蟑螂咬吗?(Dangers, Prevention, and Treatment Tips)

>Removal Guides>How to Get Rid of Cockroaches (2022 Edition)>蟑螂咬吗?(Dangers, Prevention, and Treatment Tips)


We have your answers!


  • 蟑螂咬吗?
  • 他们为什么要咬人?
  • 何时何地咬蟑螂(手臂或腿)?
  • 蟑螂叮咬是什么样的?
  • 蟑螂及其叮咬是否危险?

Just like any other home and garden insects,cockroaches有时只是无法抵抗人的肉。蟑螂被归类为杂食。这意味着他们对植物和肉类都有食欲。实际上,蟑螂几乎吃了他们路过的任何东西(植物,肉,垃圾等)。

但是,与蚊子相比,很少发生蟑螂叮咬。而且由于这些肮脏的蟑螂是nocturnal insects, it is inevitable for us to become easy targets in our sleep if they decide to have a taste on you.

Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!


    Do cockroaches bite humans?


    Although not common, cockroaches do indeed bite if pushed to their edge. Check out the below video for example of what bites look like on arms and legs of other people.

    Again, this is an EXTREME case, and chances are, you will never go through a similar situation (or nightmare).



    We all know that cockroaches are naturally shy and evasive. They scurry away at the very first sign of human presence. In fact, they are mostly active in the dark and hide whenever you decide to turn on the lights.


    As mentioned previously, it is rare for cockroaches to bite humans, but bites can occur in places with严重的不受控制的侵扰。如果允许蟑螂种群增长,他们开始进食的食物来源可能无法维持人口,从而改变了饮食习惯。

    Do cockroaches bite humans?


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    When and where do cockroaches bite humans?

    Cockroaches bite only in our sleep.



    If you get bitten by a cockroach then your infestation has already taken place inside your home and is in the process of getting fairly large (not good).

    Cockroaches will usually take a bite on your fingers, fingernails, toes, mouth, face, hands, and eyelashes.




    Below is a picture of a man’s arm after multiple bites from cockroaches that infested his home. Presumably, the infestation grew so large that it exceeded the food supplies they could reach and started to nibble on his arms, legs, and torso.



    咬伤部分的周围区域似乎肿胀,与典型的蚊子叮咬相同的发红。刮擦时,肿胀会加剧和增长,内部的脓液也会变得更大。咬合周围也出现皮疹,作为皮肤的过敏反应。蟑螂叮咬通常是两到三个红色的颠簸,类似于类似bed bug bites

    Are cockroach bites dangerous?

    Cockroach bites lead to swelling, rashes, and minor complications if scratched and left unattended.

    这些叮咬可以持续几天,可能会很烦人。有人asthma可能遭受哮喘攻击,但不是直接是因为蟑螂咬伤而是由于暴露于过敏原carried by the said insect. Compared to other insect bites particularly those made by mosquitoes, cockroach bites don’t really pose a serious threat to human health.

    Although,cockroaches are carriers ofSalmonella,E大肠杆菌, and other nasty diseases that could pose a threat if bitten and your skin is exposed.



    Instead of scratching the bite, wash it with soap and water. This is to eliminate all the traces of germs, bacteria, and allergens left behind by the insect. Apply ice on and around the bite area to relieve swelling and itchiness. Rubbing the bitten area with sliced onion is also an effective detoxification process.

    Alcohol is also a good防腐剂that can help reduce inflammation. If ice is not around, come up with a baking soda paste. You can do this by mixing equal amounts of baking soda and vinegar. Apply the paste over and around the bite area and leave it for at least 20 minutes. The solution makes a good disinfectant and has a soothing effect on the swollen part of the bite.


    Cockroaches love filth and they are extra sensitive in smelling rotten and leftover food.

    To prevent cockroach bites, you should maintain a clean home especially in areas where you do the cooking, cleaning, and throwing. Keep your dining, kitchen, and sink areas squeaky clean, and always cover your trash bins. Avoid eating in your bedroom and wash your hands and mouth before you hit the bed.

    最后,避免被蟑螂咬伤的最有效解决方案是连续监测使用蟑螂陷阱, the first step in our 4-step cockroach elimination and prevention strategy. If you find a trap has caught a couple cockroaches, then you can start deploying other removal products andcontact an exterminator for a consultation

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