
How often do you clean your room? If you let your room get messy, you could be inviting bugs, insects, and other pests into your house.

害虫喜欢金宝搏官网登录,fleas, andmice在凌乱的房间里壮成长。一个混乱的房间为害虫提供了很多隐藏的地方,这可以使他们感到足够安全,可以开始建造自己的巢穴和房屋。害虫还可能给您和您的家人带来各种各样的问题,包括:

  • 破坏您的衣服,玩具和床上用品
  • 让你生病或咬你
  • Destroying food and making it unsafe to eat
  • Harming your home’s floors and walls
  • Taking over your home after laying eggs

Thankfully, you can fight back against bugs and other pests!

Let’s take a look at a few of the most common pests you might see in your room — and why you don’t want them as roommates.


bed bug on a sheet

You don’t ever want to let the bed bugs bite in your room! Bed bugs are small, round bugs that live by drinking blood from animals and people. If you have bed bugs in your room, they will bite you in your sleep to get the blood they need to live. Bed bug bites can hurt, and they can be itchy as well.

Bed bugs are shaped like ovals, and they are usually red or brown. They make their home in beds, couches, and carpets in your house, and can live in any state and any type of home. If you have allergies, a bed bug bite can be more serious.

Bed bugs love to live in messy bedrooms. When your room is cluttered and dirty, they can easily find food and places where they can lay their eggs. They may also make their way into your carpeting and curtains if you don’t clean them regularly. They can be hard to get rid of, and you might even need to get rid of clothing and toys that come into contact with these bugs.

5 Fun Facts About Bed Bugs

  • Bed bug eggs are so small that you cannot see them. They are sometimes the size of a pinhead.
  • 金博宝188充值金宝搏官网登录臭虫可以在冰冻温度下生活,气候最高至120华氏度。
  • Bed bugs are attracted to the air you exhale when you breathe — usually called “carbon dioxide.”
  • 金博宝188充值金宝搏官网登录从生活主机臭虫仅以吸血为生。他们will not feed on blood from dead animals or blood that has been spilled on the ground.
  • Bed bugs can take in a huge amount of blood. They can drink more than their body weight in blood, with the average bed bug able to hold seven times its weight in blood after feeding. That would be like a 130-pound teenager drinking more than 100 gallons of water!

Mice and Rodents



Mice survive by making boroughs in the ground or humans’ homes. They eat what they find in their environment. If that environment is your room, they might eat crumbs from snacks that you leave behind. When mice find a place that offers them both food and security, they will build a nest and have babies.

A messy room can make the perfect house for a mouse. Mice can find plenty of food to eat in the carpeting of a room that isn’t clean — even if you can’t see it yourself! If you have tons of toys and clothes on your floor, this will provide mice with the perfect place to make a nest.


  • 老鼠不喜欢感冒。当天气变冷时,他们将尝试找到一种方法,使您的房屋摆脱雪或风。
  • 老鼠的视力差。他们没有看到,而是依靠其他感官(包括听力和气味)来解决。
  • Mice can talk to one another using ultrasound that humans cannot hear.
  • Mice love to eat just like humans do. Mice are “omnivores,” which means that they eat both plants and meat.
  • Mice have teeth that are always growing. This means that they need to chew to keep their teeth from getting too large for their mouth.



If you’ve ever had uninvited insect guests at a picnic or during lunch, you probably already know that ants can be a big hassle even when they aren’t in your room. Ants are tiny insects that live in groupings called “colonies.” The average ant colony can have thousands of ants!

You can identify ants due to their small body shape and multiple legs. Depending on the type of ants that live where you live, ants might be brown, black, or red. Ants survive by carrying food home to the colony that houses the queen ant, whose job is to lay eggs. Ants usually build their colonies outside, but they can also make their home in your room if it’s messy.

当蚂蚁决定居住的地方时,他们通常首先考虑食物。如果您的房间很混乱,并且您的食物和饮料躺在外面,则将吸引您的房间。蚂蚁在发现食物时散发出非常强烈的气味小径 - 这意味着一只蚂蚁找到食物后,数百只蚂蚁就可以很快就能在您的房间里。当蚂蚁加入您的食物或饮料时,它们会污染它们,并通过留下废物使您生病。某些蚂蚁也会咬你。

Ants can be tough to get rid of because they’re small enough to fit in even very tiny spaces. If you notice ants in your room, be sure to clean up any food or drinks that are out. Then, tell a parent, and they can help use indoor-safe bug spray to kill off any remaining ants.

