How To Get Rid of Centipedes (2022 Edition)

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您可能听说过cent咬的cause extreme pain在某些情况下。因此,让这些生物在房屋内部徘徊似乎有些恐怖。

For that reason, we put together this handy guide that will show you:

  • How to Quickly Eliminate Centipedes From Your Home
  • 如何防止他们回来
  • How To Tell the Difference Between Centipedes and Millipedes
  • How To Know if You Have an Infestation
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Ed Spicer


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    How To Get Rid of Centipedes in Your Home

    DIY homeowners can get relief from centipede infestations. Here, we show you, step-by-step, how to do that.


    Like many crawling pests, centipedes require a fair amount of moisture. As a result, they’re drawn to damp places such as plumbing access points, basements, and crawl spaces. They also gravitate to air conditioning vent lines and runoff areas.

    Within humid regions, centipedes do well, especially during the summer months. Damp areas, such as bathrooms, should be equipped with exhaust fans to reduce moisture levels.


    2. Trapping

    The samesticky traps used to capture micework well for centipedes. They also provide an easy way to monitor infestation levels.

    一些地方下床,壁橱,在下沉. While glue traps are not a stand-alone solution, they can aid in capturing centipedes before they have a chance to bite.

    3. Diatomaceous Earth

    自然得出农药等硅藻土offer long-term, residual control against centipedes. It works by dehydrating the animal over time.

    Apply diatomaceous earth with a hand duster for crack and crevice treatments. In addition, you can use it for broadcast dusting of attics and crawl spaces.

    4. Silica Gels



    5. Residual Sprays

    Residual insecticide concentrates含有lambda-cyhalothrin, or bifenthrin are excellent choices to provide long-term control of centipedes. Here are a few tips forusing these products在你家附近。

    1. Use a one-gallon garden sprayer and mix according to label directions. Typically, the lower concentrated dilution rates are recommended for centipedes.
    2. Apply the spray using a 10-foot wide band, focusing on the area between the ground and the foundation.
    3. 使用两英尺的带在窗户,门,服务线条目,屋檐和通风口周围喷洒。
    4. 用于室内,现场处理的存储区域,门扫和其他害虫入口点。
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    How to Prevent Centipedes

    Prevention is the best way to control centipedes. With that in mind, the following are some examples of how to keep centipedes from coming back to invade your home.



    Scientists also consider the centipede a generalist predator, meaning it’s not very choosy about what it hunts. In other words, whatever is available will do nicely.

    For example:

    • Beetles
    • Termites
    • Spiders
    • Roaches
    • Silverfish

    To limit centipede food sources, it’s prudent to control other crawling pests. For that reason, a general, ongoing pest control program is beneficial for removing not only centipedes but also other pests.

    2. Limit Access to Moisture

    Centipedes are attracted to moisture, especially within vast desert environments. While humidity levels are not easy to control, there are a few things you can do to keep it from getting worse.

    1. Repair any plumbing leaks inside and outside the home.
    2. 定期检查洒水系统,以确保所有连接都安全。
    3. Consider draining pools that are not being used.
    4. 将洒水装置放在计时器上以防止水坑。
    5. 删除任何可能在院子周围造成停滞的水陷阱的东西,包括旧轮胎,婴儿游泳池和水桶。


    Centipedes adapt well to many habitat types, including:

    • Deserts
    • Forests
    • Prairies
    • Savannahs
    • Caves

    No matter where they are, centipedes rely on cover to protect themselves from predators. They also favor cool, damp places to avoid dehydration.

    In basements, remove clutter where centipedes often hide. That goes for outdoor areas as well. In addition, it’s best to remove mulch and leaf litter regularly to limit centipede harborage.

    4. Mechanical Exclusion Techniques

    Another way to prevent centipedes from infesting your home is by keeping them out with the same exclusion methods the pros use. Here are some simple steps to take:

    1. Seal pipe entry points with steel wool or expansion foam.
    2. Patch holes in siding created by animal damage with sheet metal or thin pieces of wood. For a more even surface, fill in the void with expansion foam, then smooth over with wood putty. As a finishing touch, sand the area, apply a coating of primer, then paint.
    3. Replace worn weatherstripping on all doors and windows. Also, replace any worn thresholds, kickplates, and door sweeps.
    4. Caulk window sills and door jambs.
    5. 维修粉底裂缝用环氧密封剂裂缝。

    5. Chemical Repellents

    硼酸灰尘placed strategically within cracks and crevices can kill centipedes and other household pests such as cockroaches and bed bugs. However, you will need a bulb duster to apply it correctly.

    Another option is to use pyrethrin dust instead. This product can offer a more robust centipede control option within attics, basements, and crawl spaces. It’s also a potent insect killer and works well on other crawly pests.

    6. Natural Centipede Repellents

    Essential oil repellents are available for centipedes. They typically contain several varieties, including tea tree oil and peppermint.

    You can also create your own liquid spray repellent. Here’s how:

    1. 将两盎司的茶树或薄荷油混合到32盎司的喷雾瓶中。
    2. 剧烈摇动以激活成分。
    3. 在门,踢脚线,窗户和入口处喷洒。
    4. 每周应用一次解决方案,以使Centipedes和其他害虫远离。


    Regular monitoring can help you keep track of centipedes and their movement patterns. Utilize the same glue boards you use to trap them.


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    How To Identify Centipedes


    中心是节肢动物belonging to the subphylum Myriapoda, meaning “many legs.” The house centipede is three to four inches long and has 15 body segments. It’s typically flat and varies in color between orange, dark brown, and yellow.

    Larger types of centipedes grow to six inches long and are capable of delivering a painful bite. These species are often found in harsh desert environments where they are well equipped to fight off predators.


    Most species of centipede lay between 10 and 50 eggs in soft soil. They can take up to three months to hatch, and most do not survive. Additionally, it can take up to three years to develop into an adult.

    Centipedes live from three to six years, depending on environmental conditions. Scientists have recently discovered some that live up to eight years. However, this is rare since centipedes have an abundance of natural predators.

    Centipedes vs. Millipedes

    While有很多相似之处between centipedes and millipedes, there are probably more differences. The following are some notable examples.


    Food Choices



    Centipedes possess long legs used for running fast. Millipedes have short legs designed for burrowing into the soil. They also move quite slowly compared to centipedes.



    Are Centipedes Harmful?



    Signs & Causes of a Centipede Infestation

    Noticing one or two centipedes in the home within three months does not constitute an infestation. However, when you see two to three every week, it may be time to take action.

    Peek breeding timesare between spring and summer when centipedes typically lay their eggs in moist soil. After that, their populations can grow increasingly until late fall.

    Florida and the Gulf states appear to have the highest concentration of centipedes in the U.S. This could be due to their wet, semi-tropical climates and warm year-round temperatures.

    在北方,蜈蚣过冬warm, moist environments indoors. That is why you can sometimes find them as late as January, in some instances.


    • 院子覆盖物
    • 岩石下的区域
    • 树皮
    • Tight spaces between rotting boards

    One Final Note

    Centipedes are not inherently dangerous. Still, no one wants to be bitten by one. Also, they can be somewhat frightening in large numbers.

    Tackling a centipede problem yourself has its challenges, so it’s advisable to seek assistance if you get stuck. There aremany exterminators in your areathat can help you take on your pest problems with confidence.


    That is why we set up this site. Our qualified experts want to help you navigate the complex world of pest control!

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