
Home>去除指南>Scorpion Removal>蝎子是致命的吗?

美丽的沙漠远足可能很可爱,直到您考虑到那里的许多危险,例如蝎子和响尾蛇. If you live in the desert or are planning on visiting, you may be wondering how dangerous scorpions are.


  • 什么是蝎子,我该如何识别?
  • 蝎子是致命的吗?
Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer


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    Scorpions are arachnids, which means that they are distant cousins to spiders. Much like spiders,螨虫和滴答,他们有八只腿。他们的身体由可怕的钳子和一个长长的尾巴组成,尾巴以倒钩结尾。他们的倒钩含有蝎子毒液,并提供了痛苦的蝎子刺痛,使他们的猎物都屈服了。像蜘蛛一样,蝎子eat insects, such as ants and cockroaches, primarily. However, they may also eat spiders, lizards, small rodents, and even other scorpions.

    蝎子是随处可见the world, except for Antarctica, although they tend to prefer hot, dry climates like the desert. Scorpions are natural predators who wait until nightfall to hunt their prey. These nocturnal hunters will use their powerful stinger to subdue their prey until it is unable to move, then they will tear it into small pieces and eat it.

    Unfortunately, scorpions are tough critters who can withstand恶劣的气候和条件,使它们难以杀死. Most species of scorpions live between two and ten years, but some may live as long as 25 years.

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    简而言之,是的,蝎子可能是致命的。但是,这确实取决于蝎子的物种以及个人是否经历过敏反应。某些人,例如老年人,幼儿或免疫副业,如果被蝎子stugn stugn,就会出现并发症的最大风险。


    However, there are few lethal scorpions out there in the world. There are over 2,000 identified species of scorpions, andonly 30 to 40目前,其中的蝎子被认为是致命的蝎子,可能会提供足够的毒液来杀死人。



    • Intense pain
    • 麻木
    • 轻度肿胀
    • 在st脚的温暖

    Severe symptoms of a scorpion sting include:

    • Muscle twitching
    • 流口水
    • Sweating
    • 恶心和呕吐
    • High blood pressure
    • 加速心率
    • Restlessness or excitability (watch for儿童无法控制的哭泣
    • Strange head, eye, and neck movements (nervous system reactions)
    • 呼吸困难

    If you are stung by a scorpion, we recommend immediately reaching out to poison control or a medical professional for your next steps, which in many cases will require simple first aid steps. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, it’s advised that you immediately go to your doctor, urgent care, or a nearby hospital. Even non-lethal scorpion species can cause some people to have severe allergic reactions, which can be dangerous in itself.

    根据Banner Health的说法,大多数蝎子刺痛症状通常持续长达三天,大多数迹象在开始的六个小时内开始清除。如果您患有严重的症状或症状不会减少,建议您寻求医疗。

    有超过2,000种已确定的蝎子,并且only 30 to 40目前,其中的蝎子被认为是致命的蝎子,可能会提供足够的毒液来杀死人。



    亚利桑那州树皮蝎子是北美最有毒的蝎子,这对我们许多人来说是严重的威胁。尽管有名称,但在美国西南部的几个地区,包括加利福尼亚,犹他州,新墨西哥州,内华达州和亚利桑那州,都可以找到亚利桑那州的蝎子。人们被这种蝎子物种sto刺描述了这种感觉painful “electric jolts,”许多人在被刺痛后报告了严重的症状。

    You can identify the Arizona bark scorpion by its slender body and thinner tail and pincers. They tend to be a tan to yellowish-brown color, with some having prominent striped markings running from their head to tail. Many have dark triangle markings on their heads. These scorpions are quite small, often around three inches long. Unlike other scorpion species, they will lay completely flat and “cock” themselves to their side before ambushing their prey and striking.

    If you believe you’ve been stung by one of these Arizona bark scorpions, we recommend immediately seeking medical attention because their stings are known to be incredibly painful. Their stings can cause fatality or other severe symptoms if not treated with antivenom or other medical treatments. Many healthy adults can be treated with potent pain relievers and sedatives to help them until the pain recedes. Still, young children, the elderly, and those who are immunocompromised may require antivenom to reverse their symptoms, especially if they are stung by a potentially life-threatening scorpion, like the Arizona bark scorpion.


    蝎子是有毒的生物,他们因其痛苦的痛苦而臭名昭著。如果您被蝎子刺痛,我们建议您与您的医生联系以进行医疗服务。如果您注意到您的财产蝎子数量越来越多,我们强烈建议您与您的联系local pest control professional照顾蝎子。他们可以识别您财产上的蝎子类型,然后再浏览different treatment options, such as pesticides or exclusion techniques, to get rid of them.

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