How To Get Rid of Spiders (2022 Edition)

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Many of us are scared of spiders due to their fearsome, creepy looks and the potential danger of being bitten by venomous spiders, like the brown recluse spider. Unfortunately, spiders commonly live inside our homes, which is problematic because some spider species will quickly breed indoors and take over your home.


If you’re interested in learning how to get rid of spiders, keep reading our guide, which goes over the following:

  • How To Get Rid of and Kill Spiders
  • 如何将蜘蛛远离您的家和院子
  • How To Identify Spiders
  • Signs & Causes of a Spider Infestation

如果试图独自消灭蜘蛛变得太具有挑战性,我们建议Orkin,Terminix, 和能力。这些灭虫剂具有一些训练有素的专业人员,可以使用陷阱,诱饵和其他化学处理的解决方案,这些溶液通常比标准DIY方法更有效。

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For quotes from Orkin, call 866-701-4556, or fill outthis form

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Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!


    How To Get Rid of and Kill Spiders



    • 销毁所有蜘蛛网。拿起扫帚,击倒您遇到的所有蜘蛛网。如果您带走蜘蛛捕获食物的能力,那么坚持下去的可能性就不太可能。
    • Use vinegar to repel spiders.达克e a spray bottle and fill it halfway with white vinegar and the other half with water. Thenspray this mixtureinto common spider areas, like the corners of your rooms. Reapply this mixture every couple of days.
    • 使用蜘蛛杀虫剂。Insecticide treatments can be highly effective in killing spiders and even taking care of a more extensive spider infestation. Many insecticides will instruct you to spray them along your baseboards, under furniture, and in the corners of your home. Please note that some insecticides are unsafe to use around pets or children, so read the instructions and guidelines before applying.
    • DIY从精油中驱除了天然蜘蛛。Spiders do not like the smell of many essential oils, including lavender oil, peppermint essential oil, tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, and citronella. Try adding an ounce or two of one of these essential oils to a spray bottle, then fill it with water and a couple of drops of dish soap to make the mixture stickier. Then, spray this in common spider areas, like the corners of your home or the baseboards.
    • 彻底清理您的房屋。Use a vacuum around the window sills, curtains, blinds, and curtain rods to target areas where spider egg sacs may be. Make sure you empty your vacuum in a trash can outside, far from the outside of your home.
    • 购买蜘蛛陷阱。蜘蛛陷阱通常是平坦的纸板块,顶部有一层薄薄的胶水。蜘蛛陷阱实质上是胶水陷阱,并防止蜘蛛踩到胶水陷阱。在您的入口,踢脚板和房屋的角落附近使用这些。
    • Use diatomaceous earth (DE).DE is an有效的自然疗法that lacerates the spider’s exteriors, leading it to pass away from dehydration. A typical application of DE is in thin, tiny layers and around the exterior of your home.



    Nobody wants to come across a spider crawling across their walls. Here are some of our top tips for preventing spiders from coming into your home and yard in the first place:

    • Clear the clutter.Spiders love accessible hiding places, like cardboard boxes, storage areas, and dark closets. Clean up the clutter to prevent spiders from using your home as an easy target. Vacuum regularly to keep webs under control and eliminate food sources for spiders and other pests, like fleas and roaches, that may attract spiders to come into your home.
    • 安装窗口屏幕。如果您喜欢保持窗户的打开状态,请确保安装屏幕以防止害虫进入。安装后,定期检查屏幕并立即更换发现的任何撕裂屏幕。
    • Keep your kitchen tidy.Don’t leave out leftovers or food crumbs that may attract insects. Insects are many spiders’ preferred food source, so discouraging other insects from entering your home can keep spiders away too.
    • Repair any cracks in your foundation.如果您注意到基础或门口中的缝隙,孔或缝隙,请立即注意并用填缝产品封闭缝隙。蜘蛛的积分越少,必须进入您的家越好。
    • 更改您的室外照明。像许多害虫一样,蜘蛛被灯吸引到灯光下,因此仅在需要时保持户外灯。考虑将灯泡切换到钠蒸气灯或黄色灯光,这是害虫的吸引力较差的选择。
    • Keep up your landscaping.修剪任何高的草和清除植被,距离您家外部至少八英尺,以防止蜘蛛意外徘徊。高草是许多害虫中最喜欢的藏身之处,蜘蛛可能会在高大的草丛中寻找食物,因此请继续定期的草坪割草以防止这种食物。屏障杀虫剂也可用于排斥您的院子和家中的蜘蛛。


    DE is an effective natural remedy that lacerates the spider’s exteriors, leading it to pass away from dehydration.

