如何将蜘蛛远离(2022 Edition)

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People have all kinds of phobias, but some are much more prevalent than others. One of最常见的是芳香恐惧症, or the fear of spiders. Because of this, people are often terrified of having spiders in their homes even though most of them are harmless and can be beneficial since they eat other bugs that can spread disease, such as mosquitoes. Nevertheless, if you have a spider infestation in your home, the odds are good that you will want to get rid of it as soon as possible.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • 使蜘蛛远离的前5种方法
  • 前3个自然解决方案
  • What Attracts Spiders

By understanding what attracts spiders, as well as some of the best ways to keep them away, you can protect your home and make sure everyone feels comfortable.

Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer


Table of Contents


    The best way to get rid of spiders in your home is to make sure they don’t have a chance to get inside in the first place. The best offense is always a good defense when it comes to pest control. Trying out some of the below techniques can help youkeep your home safe and comfortable

    Make a White Vinegar Spray

    蜘蛛最讨厌的一件事是白醋。实际上,许多害虫会被这种气味驱除,并且可以像a great, low-impact pesticide。It also works well as a cleaning product and can take on double duty if you wipe down your counters and tables with it.

    To make a vinegar solution, simply mix a half and half combination of white vinegar and water. Then, pour it into a spray bottle and keep it on your counter or close at hand. Spray areas like window sills and baseboards where spiders can potentially get in or where they might weave their webs.

    Spread Diatomaceous Earth


    You can spread diatomaceous earth anywhere you think spiders might be getting inside. Window sills and door thresholds are great places to start. You can also put it in your potted plants to keep other pests from eating away at them.

    Seal Up Your Home

    If you want tokeep spiders out of your home, one of the best ways to do it is to make sure they can’t physically get in. Spiders can’t make their way inside the house if there are no openings for them to get through. This is why it’s always a good idea to go around your house and make sure it’s completely sealed up.

    检查所有窗口屏幕以确保他们做n’t have any holes and replace them as needed. You should also go around your home and look for any cracks or crevices in the siding or near your doors. These can be sealed up with caulk, which will dry hard and match your current color scheme.

    Clean Up Leaf Litter

    When leaves fall, they start to rot away and become an excellent food source for all kinds of pests. Spiders, in particular, like to make their homes in dry leaves. They will also use them to find other insects that eat the leaves, like grubs and beetles.

    In the seasons when leaves fall the most, like fall and winter, make sure to rake your lawn regularly and get rid of the leaf litter in a dedicated yard waste bin. This will ensure that spiders aren’t attracted to your yard and look elsewhere for their food. While they may still try to get into your bins, they will most likely stay away from the house if they are emptied regularly.



    Be sure to look around your home and find areas that get extra dusty. Attics and garages are especially susceptible to dust and spiderwebs and will be perfect environments for some of the more dangerous spiders like brown recluses和黑寡妇。Taking care to remove these habitats will increase your chances of keeping spiders out of your home.

    Compare Pest Control Companies Near You


    如果您担心整个当地的生态系统和环境,那么有许多天然蜘蛛驱虫剂可用。虽然必不可少oils like eucalyptusand peppermint oil work very well for all kinds of pests, they are not as effective on spiders. Knowing some of the best natural ways to get rid of spiders can help you keep control of these pests without harming the environment.

    Leave Citrus Peels Out




    Horse chestnuts are another one of the best natural remedies for spider infestations. By placing these in hiding places like closets and near entry points, you can ensure that spiders stay away for good.

    One of the major benefits of using horse chestnuts is that they stay good for a long time. Unlike orange peels, which will eventually dry up and lose their scent, horse chestnuts will continue to protect for months. Because of this, you can simply spread them around and forget about them.

    Leave Out Mint

    Sprigs of mint are another great spider repellent. You can leave these out on your kitchen table or lay some near your windows or in areas where spiders like to hide. Not only will they keep spiders away, but they can also keep other pests like cockroaches out of your house for long periods.

    Dampness and Humidity Attracts Spiders



    What Attracts Spiders?


    The number one thing that attracts spiders to an area is潮湿和湿度。蜘蛛将被吸引到温暖的区域,并有很多水分。这就是为什么您最有可能在诸如车库或阁楼之类的地方找到它们的原因,那里的通风和水更有可能堆积的地方。您可能会在热水器后面的地方找到蜘蛛,因为水分在那里收集并变得非常潮湿。

    蜘蛛也很吸引苍蝇,因为they are a natural food source. This is why you should be careful not to leave your trash cans open. Flies will be attracted to old, rotting food, and this is a perfect environment for spiders to thrive. They will weave their webs around the cans in the hope of catching flies and can multiply from there, which is how they end up in your house.

    Final Thoughts


    如果您尝试了上述方法,并且仍然有蜘蛛问题,则pest control professionalcan help. They can go through your home and identify all the access points and cover them to make sure spiders can’t get in the house anymore and so that you can relax knowing your spider infestation is taken care of.

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