Top 5 Best Squirrel Repellents (**2022 Review**)


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Home>Product Reviews>Squirrel Products>Top 5 Best Squirrel Repellents (**2022 Review**)

Looking for the best squirrel repellent for your home or yard? Great! You’re in the right place.

In this Pest Strategies review of squirrel repellents you can expect to learn:

  • 我们的总排名第一最好的松鼠驱虫剂
  • What Squirrel Repellents Are And How They Work
  • How Effective Certain Repellents Are For Your Squirrel Problem
  • 化学和超声驱蚊剂之间的差异
  • How To Choose the Repellent(s) That Will Work For Your Squirrel Problem!


Hoont Solar Powered Motion Activated Ultrasonic Pest Repeller

  • 3个超声波频率可供选择
  • Many reviewers solved their squirrel problems with these devices
  • Solar powered and safe, eco-friendly option

Out of the products we reviewed specifically for squirrels, the most effective repellent goes to theHoont太阳能,运动激活超声驱虫器


我们发现它的数量最多authentic positive feedbackafter use.

This is important.

如果您环顾互联网,您会发现那里are A LOT of brands试图出售这些产品。他们中的大多数人都以虚假的评论和令人发指的索赔来填补清单。

If you check out theHoont Repeller’s product page实际上,您会得到真正的人提供真正的反馈,尤其是关于松鼠的问题。

Overall, we are a tad skeptical of pest repellers, but this model appears to be delivering the best results in its category.

If you’re considering a non-chemical approach to pest removal, we recommend giving these solar powered devices a go.

Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer


Overall Rating
Best Service
Overall Rating

Hoont Solar Powered Motion Activated, Ultrasonic Pest Repeller (our #1 pick for your yard)

  • Solar Powered, Motion Activated
  • 人道有效
  • 关于松鼠问题的许多积极评论

Hoont Motion Activated Jet Blaster (Great solution depending on your yard setup)

  • Full Range Water Blast Intervals
  • Motion Activated Sensor
  • 人道有效

All Natural Rodent Defense Spray (a non-chemical repellent spray)

  • All Natural Spray
  • No Bad Odor
  • Safe Around Pets and Kids

I Must Garden Squirrel Repellent

  • Eco-friendly ingredients
  • Labeled for use with most vegetables and flowers
  • Convenient packaging, no equipment needed

MaxMoxie Repeller

  • For Indoor / Garage Use
  • Repels Additional Pests
  • Easy to Install

What Kinds of Repellents Exist for Squirrels?

But when it comes to squirrels, many people would prefer alternative methods so they don’t have to case physical harm to these animals.

松鼠也许是美国最常见的滋扰野生动植物。从加利福尼亚州洛杉矶到伯明翰,阿拉巴马州然后印第安纳州polis, IN,您可以找到松鼠。留下lotof people needing to find some form of squirrel repellent.

基本上,有两种主要类型的松鼠驱虫剂 - 超声波和化学类型。现在,让我们进一步了解他们的细节。

Read more: Click here to learn more about squirrels.


超声波是超过20,000赫兹(20千赫兹又名20 kHz)的任何声波,它高于人耳的能力。Dog whistles, for instance, are usually in the range of 23 to 54 kHz.

Dogs can hear them but people can’t. Most animals, including squirrels, can hear ultrasonic sounds. Studies at the University of Toledo found that squirrels can49 kHz


Results forultrasonic repellentsare mixed at best. A great deal of anecdotal evidence suggests they do work.

While anecdotal evidence is usually taken with a grain of salt (when enough of it builds up), it becomes difficult to ignore the facts with a clear conscience. Ignoring it past that point seems to be a matter of “follow the money, honey” where someone has a financial incentive for denying their results.


在我们的所有研究中,我们找不到有关该主题的任何实际研究。换句话说,他们声称超声波声音不起作用,但没有提供任何证据来支持其位置 - 同时,由于缺乏严格的证据而指责另一方!

What about chemical repellents?

如果证据是超声波repe好坏参半llents, what about chemical ones? Unfortunately, we find the same thing here as well.

Homemade repellents, such as mothballs, cayenne pepper, or ammonia are touted by many, claiming they work because squirrels don’t like the smell.

在我担任害虫防治技术员的14。5年中,我遇到了许多尝试过这些方法的人,然后告诉我,当情况没有任何区别时,他们对他们有多失望。一个女人实际上找到了铜头蛇happily sunning itself in the middle of a bunch of mothballs on her back porch.


So much for home remedies!

Commercial repellents have a somewhat better track record, however,persistence is essential。Chemical barriers must be constantly maintained and chemicals must be replaced after heavy rains or winds.

If they aren’t replaced right way, don’t blame the repellents for failing to keep the squirrels away. They can only work if you’re dead serious in getting the job done. But there are other natural odors that may be competing with them, acting like a Push Me Pull You from Doctor Dolittle.

How Should You Choose a Repellent?

