霉菌和霉菌的最佳7个最佳空气净化器(**2021 Review**)

模具has been a problem since the dawn of time. Egon, from the originalGhostbusters, who told their secretary, “I collect spores, molds, and fungus,” is probably the only person in the world who actually likes mold. The rest of us can’t stand it, and rightly so.

To stop mold growth, you need a mold air purifier.

In this Pest Strategies review you’ll learn:

  • 什么是空气净化器
  • How air purifiers work
  • What you can expect from air purifiers
  • Which air purifiers are the best
MEDIFY MA-40W v2.0空气净化器
  • Medical Grade Air Filter
  • 捕获超细颗粒并在一小时内清洗1,600平方英尺
  • Quiet mode for night time and lockable making it child safe


霉菌暴露对人类健康构成了永远存在的威胁。它可能引起和/或恶化过敏反应,如果是Stachybotrys Chartarum,甚至可以导致死亡在最坏的情况下。显然,我们想不惜一切代价避免这种情况。空气净化器可以提供帮助。

Keep reading to learn about all the best air purifiers, or单击此处跳过我们的首选。

图片 Product
MEDIFY MA-40W v2.0空气净化器
  • Medical Grade Air Filter
  • 捕获超细颗粒并在一小时内清洗1,600平方英尺
  • Quiet mode for night time and lockable making it child safe
  • Medical Grade Air Filter
  • 捕获超细颗粒并在一小时内清洗1,600平方英尺
  • Quiet mode for night time and lockable making it child safe
Alen BreatheSmart Classic Air Purifier
  • Cleans air every 30 minutes
  • Uses WhisperMax technology
  • Contains HEPA-Silver filter
  • Cleans air every 30 minutes
  • Uses WhisperMax technology
  • Contains HEPA-Silver filter
  • 高级技术,以滤除99%的机载污染物
  • Reduces household odors
  • Quiet operation
  • 高级技术,以滤除99%的机载污染物
  • Reduces household odors
  • Quiet operation
  • Uses active oxygen to kill bacteria
  • Uses PECO technology
  • Portable so you can use it at home or on the go
  • Uses active oxygen to kill bacteria
  • Uses PECO technology
  • Portable so you can use it at home or on the go
SilverOnyx Air Purifier
  • 5 levels of filtration
  • Combines filters and ion generator
  • 5 fan speeds
  • 5 levels of filtration
  • Combines filters and ion generator
  • 5 fan speeds
  • 紫外线杀死空气传播病毒
  • Double filtration system
  • Filters 99 percent of mold and dust
  • 紫外线杀死空气传播病毒
  • Double filtration system
  • Filters 99 percent of mold and dust
Aeramax 100空气净化器
  • HEPA and activated carbon filters
  • Automatically detects particles
  • 浆质技术
  • HEPA and activated carbon filters
  • Automatically detects particles
  • 浆质技术

Our Overall #1 Rated Pick


  • Medical Grade Air Filter
  • 捕获超细颗粒并在一小时内清洗1,600平方英尺.
  • Quiet mode for night time and lockable making it child safe.

如果您是那种渴望事实并可以在没有所有绒毛的情况下做的人,我们现在会告诉您,我们已经选择了MEDIFY MA-40W v2.0空气净化器作为我们的总体最好的选择。


为了进行比较a human hair is 40-50 microns in diameter. One micron would 40 times smaller than a human hair, and the IQAir filter catches particles 3/1000ths smaller than that! And it catches those airborne pollutants in an area of 1 sq feet, a medium-sized house.



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Our #1 Ranked For:Ants, Roaches, Spiders, and Rodents Issues


Our #1 Ranked For:清除蚊子,跳蚤,壁虱,黄蜂和其他刺痛昆虫

Top 7 Best Air Purifiers



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What Are Air Purifiers?

Airborne particles including airborne mold, mildew, pet dander,尘螨,其他过敏原可以结合起来,在您的房屋中产生空气污染和霉味。随着发霉气味的增加,空气质量将受到影响。

All of those floating particles are winding up in your lungs, which is about as unhealthy as you can get. You can restore quality air in your house by removing these irritants, which is where air purifiers come into play. They are essentially air cleaning devices.



Some air purifiers also produce对人类健康有益的负离子. It’s important to note that an air purifier is不是除湿机,但彼此结合使用它们并没有什么坏处。

Learn more about how air purifiers work in this video:

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How Do Air Purifiers Work?

Air purifiers work by filtering air as an internal fan draws air into the purifier,filters it by one of several different meansthen pumps it back into the surrounding air again.

用于霉菌和过敏原去除的最佳空气净化器将利用真正的HEPA(高效颗粒吸收)滤波器。真的HEPA filters are high-efficiency filtersthat must stop 99.9% of all particles that are 0.3 microns in diameter.

A true HEPA filter is one that meets the high-efficiency particulate absorption standards, which are lofty. Other filters may be similar to HEPA filters, but do not achieve the same standards. Other filters can also be effective, but are not as high-quality as a true HEPA filter.

The filter captures and holds airborne particles as a fan forces indoor air through the filter. The higher the fan speed, the greater the chance the force of the air current will cause particles to slip through the filter, making this one instance where faster isn’t good.

