
>去除指南>How To Get Rid of Bed Bugs (Complete Bed Bug Removal Guide)>是什么原因导致臭虫?金宝搏官网登录金博宝188充值(您可能有风险)




The answer might not be as great as you’d hope…

Let’s get into it.

Ed Spicer


Table of Contents



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    Where Do They Live?


    标准的经验法则是,它们可以生活在您可以适应厚度的任何空间中two sheets of computer paper。For example, a bed bug could live behind the panel of an electrical outlet or in a small crack in the wall.

    Bed bugs tend to choose places that predators or other hazards can’t enter, which is part of why they’re difficult to eliminate.

    因为它们以生物为食,所以他们的房屋通常只是5-20 feet awayfrom the main sleeping area. You might find bed bugs in your nightstand, behind your bookshelf, or even between your mattress and box spring!

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    Bed bugs canlive in the same conditions of most animals,并在人口稠密的地方壮成长。在公共场所,酒店,学校和公共交通形式等公共区域中捡起它们并不少见。



    Unfortunately, you or your family might still accidentally bring them home from work or school, and pets can pick them up in the yard.

    Here’s a great video on where bed bugs come from (e.g., what caused them to come terrorize you) and how they might get inside your home.

    What Conditions Do Bed Bugs Live In?


    定期清洁房屋可以帮助防止臭虫,但不能保证防止出没。金宝搏官网登录金博宝188充值金博宝188充值金宝搏官网登录臭虫可以生存并保持活跃的温度低至46度Fahrenheit, but will die if their personal body temperature climbs above113 degrees华氏(Wahrenheit)(请参阅我们的Steam Cleaners文章on how to kill bed bugs with heat).

    如果你有一个臭虫的问题,这很有可能t because your home is unclean, but becuase you’ve been traveling recently.

    The whole, “unclean house” cause of bed bugs is acommon misconception.Instead, it’s just because your home is livable to you, and it is thus inhabitable for bed bugs as well.

    We will say that unclean people tend to miss a the beginnings of a bed bug issue. The idea is that if you’re clean, then you’ll be able to spot something unclean (aka bed bugs) quickly.

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    Vacuum your floors carefully and check your walls for cracks. Wash your在热水中洗衣to kill any eggs or larvae on the fabrics.

    It’s important to find the home base of the bed bugs, so you can then use pesticides to kill them. If you’re uncomfortable using chemicals, most pest control companies offer environmentally heat treatments which will kill the pests for you, no matter where they are hiding in the house (see our local exterminator search tool here).

    Can You Prevent Bed Bugs?

    The best way to prevent an infestation is to clean your home regularly.

    Don’t leave dirty clothes lying around and remember to vacuum regularly to pick up any eggs.


    When you come home from a vacation or business trip, It’s a good idea to vacuum your bags when you come home in case you accidentally picked something up.


    这是一个很好的视频,展示了Thermal Strike Ranger的演示,这是您可以在旅行中可能使用的产品的产品。

    Read Also:What’s the best heater for bed bugs?

    If you live in a public area…

    Try to seal any cracks in your home and install door sweeps on your doors to prevent bed bugs from entering through the hallway.

    如果您需要使用共享的洗衣设施,请不要触摸别人的衣服或篮板。最后,切勿购买二手家具from an unreliable source, as old chairs and couches are some of the most common infestation locations.


    Unfortunately, there aren’t any real ’causes’ for bed bugs, just things you might do that will increase the chance you get them.

    Most people can pick them up while they are out in public, and having a clean home is only a minor deterrent.


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