Because the evidence for both ultrasonic and chemical repellents are so mixed, you’ll have to do some research. Correction, you’ll have to do a lot of research.

You’ll have to read a lot of material, searching hither and thither for information. Then you’ll have to collate it all, weigh it in the balance, and make a decision about which one to get.

Read Also:What’re the best ultrasonic pest repellers?

Or . . . you could let us do all that work and simply read reviews like this to give you a quick summary of what’s available and which are the best for the price.



As a recap of our list, here are the five squirrel repellents we looked at.

Our #1 pick went to the MaxMoxie, but you should also check out the others to see if any of them might be better suited for your particular situation.

Specifically, the GizmoMate is nice for those you who need an outdoor/indoor combination.


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Hoont Solar Powered Motion Activated Ultrasonic Pest Repeller

Hoont has been creating some of the more unique solutions in the pest control space for quite some time now, andthese solar powered ultrasonic repellers are some of the most effective, yet humane devices we’ve come across!

Just place these spiked devices near your yard and garden areas you wish to keep safe from squirrels and other pests, and let the ultrasonic frequencies and flashing strobe repel these creatures all day round.


The Good And The Bad

  • Humane pest repellent solution
  • 对于解决困难的害虫问题的非常有希望的评论
  • Includes the required 3 AA Batteries
  • Some mixed reviews, may not work everyone
Overall Rating

Hoont Motion Activated Jet Blaster


If you have access to a hose hookup,the Hoont Jet Blastersare a very unique and effective solution to your squirrel problem. While some of the reviews are mixed, a lot of customers with squirrel problems have found these to work quite well.

Easy to assemble, and quick to setup, these were sure to make it to the top of our list. Just place the spike into the ground,

There are limited options when dealing with squirrels, and this is certainly one of the best ways to keep these pests out of your garden without harming them!

The Good And The Bad

  • Unique and effective solution to your squirrel problem
  • Repels both squirrels and other garden pests
  • Humane solution
  • Requires 4 AA Batteries (Not Included)

MaxMoxie Pest Repeller

Out of the repellers we looked out, the MaxMoxie had the most authentic reviews.

Most of the other repellers you’ll notice have a ton of fake reviews and/or reviews that claim the product didn’t work.

The MaxMoxie is rated to repel mice, roaches, mosquitoes, spiders, and other various pests. Its ultrasonic waves cover up to 1200sq. ft and it can be placed in most house rooms (attic, garage, etc).

Some users reported effective elimination of mice, cockroaches, and ants.

This one goes on back order quite a bit so pick it up quick.

The Good And The Bad

  • 易于使用令人印象深刻的记录
  • Works if you give it time
  • Good coverage area
  • Excellent customer service
  • Price can be fairly high
  • 需要在地板或地面上冲洗

All Natural Rodent Defense Spray

This is a ready-to-use chemical spray made from all natural ingredients. It contains .025% garlic oil, .0495% peppermint oil, .0225% rosemary oil, .0255% white pepper, and inert ingredients of water and vinegar at 98.877%.

This combination is used by professional exterminators with varying degrees of success. The combination of smell and taste works together to repel and discourage squirrels and other critters.

This product works best in dry climates but it can be used in wet, humid ones if you’re willing to re-spray after each rain as well as twice a week to maintain a good barrier around your house, trashcans, etc. There is a one-gallon version available for those kinds of very wet environments.

The barrier, which needs to be re-applied twice a week, needs to be three feet wide, all the way around every area that needs protecting. Do not spray it directly on food or feed crop areas. It doesn’t have any harsh chemical smells, but you wouldn’t want to eat it.

一个有趣的技巧是浸泡几个破布this product then seal them inside a zip-lock baggie. Punch a few holes in the plastic and put the bags around the base of some trees. This creates a high concentration of repellent that is also fairly safe from the weather. The squirrels really don’t like it.

The Good And The Bad

  • 易于应用
  • 完全安全
  • No chemical smell
  • Excellent track record of success
  • 需要大量喷涂以达到效率
  • Has to be re-applied regularly

I Must Garden Squirrel Repellent

This granular squirrel repellent from I Must Garden stops squirrels from digging in gardens and flower beds. It contains ingredients that are safe for the environment but the kind that small animals hate.

This versatile repellent will get rid of squirrels and chipmunks around gardens but is kind to plants. It’s labeled for use around vegetables, flowers, and seedlings. And it’s non-toxic, so it’s safe to use around children and pets.

I Must Garden Squirrel Repellent granules are easy to use. Just flip the top of the shaker container, and sprinkle some around the areas needed. There’s no foul odor, and each treatment lasts up to 30 days in dry conditions.

The Good And The Bad

  • Eco-friendly ingredients
  • Labeled for use with most vegetables and flowers
  • No chemical or toxic odors
  • Convenient packaging, no equipment needed
  • Does not work to keep squirrels off bird feeders
  • May not be effective in larger garden areas
  • 可能有更经济的替代方案
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