Replacement filters are required on a regular basis as they become laden with captured particles that inhibit airflow through the filtration system.





Finally, air purifiers for mold often include a UV light. Rays fromUV light kill bacteria, mold, and spores.



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Our #1 Ranked For:Ants, Roaches, Spiders, and Rodents Issues


Our #1 Ranked For:清除蚊子,跳蚤,壁虱,黄蜂和其他刺痛昆虫


Short answer: for a buying guide, you come to Pest Strategies and take advantage of our years of experience out in the field.



Whether the mold is under the house or under the sink, killing it once it’s taken root is a hard, dirty job. It taught us – the hard way – that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The best way to stop a mold problem isbeforeit happens.


You may be familiar with brands that are well-marketed, like Germguardian. But good marketing doesn't make a good product.

Over the years we’ve seen the brands and models that didn’t work (because we were called out to spray for mold) and the ones that did. So, let our experience be your guide.

Are Air Purifiers Effective?


Howeffective they are will depend on which one you get. That’s why we publish articles like this, to guide you to the best ones. People usually want to save money and we don’t blame them, but in this instance, the old saying, “你得到你所付出的,” definitely applies.



What is high quality? Well, there are a number of ways to measure air purifier quality. HEPA is one common method. Another isClean Air Delivery Rate (CADR). CADR is intended to measure stand-alone purifiers, like the ones that we rated. However, they aren’t always the most reliable.

For one thing, CADR only measures the first 20 minutes of a purifier’s performance. This means that the long-term performance of a purifier isn’t taken into account. CADR also doesn’t factor in ultrafine particles, which make up 90% of air pollution.


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How To Use An Air Purifier

Every air purifier should fit the room it’s in. A large room would need a large-capacity air purifier while a smaller room would need one with a smaller capacity. The location is equally important though.


The furniture arrangement in each room will dictate the exact placement but if you can position it near the coffee table or other pieces of furniture, it will keep it mostly out of the way but still enable it to circulate the air in the room through its filters.

Another consideration is the noise level from the purifier. The fan inside will create a certain amount of background noise during normal operations. Pay close attention to any quiet operation mode or modes of operation. The exact decibel level is rarely mentioned in the description so you’ll have to look closely at what it does say.

If you’re buying your purifier from Amazon, check the customer reviews. Sometimes you can find where other buyers have commented about the noise and their first-hand experience can be valuable to your decision-making.

Are Air Purifiers Safe Around My Pets And Children?



Aside from the normal caution you should take around any household electrical appliance, air purifiers are safe around your pets and children. Just don’t let your pet sleep right in front of it as their hair will get pulled in and clog the filters.

Best Air Purifiers Reviewed

As a quick recap, here are the 7 air purifiers we looked at.

  1. MEDIFY MA-40W v2.0空气净化器
  2. Alen BreatheSmart Classic Air Purifier
  3. 蓝色空气蓝色纯2空气净化器
  4. Molekule空气大房间空气净化器
  5. SilverOnyx Air Purifier
  6. Germguardian空气净化器
  7. Aeramax 100空气净化器

我们的第一顺位进入MEDIFY MA-40W v2.0空气净化器,但是其他一些可能更适合您的需求。

  • Medical Grade Air Filter
  • 捕获超细颗粒并在一小时内清洗1,600平方英尺.
  • Quiet mode for night time and lockable making it child safe.

For large rooms or small houses, this is the true HEPA air purifier to get. TheMedify MA-40Walso goes 100 times beyond the normal HEPA standards. It catches ultra-fine particles down to 0.003μ in size.

It has a tempered glass panel like your cell phone, easy to clean, won't scratch like cheap plastic models, sleep and three fan speeds, 8 hr timer, night mode, and a child lock to make it safe for any room you want to put it in!

The Medify MA-40W model comes with a filter, so it is ready to get to work as soon as you unbox it. This filter has a life expectancy of about 2500 hours, which equates to approximately six months before you will need a new one.

Maybe most importantly of all, this air purifier is designed to eliminate volatile organic compounds (VOC). These include several chemicals in cigarette smoke.


  • Long-lasting filters
  • 捕获超细颗粒
  • 每小时额定为1600平方英尺


  • Mid ranged price tag
  • Cleans air every 30 minutes
  • Uses WhisperMax technology
  • Contains HEPA-Silver filter

Alen BreatheSmart Classic Air Purifier将处理最多1100平方英尺的房间或小公寓,每30分钟完全清洁空气。它使用其专有的耳语技术将噪声水平降低到大多数净化器所能达到的水平以下。

The HEPA-Silver filter has an antimicrobial compound coating to inhibit bacteria and fungi growth. It also has an activated carbon filter that will particles of cigarette smoke, household chemicals, and others.




