如何摆脱浣熊(2021 Edition)

Raccoons are notoriously adorable, but they can also be a major nuisance in or around your home. They can make their way into almost any area and find food in places you might not even realize they can get to. Some of the areas they like to hide include:

  • Chimneys
  • Inside walls
  • Roofs
  • 在房屋下
  • Attics
  • Garages



  • 如何摆脱浣熊
  • How To Keep Raccoons Away
  • 如何识别浣熊
  • Signs of a Raccoon Infestation
  • 浣熊侵扰的原因

If trying to get rid of raccoons on your own becomes too challenging, we recommendOrkin,Terminix, 和Aptive。这些灭虫者具有一些训练有素的专业人员,可以使用陷阱,诱饵和其他化学处理的解决方案,这些解决方案通常比标准DIY方法更有效。

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For quotes from Orkin, call 866-701-4556, or fill outthis form

For a free quote from Aptive, call 855-521-7075 or visit the company'swebsite

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Our #1 Ranked For:蚂蚁, Roaches, Spiders, and Rodents Issues


Our #1 Ranked For:Mosquito Removal, Fleas, Ticks, Wasps, And Other Stinging Insects


If you know you have a raccoon infestation, you probably want to get rid of it as soon as possible. There are a few ways to go about removing raccoons from your home, garage, or yard, and if you know what they are, you can find the right solution for your particular raccoon control issue. It’s important to note that raccoons are incredibly intelligent. They will quickly figure out ways to get around deterrents, so moving on to DIY preventive measures as soon as you remove them from your home is essential.

1. Live Traps

If you know you have one or more raccoons living in an area of your home like your garage or basement,a live trapcould be your best option. Live raccoon traps are large cages with a one-way door that shuts when the animal enters so you can release them somewhere else far away from your home. These traps are some of the most humane ways to remove wildlife from in or around your house.

However, if you choose to use a live trap, you should be very careful when handling it and releasing the raccoon out into the wild. Raccoons can be dangerous if they’re trapped or cornered. Always be sure to wear protective gear like thick gloves when handling the cage or releasing the animal.

2.Granular or Liquid Repellents

浣熊驱虫剂使用浣熊讨厌的气味和口味。它们通常是无害的,但会阻止动物回到他们筑巢的地方。驱虫剂通常以颗粒状或液体形式出现。如果你是using a liquid spray, you should only apply it outdoors and in temperatures above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. If you’re using a granular repellent, it should be used on flat surfaces like floors or pathways. If you don't want to use commercial repellents, cayenne pepper can also work.

Substance repellents like these will usually require quite a few applications before the raccoons start to learn to stay away. If you have found a nest, apply the repellent in or around the area after clearing it out. This will prevent the raccoons from coming back as they figure out that it’s no longer a pleasant place to live.

3. Electronic Repellents

Electronic raccoon repellents use motion-activated water sprinklers to spray raccoons or bright lights to scare them as they try to get to their nests or areas where they can find food. They can work well as a conditioner to frighten animals away and don’t use any chemicals or harmful pesticides, making them a good option for areas like your garden or koi pond. One issue with electronic repellents is that it won’t take long for raccoons to figure out that the water or lights aren't harmful. They’re very smart animals, so repellents may not work long term. You’ll need to take steps to prevent them from getting back into the area after repelling them.



How to Keep Raccoons Away

Once you’ve gotten raccoons out of your home or yard, you’ll have to prevent them from getting back in. It’s one thing to remove them temporarily, but once raccoons have found a spot where they can be relatively safe, they’ll do everything they can to come back. This is why deterrents are not good solutions in the long run. You’ll need to take more steps to keep them from returning.


If you have any access points like gaps or openings under your doors or in your walls or loose shingles, raccoons will find a way to get inside. This is especially true during colder winter months when they hunt for shelter and warm places to make their nests. If you have a chimney, make sure the top has a wildlife guard to prevent raccoons from settling inside.




