How To Get Rid of Starlings (2022 Edition)

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Although the European starling is an invasive species, the U.S. containsnearly a thirdof the world’s starling population. They cause a tremendous amount of damage each year on farms and in and around homes. Since starlings travel in such large flocks, it seems almost impossible to get rid of them.


  • The Secret Tricks the Pros Use To Get Rid of Starlings
  • How To Keep Them Away
  • 八哥与其他类型的鸟类
  • 八哥拜访时会期待什么
Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!

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Table Of Contents

    How To Safely Get Rid of Starlings

    Chasing starlings away from your property is not an easy thing to do. However, we provide some ideas to give you the best chance for success.

    1. Reduce Food Sources


    2. Change Bird Feeders

    Consider using starling-proof bird feeders in your backyard. They have a wire mesh that is too small for larger birds to squeeze through. They typically fit around a standard tube feeder and come in a variety of sizes.

    Best of all, these protective cages allow access to smaller birds, such as:

    • 山雀
    • 鸣禽
    • Finches
    • Wrens
    • nuthatches

    Also, consider installing an upside-down suet feeder. Nuthatches, woodpeckers, and chickadees all have the ability to feed hanging upside-down. Starlings, blue jays, and grackles are not so great at this acrobatic feat.

    3. Change Your Bird Food

    Certain foods you use to attract small birds to your feeders also attract starlings. These include:

    • Mealworms
    • 向日葵薯条
    • 破裂的玉米
    • Millet
    • Suet containing cracked corn or peanuts


    • 整个葵花籽
    • Whole peanuts in the shell
    • Safflower seeds
    • Nyjer

    Many of these foods have hard outer shells that are impossible for the starling’s soft beak to penetrate. And besides, these are not their favorite options, anyway.

    4. Modify Starling Habitat

    Pruning trees will helP防止大量鸟类在树上栖息。它也是reduces the number of potential nesting sites可用的。


    Last, it is vital to remove the existing starling nest. Relocating a nest is legal in most states since starlings are not a protected species. With that said, it is best to check local regulations, just to be sure.

    5. Employ Exclusion Techniques the Pros Use

    One-way bird doorsare available to remove starlings from attic spaces or openings in eaves and overhangs. They are typically constructed of stainless steel and fit over the entry hole.

    To install it, you will need a 1/4 inch piece of plywood cut to fit over the entire opening. Then you will need to cut a hole the size of the door.

    It is best to install the door to the plywood first. Then it is simply a matter of fastening the whole assembly so it covers the opening.

    Once the bird leaves, the one-way door feature does not allow it to re-enter. There is no need to bait the door since the bird will venture outside to forage for food when it gets hungry.

    6. Scare Them Away



    Still, it may be worth investing in one with flashing lights and an audible alarm that makes loud noises. Moreover, a combination of methods appears to be better than using only one.

    Last, it could be beneficial to中国人民解放军ce fake owls and hawksaround your yard to scare away birds. Despite their apparent efficacy, it is vital to rotate all scaring devices frequently since starlings quickly get used to them.


    Natural repellent sprays适用于所有类型的鸟类,包括八哥。它们通常包含精油成分。示例包括:

    • 薄荷
    • Thyme
    • Rosemary
    • 丁香




    There areseveral mechanical devices您可以安装自己以最大程度地控制八哥。本节将向您显示哪些最有效。我们还提供了必要的技巧,以充分利用房屋的几个部分。

    How To Keep Starlings off Your Roof

    Install bird spikes在壁架和屋顶上。这些人道的设备给试图栖息的鸟带来了少量的不适。然后,它向其他羊群发出了遇险电话,以远离。

    There are two types of bird spike strips available: metal and plastic. Use metal spikes for rooflines and ledges high up. For fences and lower areas where people and pets gather, use the safer plastic variety.


    How To Keep Starlings off of Ledges

    45-degree sloping devices are now available to prevent birds from roosting on ledges. They come in two-foot PVC sheets you can cut to length.


    Before installing, remove any bird feces or nesting material. Then wash the surface with a solution of bleach and water.


    How To Keep Starlings Out of Your Attic

    Install bird-proof vent covers for your attic to keep out starlings and other pest wildlife. In addition, consider installing roof vent covers and chimney caps. These and other devices will keep most unwelcome pests from entering your home through roof areas.


    You can also use expansion foam to seal entry points. However, it typically will not last as long as steel.

    How To Keep Starlings Out of Your Barn

    The best way to keep starlings and other birds out of your barn is to install clear PVC strip curtains over doorways. Here are the instructions on how to do that:

    1. Decide where you will mount the hanging rail. You can install it on the door frame or the wall above the door.
    2. Cut the mounting rail to size using a hacksaw.
    3. Position the hanging rail and mark the screw holes
    4. Drill holes at the marked areas
    5. 用机器或木螺钉固定安装轨。
    6. Attach the strips to the hanging rail. Most strip curtain products come with tabs or hooks, so you can easily accomplish this step.
    7. Once you have the strips in place, trim each one to the correct size with a pair of metal shears. The strips should hang 1/4 inch above the surface of the floor.

    Note:You can also cut three-inch clear plastic strips and attach them to the top of the door frame using staples or screws. Just be sure to overlap each strip about 1/4 inch. The downside to this method is that you may have to replace the door frame if you ever decide to remove the strips.


    How To Keep Starlings From Ruining Your Trees

    Install bird nettingaround trees that are vulnerable to damage from starlings. Try to use 1/4 inch netting or smaller when possible. This keeps birds from getting their feet caught in the netting.


    1. You will need two people, especially for larger trees.
    2. 将一个人放在树的每一侧。使用八英尺高的望远镜杆将网上抬起。
    3. Walk the net back as you cover the entire tree.
    4. 确保上部分支不会过度弯曲。您可以通过使用两极轻轻拉直它们来纠正此问题。
    5. Wrap the bottom of the net around the trunk and tie it off with twine. This will prevent birds from flying underneath the net to access the tree.

    It is during the summer months that most residents of northern states will witness the starling. During this period, you can expect to have starlings visit your property.

    Find A Local Exterminator


    In this section, we provide a thorough description of the European starling. We also show you a comparison between the starling and similar species of birds.

    General Description

    Starlings are medium-sized, perching songbirds. Their average length is around 10 inches, and they typically have multi-colored plumage. The ones you are most likely to encounter in the U.S. are dark gray to black with bluish-green feathers on their wings.

    Starlings vs. Grackles

    The common grackle与Starling的顺序相同。但是,与Starling不同,它是北美人。



    The Brewer’s blackbird is a common species throughout much of North America. The males look somewhat similar to the common starling, being mostly black with highlighted plumage. So it is understandable how you could get them mixed up.

    In contrast, female blackbirds are much different. They are primarily brown, with only a hint of the coloring males possess. Also, the call of the blackbird is much sharper than that of the starling.




    It is during the summer months that most residents of northern states will witness the starling. During this period, you can expect to have starlings visit your property. If conditions are right, they may not leave for weeks or even months.

    A Final Word About Starlings

    The starling is one of the most hated backyard birds in the U.S. and Canada, even more than house sparrows. They make a mess with their droppings and nesting materials, and they chase away native species in large numbers.

    It takes a lot of work to stop these bully birds from taking over your property. But hopefully, we have given you enough information here to make it a bit easier.


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