Possum vs.负鼠(有什么大区别?)

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在单词的开头中添加“ o”会带来很大的差异吗?


Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer


Table of Contents

    Possums vs. Opossums, What Are The Differences?

    As it turns out, these two words refer to completely different animals.

    当他们表兄弟,他们彼此共享的最后一个分类圈是Infraclass marsupialia。这意味着这两只动物都是有袋动物,这些动物是生育年轻的动物,然后他们滋养pouches on their stomachs(想象一下袋鼠 - 世界上最著名的有袋动物)。

    Based on where you live, using the word “possum” when you really mean “opossum” can get you some pretty funny looks! Not sure what we mean? Read on for a better explanation.


    Possums are native to Australia. However, since the 1800s, these animals have been introduced to neighboring nations such as New Zealand, New Guinea, and even China.

    这些有袋动物倾向于在林区蓬勃发展,但也更喜欢建造small rock densif the terrain allows. They are very opportunistic and will take advantage of the benefits of the land around them, but always prefer to den in forests first and foremost.



    通常,这些小家伙是许多美国人所说的负鼠(没有“ o”):黑眼睛,尖锐的,啮齿动物的动物型,它们的背部带着婴儿在深夜。


    如上所述,澳大利亚负鼠和北美负鼠都是有袋动物, meaning that they have an external pouch on their abdomens where they care for their newborn babies until they can fend for themselves.

    This family tie (and the comparable namesake) are pretty much where the similarities stop for these two species.

    The Australian possum has a round body shape and thick fur which is often golden in color—giving it the nickname the Golden Brushtail Possum. Its eyes take on a peanut butter color in the light, and true to its moniker, its tail is thick and voluminous like that of a squirrel. These animals look more like cuddly cousins of the koala bear rather than distant relatives of the opossum.

    The North American opossum, on the other hand, has鲜明的功能: black eyes, a white face, jagged teeth, and a sharp, pointed face. These creepy animals skulk around waving their rat tails in the air, hissing at those who dare to come too close. This species can be found ransacking trash piles when they’re not migrating from one makeshift den to another; asmigrant scavengers,他们在短暂的生活方式中以任何可以找到的东西为食。

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    Where Can You Find A Possum?


    经过负鼠,我们的意思是,当然是可爱且可爱的澳大利亚版本。如果您在想opossums,then yes, you’re going to find those all over the mainland.

    Still mixed up? Keep reading for a little more insight.


    Australian Brushtail Possums aren’t known to be carriers of diseases. They won’t bite or harm people, and actually have a natural resistance to rabies. Opossums, too, have this resistance—in addition to other, more serious immunities.


    Why Do People Confused Opossum with Possum?

    它不是很清楚为什么大多数美国人把“O” when referring to opossums, but it’s commonly accepted in the United States to call these animals both负鼠andopossums

    但是,在澳大利亚,没有这样的东西opossum- 假期中的美国人可能会惊讶地发现,树木中可爱的小动物实际上与他们回到祖国认识的垃圾烤饼相同的名字!

    Is One Species Smarter Than the Other?

    In terms of raw intelligence, both Australian possums and North American opossums rank pretty low.

    However, North American opossums have evolved to develop a behavioral trait which has worked to deter predators time and time again. Essentially, they enter a comatose state and假死一段时间 - 从两分钟到两个小时。这引发了“ Play Possum”一词,并使动物免于危险。

    Australian possums, by contrast, will basically just walk right up to anyone. They’re a very trusting species,extremely friendly,毫无问题地成为陌生人的新好朋友。这种幼稚的行为导致偷猎者的狩猎,并威胁到他们作为一种物种。


    Australian Brushtail Possums (you know…the adorable ones who aren’t afraid of humans) aren’t known to be carriers of diseases. They won’t bite or harm people, and actually have a natural (and scientifically unexplained) resistance to rabies.

    Opossums, too, have这种阻力- 除其他更严重的免疫力外。例如,您知道负鼠可以吃响尾蛇(其中之一最危险的蛇in the USA) and digest it as if it were nothing more than a piece of garbage??



    Depending on where in the world you are right now, this information will hit you differently.


    Going forward, you should be able to tell the differences now between a cute possum and a creepy opossum right off the bat…if anything, just remember what continent you’re standing on, and that should do the trick.

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