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    How To Identify Spiders

    Spiders are eight-legged arachnids with fangs and several sets of eyes (typically eight eyes in total). It’s usually easy to identify these pests as a spider, but it can be difficult to identify different species of spiders.

    There are twoprimary types of spiders:web building spiders and hunting spiders.



    • 积极的猎人,追捕和追捕猎物
    • They may also be passive hunters who lie in wait for prey to approach them
    • Do not create spider webs to capture food in
    • Live outside, but may come inside during colder weather
    • Typically don’t reproduce inside because they don’t tend to thrive once indoors
    • Are fast and difficult to catch
    • Examples of hunter spiders include: Parson spiders, sac spiders, wolf spiders, and sowbug spiders


    Web building spiders are considered a more severe threat to humans because they’re more likely to thrive indoors and breed, making the possibility of a spider infestation much more likely.

    • Create spider webs to catch their prey
    • 通常生活在他们的蜘蛛网附近或等待下一顿饭
    • Depending on the species of spider, it may survive, or even thrive, indoors and reproduce
    • Usually have poor eyesight and rely on sensing and their spider webs to eat
    • Examples ofweb building spidersinclude: Tangle web spiders,house spiders, black widow spiders, brown recluse spiders

    Venomous Spiders

    When identifying what kind of spider is in your home, it’s essential that you rule out the two types of venomous spiders that live in the United States. Both the brown recluse spider and black widow spider have venomous spider bites that can require medical attention.

    虽然罕见的其中一个蜘蛛咬到cause a fatality, it has happened. You’re far more likely to experience uncomfortable symptoms as a result of the spider bite, which is why medical attention is recommended if you’re bitten.

    Venomous Spiders in the United States

    • 黑寡妇蜘蛛:The black widow is infamous for being the most venomous spider in the United States. Black widow spiders are identifiable by their all-black body and red hourglass marking on their back. They typically live inside and will seek shelter inside of our closets, shoes, or other crevices.
    • 棕色的隐居蜘蛛:This spider is mainly in the western and southern parts of the United States. They typically hide in woodpiles, cardboard boxes, sheds, and dark, damp places. They can be identified by their brown body and six eyes (most spiders have eight eyes).

    Signs & Causes of a Spider Infestation

    So, what attracts spiders into your home? There are various reasons that spiders may enter your home, but the primary reason is access to food, water, and shelter from cold weather. Many homeowners will experience increased spider activity during the fall and winter as spiders seek refuge from the cold and less favorable weather conditions, like rain and snow. However, spiders are a pest that are still commonly seen year-round, so don’t let your guard down just because it’s spring or summer.


    • Other insect infestations in your home (Spiders eat insects, so an existing infestation gives them easy access to their next meal)
    • Easy shelter (Spiders will use sheltered areas of your home, such as woodpiles, storage areas, cardboard boxes, etc. as a hiding place)
    • Dark, secluded areasin your home, such as the basement, attic, garage, or crawl space
    • 轻松地通过裂缝,缝隙,撕裂的窗户和孔进入您的房屋(如果容易进入您的家,蜘蛛和其他害虫更有可能进入)
    • Protection from the weather outside (If the temperatures are dropping outside, spiders are more likely to come inside in search of shelter)


    Signs of a spider infestation:

    • 注意到您家周围的蜘蛛网
    • Spotting spiders in your home
    • Having an existing insect infestation, especially flying insects, like gnats, mosquitoes, or flies
    • 查找蜘蛛卵囊,通常包裹在丝球中

    If you find egg sacs in your home, you likely have a severe infestation or are about to have a significant infestation. It’s recommended that you immediately contact a害虫控制专业人员for immediatespider control measures


    Spiders are creepy pests that nobody wants to find in their home. Worse yet, many species of spiders breed quickly and can take over your home in the blink of an eye.


