如何远离鸟类(2022 Edition)

>Removal Guides>去除鸟>如何远离鸟类(2022 Edition)

Birds are beautiful animals from afar, but they can quickly become destructive pests that can destroy your home, flowers, and vegetable garden. Certain species of birds don’t even have natural predators, which means that there is no natural bird control for these species of birds.



  • 远离鸟类的前7种方法
  • Top 5 Natural Solutions
  • What Attracts Birds?
Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!



    If you’ve found nuisance birds on your property, you’re probably wondering what kind of pest control steps you can take to protect your garden, home, and property from the damage that birds can do to your home. Unfortunately, birds can be highly destructive between their roosting habits, nasty droppings, damage to your gutters, and more.

    Here are our top recommendations for keeping birds away from your home:

    • 使用机械鸟威慑。你可以使用鸟网要物理地排除试图到达花坛,花园,果树等的鸟类。只需悬挂鸟类,它们就无法通过。在选择鸟类网之前,请查看网上网眼的大小,并考虑您要避开的鸟类。例如,a hummingbird will need比鸣禽,红衣主教,罗宾斯或蓝鸟等较大的鸟类更紧密的网眼。我们还建议您在成熟或发芽之前使用鸟类网上的鸟类网,因为防止鸟类在您的农作物中进食要比在已经开始后阻止它们容易。鸟类可以高度持久地追随已知的食物来源,因此请阻止它们从一开始就避免这种困境。
    • 尝试听觉威慑力量驱除鸟类. Birds can hear in the1-4 kHz range,这比人类听到的要好得多。电子害虫防治公司通过创建散发出遇险电话和捕食者咆哮的声音威慑设备来利用这一优势,这些设备使鸟类混淆并将其吓到该地区。这些超声波驱虫剂中有许多处于设定的模式,但有些是由附近地区的鸟类或其他小动物进行运动激活的。您需要考虑是否需要超声波驱虫剂that is solar-powered or requires an electrical outlet before purchasing. We recommend positioning them on the border of your property, with any motion sensor facing outwards, and hanging them from a tree, or placing them on top of a fence. This will diminish your chances of the motion sensor being activated by a squirrel. The unexpected noise will help keep away birds. However, birds may realize that there is only noise and no actual predator over time, so we recommend turning your device off periodically to keep it fresh and unpredictable.
    • 使用视觉威慑。视觉威慑可以非常有效抗各种鸟类。巨型气球,例如bird-X恐惧眼驱虫气球,上面涂有大猫头鹰的眼睛。这些气球使鸟类吓跑了,因为它们认为捕食者会攻击它们。您还可以尝试悬挂闪亮的物品,例如铝箔条,旧CD或风铃,这些铝箔,旧的CD铃声,这些铝箔,将在风中移动并反射光线,吓off鸟。反光胶带也被出售,可能会震惊鸟类。任何在风中移动的东西都将在吓off鸟并模仿捕食者(例如猛禽)方面有效。
    • Place bird spikes on your property.如果你有鸟栖息的问题on your property, use bird spikes on your tree branches, roof, overhead beams, and fence to repel birds away. Bird spikes are ultra-thin不锈钢钉that poke the bird when they try to land or roost in these areas. They don’t hurt the birds but are enough of a hindrance to prevent most birds from landing. Keep in mind that small birds, like hummingbirds and sparrows, will still be able to land between the spikes.
    • 设置鸟陷阱。需要与驱除鸟类的其他预防方法一起使用陷阱。否则,您会让鸟不断回到您的财产。首先,您需要考虑财产上鸟类的大小,因为较小的鸟类需要比啄木鸟这样的较大鸟类小得多。鸟类在其环境中的新物体周围胆小,因此让它们在最初几天用作鸟类喂食器的陷阱,在那里它们不愿脱落。曾经鸟定期吃陷阱, then you can start catching the birds and releasing them away from your home.
    • 射击害虫。This is the least realistic of these options because most areas will not allow you tofire a weapon within city limits,许多鸟类受到法律保护,需要杀死许可证。射击鸟还需要大量的时间,精力和清理,这比其他远离鸟类的方法要多得多。

    Apply professional bird scent repellents. Many scents repel birds, and there are a variety of products on the market that you can spray on parts of your home where birds land, such as eaves or window sills. Always check to make sure these are child and pet-friendly if that is a concern for you.


    Top 5 Natural Solutions


    • 习惯修改。Habit modification is along-term solution涉及从您的财产中取出的东西来阻止鸟儿闲逛。首先,由于食物和水是重要的吸引者,因此将任何鸟浴或饲养者拆除。所有鸟类都需要淡水才能生存,因此,带走鸟浴是阻止鸟儿闲逛的一步。如果您有水特征,请尝试替代saltwater for freshwaterso that birds cannot drink it. Birds can smell the salt in the water and won’t even bother landing to test the water. We also recommend not leaving pet food outside or storing it in airtight containers. Also, check that all of your garbage cans are sealed and weighed down to prevent birds and wildlife from breaking into your trash cans at night.
    • 跟上美化环境。鸟类需要覆盖范围在恶劣的天气和强风中。跟上割草,修剪树篱,修剪树木。这将使在这些天气风暴期间最小化鸟类的可用覆盖物。您也可以使用长棍子在构造鸟类后将其驱散。如果他们继续重建鸟巢,请继续驱逐它们,直到鸟决定继续前进。
    • 使用塑料猫头鹰诱饵。假猫头鹰诱饵可以非常有效地吓到鸟类,因为您正在扮演他们对猛禽的自然,根深蒂固的恐惧。关键是,您必须始终如一地将它们围绕在您的财产周围,否则鸟类最终会注意到这些不是实际的威胁,并且将不再害怕您的财产。尝试将它们放在树枝上,栅栏的顶部或房屋的顶部。尝试将鳄鱼诱饵放在池塘或水功能中,以吓bird,如果您有水。土狼诱饵也可以有效地吓到鸟类。该策略的唯一缺点是,您几乎每天都需要定期定期移动这些诱饵,以使鸟类相信危险。
    • 将精油应用于您的财产。许多鸟类发现薄荷油是一种令人恶心的气味,可以将它们驱逐出您的财产。将稀释的薄荷油涂在您的财产中,以将鸟类避开。最好的部分是,大多数人都发现薄荷油宜人的气味,因此在此过程中不会打扰您对户外活动的享受。

    使用Cayenne Pepper为您带来优势。辣椒是另一种自然疗法,鸟类无法忍受。只需在植物或其他鸟类经常在您的物业上的植物或其他区域撒上辣椒。包括鸟类和臭鼬在内的许多害虫都无法忍受气味,因此这将使它们从现场排斥。

    Habit Modification


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    What Attracts Birds?


    害虫,例如麻雀,罗宾斯,八哥,乌鸦和其他species of birds通常会吸引食物来源,例如earth,昆虫,腐烂的水果,蔬菜和玉米。

    Other birds, like woodpeckers, are known for looking for food sources in dead trees, which are often overtaken by beetles, wood-boring insects, and carpenter ants. They are also被成熟的针叶树吸引和混合木材林木 - 在任何地方都可以找到死树。






    Unfortunately, there are many birds in the world, so this is a long-term battle, which is why long-term solutions, like habitat modification, will be your best friend in fighting back. If the problem isn’t improving, we recommend reaching out to your当地的害虫控制专业人员to have expert help in keeping birds off your property.

