Top 2 Best Cockroach Repellents (**2022 Review**)

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Home>产品评论>Best Cockroach Killers (Complete 2020 Guide)>Top 2 Best Cockroach Repellents (**2022 Review**)

Are you looking for cockroach repellents? Then you’ve come to the right place.

In this Pest Strategies product review you can expect to learn:

  • Cockroach biology and behavior
  • What the various roach repellents are
  • 蟑螂驱虫剂的工作状况
  • What to do with a cockroach repeller
  • How to use them in combinations
  • 如何避免使用蟑螂驱虫剂时常见错误
Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!

Chrysanthemum Extract

  • 无酒精液体提取物
  • 所有天然成分
  • Odorless

Natural Indoor Pest Control Spray

  • Can kill and repel over 100 types of pests
  • Fast acting and non-staining
  • 无需混合

Table Of Contents

    Top 4 Best Cockroach Repellents

    Short on time or just want a quick answer?

    Check out our list below for a summary of our results. Keep on reading to learn more about cockroach repellents.

    1. Chrysanthemum Extract
    2. Natural Indoor Pest Control Spray

    What is the Cockroach’s Biology and Behavior?

    在与敌人战争之前,如果您对他们有所了解,这会有所帮助。考虑到这一点,我们将为您提供简短的操作cockroach biologyso you’ll better understand what you’re up against.


    They carry asthma-inducing allergens and are a known vector for antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Roaches are small – the size of a dime or penny – and very fast. They’re usually tan or light brown with two black “racing stripes” down their back.

    They prefer to live in tight spaces where they can feel something rubbing on their backs, which makes them feel protected from birds who are their natural predators.

    If they don’t feel something on their backs it means they are exposed to the open sky and birds might eat them, so they prefer tight cracks and crevices as a safety measure.

    Maturefemales produce 12-36 eggs at a time, and once hatched, the babies grow to adulthood in about 50-60 days. Temperatures warmer than 80ºF can shorten that time considerably.

    They are nocturnal and can almost anything; spilled milk, old eggs, each other’s dead bodies (yes, they’re cannibals), cat poop; the list goes on and on, getting more disgusting all the time.

    另请阅读:What are the best cockroach baits and poisons?

    What Scents Repel Cockroaches?

    有些气味自然会与其他昆虫一起排斥蟑螂。其中最主要的是菊花花,也称为garden mums, which have strong repellent properties.

    They produce a天然化学称为吡喃, as a protection against invasive insects. Many insecticides use pyrethroids, an artificial version of pyrethrum, as their active ingredient.


    The following video will give you more tips in getting rid of cockroaches.



    Many people claim, quite vociferously, that essential oils have eradicated their cockroach problem completely.


    You can’t weigh testimony on a scale or measure it with a ruler, but it can send a person to jail or set them free, so it does matter. The same thing is true with “eyewitness testimony” about essential oils.

    Some of the essential oils that have a lot of eyewitness testimony in their favor are peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, and cedar.

    Peppermint smells fresh and clean to humans, but for small creatures like insects, the odor is overpowering. It is too strong for them and they try to get away from it if they can.

    Notice the word “try”.

    他们可能不喜欢薄荷的味道,但如果they’re hungry enough, they’ll brave it anyway to get something to eat. The same principle applies to eucalyptus oil as well.




    Click here to learn more about cedar oil.


    Do Ultrasonic Pest Control Devices Work On Cockroaches?

    As with the question about the essential oils, it depends on who you ask. Some people swear up and down that ultrasonic repellers worked miracles on their insect problems, while others just as vehemently swear they didn’t do anything.



    How do they work in repelling cockroaches?

    They emit ultrasonic sounds in the 22-65 Khz frequencies. These sounds are too high pitched for the human ear to detect them – much like a dog whistle.

    Insects and other pests can hear them quite easily though. For them, the sounds are extremely irritating and they attempt to avoid them.

    The controversy arises because, during the first few weeks of usage, pest activity actuallyincreasesbecause the sounds are stirring them up and driving them out of their homes. After that, according to those who love them, insect activity dropped sharply.

    Once again, you need to approach ultrasonic control not as a black or white proposition but as a game of percentages. Play the numbers and you’ll be a happy camper. Demand perfection and nothing will ever satisfy.

    What Combinations Work Best?

    Rather than relying on one item in the list, we’re fond of combinations. The “one-two punch” phrase made famous in the boxing ring certainly applies to pest control.



    In the military, underground bunkers use what is called a cofferdam approach to slow down an incoming blast from an artillery shell a time until blast wave has finally dissipated.

    That’s what our layering approach to pest control does. Each layer, ultrasonic, essential oils, chrysanthemum extract, and so on, takes a toll on the cockroach population until finally there is none left.

    Two layers should be sufficient but for maximum effectiveness, we recommend three layers. Individually, they’ll all work to a certain degree, but put them together and the cockroaches are going to find themselves in a hurt lock.


    The number one mistake people make is giving up just before they finally get control of the bugs. We’ve spent years in the pest control field and we’ve never seen a pest problem that was taken care of overnight.

    It always takes time.


    Another common mistake is using several different sprays on top of each other. Our layered, or cofferdam approach doesn’t counsel you to do that.

    The layers we had in mind are concentric, one after another. Never spray one on top of another as they often tend to cancel each other out. Then you actually wind up with less pest control than you had before, or none at all.


    While we applaud their initiative, their timing is awful. All their doing is mopping away everything we sprayed. Don’t do that to yourself. Clean and mop first, then spray.



    Related Articles

    Chrysanthemum Extract

    This is a 2-ounce bottle of alcohol-free extract from chrysanthemum flowers, specifically Chrysanthemum x morifolium, fromHawaiiParm.


    Spray it in a 6-12 inch wide band around the areas you want protected. Not only can it repel the cockroaches, it can also kill the ones foolish enough to venture across it anyway since that’s exactly what happens in nature.


    It’s very easy to use, and of course, all natural. Unfortunately, in this state, you’ll probably need to reapply it once or twice a week to maintain an effective barrier.

    The Good And The Bad

    • Odorless
    • 非染色
    • Simple to use
    • No poisons to worry about
    • Can yield a large volume of liquid spray
    • Needs to be reapplied frequently


    This ready-to-use spray fromWondercide是薄荷和雪松的组合。它带有一个32盎司的瓶子,将覆盖400平方英尺或2000平方英尺房屋的整个周边。


    雪松油是这种活性成分,因为它应该阻止章鱼的作用。在蟑螂中,章鱼胺充当神经激素, controlling the release of trehalose and lipids.


    There are no poisons or traps to worry about with this spray. It’s easy to use and doesn’t require any mixing when you get it. The downside is that you only get 1 bottle of it when you order it, so it’s a bit more expensive than some other repellents.

    The Good And The Bad

    • 没有污渍
    • Easy to use
    • 无需混合
    • 双作用公式
    • 覆盖400平方英尺
    • 更昂贵的比其他repellents