoning for many dishes and is often found in the spice aisle at the grocery store.It also keeps several different kinds of bugs away from you和你的菜园。

If you throw some in the fire, the fumes will clear the air of insects that want to bite you. In fact, this is one of the few plants you have to burn in order to receive any pest control benefit from it.

It needs lots of sunshine and does well in arid climates. It grows to about 3-5 feet tall and attracts hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies.

#20 – Sage

Sage (Salvia officinalis) is a well-known herb in the kitchen. As an added bonus, it has all kinds of antioxidants in it too. It’s a drought-resistant plant so it’s a good choice for people who live in dry climates.

It can grow up to 3-1/2 feet tall, so it’s a good border plant to place along the edges of your yard or garden. However, for the best results, just like rosemary,鼠尾草应被烧毁并允许闷烧, putting off columns of smoke that will drive away mosquitoes.

It attracts hummingbirds and butterflies, both of which are known pollinators. One note of caution though; while it isn’t harmful to dogs, it has been shown to be toxic to cats if they eat it. You need to take care they don’t come into contact with it.

#21 – Wormwood

Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) has excellent repellent properties regarding mosquitoes, wasps, and fleas. It has a strong scent that repels them when they detect it so it makes a good border plant to keep them from penetrating your garden or yard.

It is a perennial plant with a beautiful silvery-looking foliage composed of grayish-green stems covered with fine hairs. It can be grown in most climates where it can get lots of sunshine and has a bitter, spicy taste. It is mainly used for gastrointestinal complaints.

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Where to Buy Mosquito Repellent Plants?

Some ofthese plants can be purchased online at Amazon,以种子或实际种植的植物购买。您还可以在当地五金店的花园部门(例如Lowe或Home Depot)购买其中的大多数。他们俩都有广泛的花园部门。

Nurseries around the country also sell seeds, seedlings, or potted plants. The ones in your area should be able to help you pick out the ones which will do best in your climate.

Final Thoughts On Mosquito Repellent Plants

没有100%的东西effective way to get rid of mosquitoes,即使有专业强度的农药。原因很简单,蚊子可以飞到距离孵化的地方5-15英里。

你不可能控制领域,摇来摇去很远的地方m you so there will always be mosquitoes approaching your house, flowers, and garden. That means there will always be a certain percentage of mosquitoes that will penetrate your defenses.

Even professional pesticides can’t kill them fast enough to keep them from biting you at least once or twice.

Approach your layered defense with the attitude that you’re going to reduce the mosquito population around your house and you’ll find yourself well pleased with the results of your efforts.

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