5 Fun Facts About Ants

  • Ants don’t have ears. Instead, they “hear” using vibrations felt through the ground.
  • Depending on the species, a queen ant might lay one million eggs before she dies.
  • There are more than 12,000 types of ants found throughout the world.
  • Some ant colonies have “soldier ants,” whose job is to attack other colonies and steal their food.
  • Ants can carry 50 times their body weight when transporting food or materials back to their colony. That would be like a 110-pound kid being able to carry more than 5,000 pounds!


flea on a human hand


Scientists consider fleas to be “parasites.” This means that they cannot live without a host to drink blood. Fleas can jump from host to host. If you have fleas in your room, you might wake up with itchy red bumps where fleas have bitten you to draw blood. These flea bites can hurt — and if you have allergies, you might even get sick from a flea bite and need to go to the doctor.

There are a few things in a messy room that might attract fleas. If your room is dirty, fleas can easily find places to hide. This means that a cluttered room might attract more fleas. Fleas can also be attracted to messy rooms if you don’t wash your clothing, carpeting, or bedding often.


5 Fun Facts About Fleas

  • 跳蚤跳跃时,它的加速度比太空飞船快约50倍。
  • Flea larvae can live for up to one year in your room. This makes them difficult to get rid of.
  • A single flea can bite you or your pet more than 1,000 times over three weeks.
  • Throughout a single flea’s 21-day lifespan, it can lay more than 1,000 eggs.
  • 跳蚤没有耳朵,他们的视力很差。他们通过传感光和热来导航。


cockroaches crawling on the wall


You can prevent cockroaches in your bedroom by keeping your room clean. Cockroaches can thrive in any type of environment, but they can find excess food in dirty areas. Unlike many types of insects, cockroaches can eat garbage, scraps of paper, and dead insects in addition to crumbs. This means that a messy room is a perfect place for a cockroach to live.

Cockroaches are very dirty and dangerous to people. Cockroaches carry many diseases that can make you sick — so you should tell your parents immediately if you see one in your room. Your parents will usually need to call in a pest professional to ensure that you have a bug-free room and that cockroaches aren’t in other parts of your home. Cockroaches may also bite — though not as often as other types of insects.

5 Fun Facts About Cockroaches

  • When cockroaches produce waste, they create a chemical trail that other cockroaches can smell. This helps cockroaches find each other.
  • There are more than 5,000 types of cockroaches on Earth. However, most of them live in wooded areas and aren’t interested in living in your home.
  • Cockroaches hate light. They are nocturnal, which means that they are usually most active at night.
  • Cockroaches are attracted to water. You can prevent cockroaches in your room by getting rid of any water as soon as it’s spilled.
  • A cockroach can live for up to a week without its head!


termites crawling on wood

Termites are small insects that eat wood. There are many types of termites in the world, and each species of termite has its preferences when it comes to the kind of wood they eat. Termites will eat wooden structures (like furniture and flooring) in addition to trees and firewood found outside.

You can identify a termite by its color. Most termites are white or yellow-brown. Though most termites in each colony are less than 1/4th of an inch long, a queen termite might grow up to four inches.

If you have a messy room and eat in your room often, you might attract termites. Termites look for warm, moist areas to build their colonies. If you spill a drink in your bedroom and don’t clean it up, you could be attracting termites. Termites are also attracted to areas with plenty of hiding places, making messy rooms ideal.

Termites do not bite humans, so you won’t need to worry about them hurting you. They also aren’t known to carry diseases that can make people sick. However, this doesn’t mean that you should ignore a termite if you see one. Termites can eat through wood very quickly, which means that they can destroy your favorite toys and your furniture. Termites can also cause tons of damage to your house, which your parents will worry about.



