Ultimate Golden Silk Orb Weaver Guide (Banana Spider Facts)

>Removal Guides>How To Get Rid of Spiders (2022 Edition)>Ultimate Golden Silk Orb Weaver Guide (Banana Spider Facts)

There are four different types of spiders that are referred to as banana spiders.


  • Cupiennius saleispiderof Mexico and South America
  • 巴西流浪蜘蛛
  • Argiope appensa,hailing from the islands in the western Pacific
  • Golden silk orb weaver


Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!



    被称为Arachnid世界的建筑师,香蕉蜘蛛are best known for their ability to spin sturdy spider webs and produce golden silk coloring.

    Scientifically known asNephila Clavipes而且被称为巨型木蜘蛛,金球织机,和金丝蜘蛛,这种黄金刺激的蛛网通常在气候温暖的国家中蓬勃发展。






    Golden silk orb weavers are often found in dry open forests, swamps, and areas that are densely populated by trees and shrubs which are essential for the spider to secure its web.

    Most of the time, webs of banana spiders are built at human eye level. In some cases however, golden orbs can also be seen along tree tops.




    How to Identify a Banana Spider

    As clarified earlier, there are four specific types of spiders that share a common name of香蕉蜘蛛。在本文中,您将通过identifying the golden silk orb weaver






    The spider is predominantly reddish to greenish yellow in color accented with white patches along its large abdomen.



    考虑到其纯粹的体型,香蕉蜘蛛能够yielding wide webs可以跑到一米。在森林中,球体的支撑链可以延伸到多米。


    The orb is also maintained and renewed by the spider daily or every other day.

    Diet and Feeding Behavior

    就像大部分的orb的兄弟一个d sisters, the banana spiders rely mainly on its ability to感觉到其网络中丝毫振动确定是否该是喂食的时候了。

    The spider has patches of black hairs on its 1st, 2nd, and 4th pairs of legs which are essential in picking up vibrations.

    由于其庞大的网络和体型,香蕉spider is capable of trapping and consuming a wide spectrum of small to medium sized insects which include grasshoppers, moths, mosquitoes, bees, and butterflies.

    Do Banana Spiders Eat Mice?


    However, there are still no known records that indicate the golden silk orb weaver’s craving for rodent cuisine.

    Considering the mouse’s agility and the concerned spider’s feeding behavior, it seems impossible for the two creatures to meet on a dinner table. Yet there are other types of spiders, like the Brazilian wandering spider, which are able to hunt down these common household pests.

    阅读更多:Mouse in the house? Here are 5 ideas to keep mice away

    How Do Banana Spiders Get Around?

    Golden silk orb weavers are not really fond of moving around too often. In fact, with their webs established,these spiders stay in their nests从白天到黑夜,等待他们的下一顿饭来。

    Do They Jump?

    Apart from their main orbs, banana spiders also spawn complex networks of barrier threads that provide protection from larger predators. These threads are spun in various directions to cover the spider’s flanks.


    Do They Swim?

    Banana spiders don’t swim at all. Most of the time, they lie in wait within their orbs for their next meal. Like most spiders, they simply crawl their way among trees in search of more suitable nesting grounds.


    金色丝球织工赢得了昵称香蕉蜘蛛for two main reasons. One is that their golden silk coloring fluid resembles a shade similar to bananas.

    The other reason is that these spiders are also often found nesting between banana trees which are a dominant fruit tree among tropical countries.

    However, this isn’t always the case. The golden orb weaver spider got its香蕉蜘蛛昵称由于其身体形状和颜色。




    In some cases however, bites from this specific type of banana spider can cause an allergic reaction to some people. In a scenario where difficulty in breathing takes place, it is important to seek immediate medical attention.