If you have pets, make sure their food is hidden away as well. Raccoons love things like cat and dog food and birdseed and can easily rip open bags to get to it. It’s best to store your pet’s food indoors if at all possible and keep it from being out in the open. If you have a bird feeder in your backyard, make sure it’s as high up off the ground as possible and inaccessible from any neighboring trees.

3. Install Raccoon Guards



4. Trim Your Vegetation

If you have trees or shrubs that bear fruit like a plum tree or blackberry bush, keeping them trimmed back and pruned is a great way to keep raccoons out of your yard. Raccoons will search for fruit that has fallen on the ground, and keeping the trees trimmed back and harvested keeps them from dropping an easy source of food that raccoons will gladly clean up.

5. Install Electric Fencing


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Raccoons are fairly recognizable, but they can often be mistaken for opossums, especially in the dark. These two animals also leave very similar footprints, making getting rid of them difficult since each has different techniques. Knowing how to identify a raccoon when you see one can help you find the best solution.


One of the most distinctive features of raccoons is their coloring. Their fur is an intermittent gray, white, and black with black hands and feet. Of course, their most distinctive trait is the black mask that covers their eyes. The mask will also usually be surrounded by white highlights and a white and gray muzzle.


浣熊和负鼠之间的主要区别之一是它们的大小。Adult raccoons can be incredibly large,而且它们将比大多数负鼠和猫大得多,其中一些长达三英尺长,不计算尾巴。这使他们很容易识别您是否看到一只比曾经在院子里看到的动物更大的动物。您可能还会看到一个母浣熊紧随其后的是一条单文件系列的几个婴儿浣熊。


Raccoons have a distinctive stocky shape with short legs and a round body. Their walk is extremely distinct, with an arched back and a gait that relies heavily on their front legs. They also have a ringed tail that is very furry and will often stick up in the air as they walk.

Type of Nest

Raccoons will build their nests anywhere they can find warmth. They’ll usually consist of small branches, leaves, and shrubbery, but they also use trash and discarded paper. Anything that can be used to insulate their den and keep it as warm as possible will be gathered and brought back. If you have an area like a hollowed-out tree in your yard, this would be a good place to look for a nest if you suspect you’redealing with a raccoon infestation


Our #1 Ranked For:Termites,Bed Bugs, and Larger Infestations


Our #1 Ranked For:蚂蚁, Roaches, Spiders, and Rodents Issues


Our #1 Ranked For:Mosquito Removal, Fleas, Ticks, Wasps, And Other Stinging Insects

Signs of a Raccoon Infestation


Footprints- Raccoon footprints look just like human footprints, except they’re only a few inches long. They will usually be in places like your garage or basement floor.

Droppings- You're more likely to notice raccoon droppings around the bases of trees or woodpiles, and you may also notice a feces smell in your garage or attic.

Trash- If you notice your trash cans have been knocked over or that the trash has been spread around your yard, this is a surefire sign of raccoon activity.


Accessible shelter- If your garage or attic is easy to get into from the outside, raccoons will be much more likely to make their home there. Anywhere they can find warmth and protection from the elements is fair game for an infestation.

水源- 室外池塘和水特征非常适合吸引浣熊。他们不仅喝水,而且还以洗食物而闻名。

食物来源——如果你把垃圾或丢弃的食物不受保护的, you’ll likely get a raccoon infestation. Although浣熊是杂食动物, some of their favorite foods include:

  • 橡子
  • Berries
  • Grains
  • Pet food
  • 坚果

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Protect Your Home from Raccoon Infestations


虽然有很多方法可以自己去除浣熊,但重要的是要记住它们是野生动物,如果被拐弯,可能会很危险。如果您不舒服处理浣熊侵扰,请雇用专业的野生动植物或animal control technician强烈建议您清除浣熊。不仅会professional exterminator in your areabe able to remove the animals, but they’ll also be able to give you guidance on how you can prevent another infestation in the future.

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Our #1 Ranked For:Termites,Bed Bugs, and Larger Infestations


Our #1 Ranked For:蚂蚁, Roaches, Spiders, and Rodents Issues


Our #1 Ranked For:Mosquito Removal, Fleas, Ticks, Wasps, And Other Stinging Insects