  • Most types of termites are almost completely blind because they live in dark boroughs.
  • Termites spend a lot of time grooming and cleaning one another.
  • 白蚁出生后,白蚁吃了浪费。这为他们提供了保持器官工作并预防疾病所需的良好细菌。
  • Termites cause more than $5 billion in damage every year, thanks to their chewing and tunneling.
  • A queen termite can lay up to 5,000 eggs in a single day.



If you’ve ever had a fly or gnat trapped in your room, you know how annoying these bugs can be. Gnats are a type of small, flying insect that is found in swarms. Gnats are usually attracted by smells and survive by laying eggs. You can often find gnats in areas with a strong smell — for example, on rotting fruit or animal waste.


The word “gnat” refers to many types of flies. Some types of gnats bite, while others do not. When gnats get into your food, they may lay eggs and spread disease because they are often found in unsanitary conditions. Eating food that gnats have been on can make you sick. Some types of gnats have also been found to cause pink eye.

If you have gnats in your room, you’ll want to take plenty of time to get rid of any nasty smells. You should also clean up food, empty your trash cans, and wash your clothing. If you have shoes in your room, you might want to take them to a common area or outside. If your room has a bathroom attached to it, you should clean all surfaces and take out the trash in there too.


  • A group of gnats is called a “cloud.”
  • Gnats love bright colors and are attracted to them along with odor.
  • 大约一周后,GNAT幼虫长大了。
  • Some species of gnat can hatch just two days after an egg is laid.
  • 大多数类型的GNAT只活10天。

The Importance of Keeping a Clean Room

As you can see, it’s important to keep your room clean — or else bugs might make your room their room too. Keeping your room clean also helps protect the things that you love. For example, if you have a toy made out of wood, keeping your room clean prevents termites from eating it. Keeping a clean room can also help you prevent catching illnesses that bugs can spread.

Thankfully, cleaning regularly can help you keep bugs and other pests out of your room.

Use these tips to make sure that your room stays clean and bug-free!

  • 定期取出垃圾:像gn和小鼠这样的害虫可以吸引垃圾的气味。一旦饱满,避免吸引害虫就可以清空垃圾。
  • 将肮脏的衣服放在篮球中:Clothing can start to smell bad after a while. Sort your dirty clothes by color and put them in one place like a hamper. If you do your laundry, be sure to clean your clothes regularly.
  • Make your bed every morning:Making your bed can help you catch pests like bed bugs before they have a chance to multiply. You should also be making your bed every morning and washing your sheets once a week..
  • Don’t eat in your room:Making a habit of eating in your room can attract pests. Avoid eating in your bedroom as often as possible. If you do decide to eat in your room, clean up crumbs and spills immediately.
  • 将玩具放在地板上:混乱为错误提供了很多隐藏的地方。确保保留玩具,衣服和其他任何可以在其合适位置覆盖地板的东西。
  • Tell your parents if you see a bug:If you see one pest, the chances are high that there are more hiding in your room. Telling your parents as soon as you see a bug in your room can help make sure that your parents can catch potential infestations fast.

Tips for Parents

Are you struggling to figure out how to get your child to clean their room? Have you tried repeatedly to fight back against bugs in a kid’s room — only to find the problem back again in a few weeks or months? Teaching a child the importance of cleaning his or her room can be difficult. However, as a parent, there are steps that you can take to help get bugs and other pests out of your home once and for all. Try using these tips to teach your little one healthier cleaning habits.

  • Keep chores manageable by age:It’s important to pick easy and appropriate chores by age. For example, kindergarteners may become frustrated if you ask them to fold their clothing — but they can easily put their clothes in a hamper and organize toys in a toy box.
  • Use a picture chart:Small children may forget what they need to do every day to keep their rooms clean. Using a picture chart with stickers can help little ones remember which chores they’ve done and which still need to be completed.
  • Teach children to tidy up a little bit every day:填充篮子和篮板很容易 - 只是在您不知不觉中发现它们溢出。教孩子们每天都要整理一点,以使事情更易于管理。
  • Consider rewards for older children:随着孩子的年龄,他们可以管理更大的琐事。为了使年龄较大的孩子的动力,您可能希望每次孩子一周完成所有的琐事时提供奖励。从津贴到额外的电视或平板电脑的时间,都有无数的选择来保持孩子的动力。

