如何摆脱地毯甲虫(2022 Edition)

>Removal Guides>Beetle Removal>如何摆脱地毯甲虫(2022 Edition)

As their name suggests, carpet beetles infest carpets and other textiles in our homes, such as upholstered furniture. Once inside our homes, they will infest and lay eggs within the carpet.

Carpet beetles feed on keratin, an animal protein that makes upmost of our skin,否则称为表皮。许多人将成年地毯甲虫与衣服飞蛾进行比较,因为飞蛾能够在我们的纺织品和织物中以角蛋白为食,例如亚麻布,这些能力在此过程中破坏了这些织物的天然纤维。

地毯甲虫幼虫也分解并消耗角蛋白,这在我们房屋的整个楼层都发现,因为人类和动物(例如我们的狗或猫)自然会脱落。不幸的是,人类在30,000 and 40,000 skin cells per hour,为地毯甲虫幼虫提供充足的食物。


In today’s guide, we will cover:

  • 如何摆脱地毯甲虫
  • How To Prevent Carpet Beetles
  • 如何识别地毯甲虫
  • 地毯甲虫出没的迹象和原因

If trying to exterminate carpet beetles on your own becomes too challenging, we recommendOrkin,终点, andAptive。这些灭虫剂具有一些训练有素的专业人员,可以使用陷阱,诱饵和其他化学处理的解决方案,这些溶液通常比标准DIY方法更有效。

For Terminix quotes, you can reach them at 866-577-5051 or withthis form

For quotes from Orkin, call 866-701-4556, or fill outthis form


Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!

Table of Contents


    1. Start byidentifying the pests在你家。Carpet beetles are often mistaken for fleas, bed bugs, or clothes moths. Ensure that you have furniture carpet beetles and not another type of pest because this will alter how you treat infested items and your home.
    2. 查明地毯甲虫侵扰的主要来源。您的地下室中是否有特定的地毯或地毯出没,壁橱里有羊毛围巾,或者有室内的浴室垫子?如果幸运的话,侵扰不会扩散到大面积,只会在一个地方,这将使问题更容易。
    3. Wash infested items at high temperatures.干衣机通常会产生足够的热量来杀死可能存在的地毯甲虫鸡蛋和幼虫。热水是大量清洁感染物品的另一种绝佳方法。
    4. 扔掉大量感染的物品。If you don’t eliminate all the carpet beetle eggs present, the problem will continue to persist. If you need to, throw out heavily infested items. Make sure you bag the items in plastic bags before throwing them away to prevent these carpet beetles from spreading to other homes.
    5. Thoroughly clean your home.Vacuuming and steam cleaning can kill carpet beetle larvae, as well as eliminate their food source. Don’t allow animal products, such as keratin (skin cells) and animal hair, to build up in your home because this attracts carpet beetles who will lay eggs. Their larvae will then feed on the keratin and pet hair. So, keeping your home as clean as possible and free of animal products decreases the carpet beetle larvae’s chances of thriving in your home.
    6. 将杀虫剂涂在侵染的地毯和地毯上。Flea control products or pesticides advertised for fabric insects, such as carpet beetles, will likely be the most effective. However, you should never use insecticides directly on bedding, clothing, or other fabric that touches you or your family’s bodies because these can be toxic to humans and pets. Instead, use heat or freezing temperatures to treat infested clothing or bedding. Steam cleaning can be highly effective when dealing with your clothing or bedding.

    If you cannot get rid of the carpet beetles in your house, we recommend immediately contacting aprofessional pest control serviceto kill the carpet beetles.

    Professional exterminators are trained to deal with all types of pest problems and can treat your home with a fogger or steam cleaner to eliminate pests. They may also recommend专业清洁to eliminate shed skin cells, pet hair, and other things in your carpets that larvae feed on.

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    How to Prevent Carpet Beetles

    Carpet beetles可以吸引任何人的家,而且通常是您第一次有地毯甲虫,这是一种fl幸。但是,如果您经常有地毯甲虫返回家中,那么您可能毫无疑问地为地毯甲虫提供了合适的环境,使它们能够蓬勃发展。


    • Limit how many woolen or animal-based fabrics you have in your home

    • 定期真空消除皮肤, hair, and dead insects from accumulating in your carpet and textiles

    • Doing laundry regularly (again, to eliminate dead skin and hair that may accumulate)

    • 蒸房

    • Cleaning dark, sheltered areas of your home, such as attics and rooms that you don’t spend much time in. Adult carpet beetles prefer to lay eggs in these types of areas, so keeping them clean will minimize your risk of carpet beetles.

    • 在高温下清洗羊毛物品或纺织品以杀死任何地毯

    • Carefully inspect flowers or plants for carpet beetles before bringing them indoors (Adult carpet beetles regularly attach to blooming flowers for nectar)

    • 在窗户和门上抬起虫网,以捕获传入的昆虫。这将防止地毯甲虫进入并防止其他昆虫进入并成为地毯甲虫的食物来源。

    • Clean your vents to prevent lint and hair accumulation and regularly change your air filters





    There are many types of carpet beetles, including the black carpet beetle, varied carpet beetle, and common carpet beetle.

    As a whole, most species of carpet beetles are oval-shaped. Carpet beetles are incredibly tiny and can barely be seen with the naked eye because they are around 1/16th to 1/8th inches long. They come in many colors, including white, black, brown, yellow, and orange. Carpet beetles are sometimes mistaken for fleas, bed bugs, and clothes moths because all of these species have similar calling cards.

    Fleas also infest carpets and are similar in size. Unlike carpet beetles, however, fleas do bite humans and animals, such as dogs and cats.




    While carpet beetles are not poisonous, they do cause massive damage to our homes. Their mouths are built to chew, and they will cause severe damage to your furniture, carpet, and upholstery.

    On top of this, carpet beetles can leave feces and saliva on food that is left out, which can pose a threat to you and your family’s health. If contaminated food is eaten, the germs can cause you to have a dangerous infection or disease.

    When inspecting your home for carpet beetles, we recommend checking anywhere with natural fibers, such as:

    • Carpets
    • Rugs
    • 家具
    • 毯子

    Carpet beetle larvae particularly likedark areas of our homeand may hide in:

    • Garages
    • Attics
    • 橱柜
    • 餐厅
    • Closets
    • 地下室
    • The inside of air ducts and vents

    However, adult carpet beetles prefer the light and are often close to light fixtures and windows. If you spot adult carpet beetles, immediately check darker areas of your home for the larvae because carpet beetle larvae are the ones who eat keratin in your carpet and fabrics, resulting in damage. On the other hand,adult carpet beetles吃死昆虫,香料,谷物,种子,花和植物。

    Here are some common signs of a carpet beetle infestation:

    • 地毯或地毯上的裸露斑点
    • 小洞在你的书
    • Holes in clothing
    • Open spaces in your carpet’s weave
    • 地毯或地毯上的大孔(许多地毯甲虫可能已经喂在一起)
    • Spotting a carpet beetle (carpet beetles are tiny but not impossible to see with the naked eye)
    • Shed larvae skin
    • 寻找死甲虫,尤其是靠近窗台
    • 损坏羊毛衣服或毯子


    Nobody wants to worry about their carpets being destroyed and the possibility of food contamination. If you notice new damage on your carpets, take a moment to examine your carpet closely, looking for signs of chewing. Use a magnifying glass to closely look at the chewing marks and see if you can spot any carpet beetles. Then, do a thorough check of your house, especially in dark, carpeted areas and near windows for bugs.

    If you have carpet beetles, act quickly to treat the problem or reach out to a local exterminator to immediately handle your carpet beetle infestation.

