如何找到和杀死蚊子幼虫?(*Detailed Guide*)

>Removal Guides>如何摆脱蚊子(快速指南)>如何找到和杀死蚊子幼虫?(*Detailed Guide*)


Not convinced?

Don’t let their seemingly harmless size fool you.


And what’s even worse to note is that a single female mosquito can lay up to 200 eggs at a time…and have up to THREE pregnancies throughout her lifespan of one to two months.

即使似乎摆脱了可能的嵌套场(或者更确切地说,standing water) is an effective strategy in eliminating mosquitoes, bear in mind that some species of mosquitoes lay eggs that can survive without water over a certain period of time. Furthermore,所有这些鸡蛋都需要一英寸的水才能孵化。

This will then bring us to a conclusion that the easiest and most efficient strategy in getting rid of mosquitoes is by targeting the insects in their larval stage (aka baby mosquitoes). This only gives you a narrow 10-14-day window of opportunity. Therefore, it is critical that you act fast and decisively.

Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!

Table of Contents


    The larva is the fourth stage of the entire mosquito life cycle. They are often referred to as “wrigglers” because of the wriggling action that they make during this stage of life.


    The entire larval stage lasts anywhere from four to 14 days. During this time, the larva hangs itself upside-down near the surface of the water with a specialized siphon for breathing.

    Their mouths are equipped with tiny brushes that help filter out smaller food particles such as plankton, fungi, and algae that provide them the nutrition they need to mature. Each larva sheds its skin up to four times before it reaches its pupal stage.

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    But in order to lay any eggs at all, they must first find a nesting ground with enough resources for the eggs to germinate and mature. These sites all have a few characteristics in common, as listed below.


    Mosquitoes need standing water为了让他们的鸡蛋孵化, period.


    不过,不用说mosquitoesprefer to stretch out as much as possible in lakes and ponds for their larval habitats.

    Read Also:How to pick a great mosquito trap for your home.


    有趣的是,有一些蚊子,例如Aedestaeniorhyncus那希望将他们的鸡蛋放在上面moist soil而不是在已经存在的积水上。

    Eggs of these mosquitoes can become dormant until sufficient amount of water is supplied into the nesting ground. In an urban setting, eggs of floodwater mosquitoes are usually seen in the drainage systems of homes and other buildings.

    Mosquitoes need standing water in order for their eggs to hatch, period.

    Their eggs can easily germinate into their larval stage in the slightest amount of standing water—such as water in unattended buckets and tires.



    当您寻找蚊子幼虫时,您只需要在财产周围侦察并寻找任何大小和众多的积水 - 从房屋后部的一个池塘到被堵塞的沟槽。蚊子幼虫也可以在泳池甚至户外建筑物(例如户外的喷泉)中壮成长。

    Mosquito larvae look like small hair worms encompassing less than half an inch in size. They hang themselves upside down near the surface of the water and move around in a wriggling motion.

    How To Kill Mosquito Larvae?

    Eliminating mosquito larvae can be done in various ways. Essentially, the type of solution depends on the type of standing water you’ve got on your hands.

    Every situation is different, so it’s best to take a look at the scenarios below to educate yourself on the correct way to stamp out the larvae in your exact circumstance.

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    As a large body of standing water (not to mention normally filled withpeoplethat attract mosquitoes), the pool is one of the top candidates for the insect larvae to thrive. And in cases of larvae infestation, you have quite a few options to consider for effective control.

    You can usemethoprene granules这主要是通过防止蚊子幼虫的成熟阶段来起作用。该特殊的幼虫配有IGR(昆虫生长调节剂)。该配方使幼虫可以进入其p阶段,但可以防止它们成为成年蚊子。溶液的功效可以持续3至4周。

    BTI dunks are also an option in eliminating mosquito larvae in your pool. More commonly known asmosquito dunks,这些圆形形状的幼虫剂在中心有一个微小的孔,其中包含微生物,最终被蚊子幼虫最终食用,并引发肠中毒。BTI代表Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensisand offer month-long protection.



    Because of their natural abundance, ponds and lakes are among the favorite nesting grounds of mosquitoes. You can use BTI dunks here since these are organic measures, and are proven safe on humans and wildlife.

    绿色且经常被忽略的尖端是涂抹肉桂油溶液(15%的肉桂油和85%的水)。肉桂醛,乙酸肉桂基,丁香酚,andanethole是四个主要组成部分cinnamon oil尤其是th杀死蚊子的幼虫e Aedes egypti species. The advantage of this option is that you get to enjoy the sweet and delicious smell of the solution while effectively eliminating the larvae infestation in your nearby pond or lake.

    Getting Rid of Larvae in a Water Fountain

    Water fountains in our parks are considered an attraction for tourists and a relaxing spot for locals as well.

    However, these waterworks don’t just attract people looking to snap a quick shot for their social media feed—they also lure in female mosquitoes looking to lay eggs! In an attempt to control larvae infestation, you can apply remedies used in pools, ponds, and lakes. These include using mosquito dunks, cinnamon oil, bleach solution, andmethoprene granules.

    Ways to kill mosquito larvae naturally

    Mosquitoes are easiest to eliminate in their larval stage due to their weakened bodies. Apart from the methods mentioned above, there are also other highly effective remedies to get rid of mosquito larvae naturally and chemical-free.


    Okay, we’ve all heard the joke that cloves garlic ward off vampires…but there’s actually a tiny hint of truth to this tall tale!


    You can do this by crushing around three to five garlic bulbs with your blender. Secure the crushed garlic on a cloth and squeeze over a bowl or any container to extract its juice.

    Mix the juice with one gallon of water and apply the solution on standing water infested with mosquito larvae. The solution kills the larvae by suffocating them.


    Apple cider vinegar is another non-toxic remedy against mosquito larvae that you can easily find at home. Apple cider vinegar acts in the same way cinnamon oil does: by eliminating the growth of the larvae naturally,leading to death.


    Baking soda

    Baking soda alone is not an effective solution against mosquito larvae. It won’t kill off these bugs in their larval stage, and shouldn’t be used in this manner.

    So why have we listed it here?

    Well, it’s an invaluable tool to disinfect dishes that have been previously infested with mosquito larvae. By using baking soda, you’re taking an extra step to sanitize your dishes that regular old dish detergent just can’t provide. Simply mix baking soda with water and vinegar to disinfect, and rinse.

    Bleach Tablets

    Remember how we recommended a bleach solution for the pool? Bleach tablets work in the same way liquid bleach does in helping us clean our white clothes as well as various household utilities.


    Final Thoughts About Removing Mosquito Larvae

    Mosquitoes have long been our environmental arch-nemeses. Apart from ruining the barbecues in our backyard or camping trips, mosquitoes are effective carriers ofserious diseasescausing an alarming number of annual deaths, one bite after the other.

    Although the most effective way of dealing with such problem is by getting rid of their nesting grounds, certain challenges take place depending on the surrounding circumstances.


    Because of this versatility, it’s important to consider the different options mentioned above in order to find a safe and efficient remedy against mosquito larvae.

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