How To Keep Pigeons Away (2022 Guide)

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Pigeons perching on ledges, railings, and rooftops create a mess outside your home. Bird droppings and nesting material is something no one wants to clean up.

In this handy bird control guide, we will show you:

  • How To Scare Off Pigeons and Other Pest Birds
  • Several Pigeon Deterrents and How To Use Them
  • The Bird-proofing Techniques the Pros Use
  • DIY Bird Control Methods That Really Work
Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!

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    How To Keep Pigeons Away

    The most favorable pigeon control method is toprevent bird infestationsin the first place. Here, we will show you precisely how to do that quickly and easily.

    Limit Their Food and Water

    Limit the pigeon’s access to your bird feeders by using feeder guards. These metal cages fit around theoutside of your tube feeders.

    When the pigeon tries to access it, they cannot squeeze through the openings. However, smaller birds such as chickadees and nuthatches fit just fine.

    Limit food sources by picking up spilled food from your feeders. In addition, it is best to keep trash and refuse off your yard.

    Reduce water sources by limiting bird baths, baby pools, and any items that can collect rainwater. Also, keep gutter systems free of leaves and other debris to prevent pooling.

    Bird Spikes

    Bird spike stripsare available to keep pigeons from roosting on rooftops and ledges. They are typically made from stainless steel and can be fastened with screws or construction sealant.

    Specialized roosting spikes are made of plastic and are either glued onto various surfaces or screwed into place.

    The following video shows how to install birds spikes with adhesive:


    It is crucial to seal any holes where birds can enter your home. Be sure to close all openings around attics, eaves, and roof areas with stainless steel wire mesh. You can also use expansion foam, but it will not last as long.

    Modifying Ledges

    One method used by professional wildlife managers is to turn a 90-degree ledge into a 45-degree slope. So, when the bird tries to land, it slides right off.

    Sloping devices come in two-foot-wide PVC sheets you can cut to length. Install them on smooth surfaces with non-silicone construction adhesives. However, be sure these materials are temperature-resistant so that they will stand up to heat and cold.

    Bird Netting

    Bird netting is not typically necessary for houses since ledges are often narrow. However, they can be useful for wrapping storage sheds and other small outdoor structures.

    You can also employ nets to protect saplings and young trees. To use, place the net over the entire tree or plant. Then wrap it around the trunk and secure it with twine.

    Bird Deterrents

    Pigeons have many natural predators, including birds of prey.Decoys such as plastic owlsscare pigeons and often keep them from returning. Still, it is crucial to rotate these deterrents frequently since pigeons can get used to them in a short time.

    Ultrasonic Devices

    Ultrasonic scaring devicesfor birds use inaudible (ultrasonic) sound to repel them. While the science is sketchy, there is some anecdotal evidence to suggest these tools can help.

    The best ones utilize both ultrasonic and audible alarms. In addition, models having flashing lights along with the other two features seem to help the best.

    Pigeon Repellents

    Bird repellent gels鸟控制技术的最新创新吗gy. They contain natural essential oils to keep pigeons and other pest species from roosting on ledges and other landing areas.

    Bird repellent gels provide protection in three ways:

    1. Present the bird with an illusion of physical danger.
    2. Give off an unpleasant odor that repels most bird species.
    3. Leave an unpleasant stickiness that birds find offensive when they land on it.

    You can typically apply these products safely to most surfaces, including:

    • Ledges
    • Window sills
    • Balconies
    • Skylights
    • HVAC equipment

    Home Remedies

    You can purchase products thatcreate reflective surfacesto scare birds away from your home. They typically come with several hanging spiral rods or discs you install using a string.

    DIY solutions include using old CDs or reflective tape. Some homeowners use them in conjunction with wind chimes for greater effect.

    Essential oil repellents are available for bird control as well. They often contain peppermint, lavender, and rosemary, which are fragrances birds hate the most.

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    Things That Attract Pigeons

    The survival of birds depends on being able to find the necessities to sustain life. For pigeons residing in urban and suburban areas, humans provide much of what is needed. Here are some noteworthy examples.


    Studies show that pigeons are not picky eaters. Although they prefer peas, millet, and grain, they become less choosy when other birds compete for the same food sources. This could explain why pigeons eat almost anything in heavily populated, urban areas.

    Pigeons in the wild (rock doves) tend to consume only grains. However, feral pigeons in urban settings are so reliant on humans that their primary food sources are cakes and bread.

    According to scientists, the size of the food matters as well. In most instances, pigeons go for larger chunks of bread rather than settling for just the crumbs.

    Pigeons are not afraid of water but prefer to keep dry in wet weather. An average adult requires about one ounce of liquid per day. However, their young get all of their hydration through their parents.

    Bird baths can attract pigeons, although they seldom bathe. The main reason for visiting any standing water source is purely for survival.

    Nesting Sites

    Pigeon nests are typically a combination of sticks cemented together with feces and other organic materials. In urban environments, they’re oftenlocated on ledges or overhangs. In the wild, they build nests on the edge of cliffs or flat rocks overlooking the ocean.

    Roosting Behavior

    Pigeon roosting areas are essential features of pigeon survival. They provide protection from the elements as well as safety from predators. Areas under eaves and overhangs offer the best protection.

    Pigeonsseldom roost alonebut tend to line up or huddle together. Scientists believe this behavior helps keep the flock warm as well as ward off predators.

    What is most impressive is that pigeons sleep standing up. They keep from falling off ledges by flexing their knees and keeping their toes locked into place.

    Pigeonsseldom roost alonebut tend to line up or huddle together. Scientists believe this behavior helps keep the flock warm as well as ward off predators.

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    Closing Thoughts

    Pigeons are pesky birds that leave a mess on buildings, sidewalks, and vehicles parked in the wrong spot. Unfortunately, they also transmit respiratory diseases if you breathe in the dust from their feces.

    Here, we have given you the information needed to help prevent pigeons from destroying the outside of your home. In addition, you’re also armed with the knowledge of what attracts pest birds in general.

    然而,您可能不希望解决所有的these prevention measures yourself. For that reason, consulting a licensed pest control company in your area makes good sense. Their technicians often have the training and experience to handle large pigeon infestations.

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