  • 覆盖1100平方英尺
  • Extremely quiet
  • Smart controls
  • Excellent warranty
  • Customizable


  • 昂贵的价格标签
  • 高级技术,以滤除99%的机载污染物
  • Reduces household odors
  • Quiet operation

这个premium air purifier from Blue Air uses the latest technology to reduce mold and other impurities in your home. It utilizes an advanced Swedish filtering design to eliminate nearly 99 percent of airborne impurities. It also cuts down on most household odors such as:

  • Cooking odors
  • Smoke
  • 宠物气味
  • 垃圾闻起来

操作很简单 - 只需将其打开并将其调整到所需的水平即可。另外,它是如此安静,您几乎不会注意到它在那里。


  • 高级技术,以滤除99%的机载污染物
  • Reduces household odors
  • Quiet operation
  • 高效节能


  • Takes a day or two to remove the packaging smell from the product
  • Uses active oxygen to kill bacteria
  • Uses PECO technology
  • Portable so you can use it at home or on the go

Molekule空气大房间空气净化器will handle rooms or small apartments up to 600 square feet, and this device does not just collect what is in the air; it destroys it. Not only does the Molekule Air destroy air contaminants, but it does it at a whisper, so even right beside your bed, you can sleep while it works.

The Molekule Air uses Photo Electrochemical Oxidation (PECO) nanotechnology to destroy viruses, VOCs, allergens, bacteria & mold, candle aromas, and just about any other kind of irritant that could cause you problems.

It has a leather handle that makes it easy to move from one room to another as you see fit, and its filters all come with a warranty, so even if you get a faulty one, you have the support of the company in getting it replaced.

最重要的是,您可以将Molekule Air连接到Wi-Fi,并直接通过Android,iPhone或类似设备通过蓝牙技术控制它。


  • 破坏而不是包含粒子
  • Warranty on the filters
  • Portable


  • Very expensive
  • 5 levels of filtration
  • Combines filters and ion generator
  • 5 fan speeds

这个SilverOnyx Air Purifieris for a room of 500 square feet, which reduces the cost but it still packs a lot of features. It features 5 different levels of filtration and comes in an attractive tabletop size that looks more like a decoration than an air filter.

It has a true HEPA filter, a combination mesh pre-filter, an activated carbon filter, a UV-C light, and an ion generator. All those stages are combined with an auto mode running off a smart sensor that automatically adjusts the airflow based on changing conditions.

The fan has 5 different speeds, each of which is incrementally louder than the previous one. The highest speed can be fairly loud. The filters need to be changed every 6 months.


  • 5阶段过滤系统
  • 有吸引力的设计
  • Small size
  • 便宜


  • 高风扇速度很大
  • Change filter every 6 months
  • Filters 99 percent of mold and dust
  • 紫外线杀死空气传播病毒
  • Double filtration system

这GermGuardian four-in-one air purifier features a true HEPA filter that reduces up to 99 percent of the following:

  • 灰尘
  • Pollen
  • 模具
  • Pet dander
  • Allergens


The GermGuardian Air Purifier comes with three speeds and an optional UV light function. It's super quiet on the lowest setting, and it covers up to 743 square feet.


  • Filters 99 percent of mold and dust
  • 紫外线杀死空气传播病毒
  • Double filtration system
  • Covers up to 743 square feet


  • 可能不断使用过热
  • HEPA and activated carbon filters
  • Automatically detects particles
  • 浆质技术

半高但细长的空气净化器,Aeramax 100空气净化器具有4阶段的过滤系统,包括HEPA过滤器和活化的碳过滤器。它具有一个智能传感器来检测空气中的粒子和自动模式,因此让它在情况下会随时改变风扇的速度。


It has been given an antimicrobial treatment to protect it against odor-causing mildew, bacteria, and fungi. The proprietary PlasmaTrue technology creates an ionized field to further remove airborne pollutants and particles.



  • 4-stage filtration system
  • Smart sensors
  • Automatically adjusts itself


  • Change carbon filter every 3 months
  • Change HEPA filter every year

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我们的首选:MEDIFY MA-40W v2.0空气净化器

Remember that theMEDIFY MA-40W v2.0空气净化器与普通的HEPA空气净化器相比,使用医学级空气净化系统超过了100倍的医疗级空气净化系统。

It has a 99.99% efficiency rating for stopping particles as small as 0.003μ and can remove odors from the air.


  • Medical grade air filter
  • 捕获超细颗粒并在一小时内清洗1,600平方英尺
  • Quiet mode for night time and lockable making it child safe

Final Thoughts On Air Purifiers

As the square foot capacity for air purifiers diminishes, so does the cost. In some cases, it might actually be best to buy two smaller units instead of a single larger one, or even three small ones.

On the larger units, the filters are more robust and don’t have to be changed as often than they do on the smaller purifiers.

但是,如果您需要一个生病或过敏的孩子的特殊清洁空气,那么较大的模型可能是最好的,因为它们通常会从空中捕获更多的颗粒,尤其是我们的最佳选择,即 MEDIFY MA-40W v2.0空气净化器.



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Because pest control products can be dangerous to your family if mishandled, we always recommend consulting with an exterminator even if just to ask for advice on how to apply pest control products yourself.

Our pest experts review each company for quality, cost, customer service, safety, and 100’s of other important factors and assess a rating out of 100. Below are our top 3 picks based on that review for pest removal. We’ve set up a direct line with each company so you can get fast free quotes right now.


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