Getting Rid of Human Fleas (How To Do It?)

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Fleas… a pet’s worst nightmare… but what if they’re biting humans too!?

An infestation left unchallenged can easily lead to flea bites on humans.

Which is probably why you’re here right?



In this article, you’ll learn:

  • 人和宠物跳蚤之间的差异(有吗?)
  • 跳蚤一开始如何到达人类
  • Common signs and symptoms of fleas on humans
  • And some of our top tactics for human flea removal


Ed Spicer


Table of Contents

    Are Human and Pet Fleas the Same?



    There is technically a “human flea” that goes by the more scientific name,pulex Irtitans


    Flea bites on humans can be caused by either dog fleas, cat fleas, or human fleas. Both cat and dog fleas favor drinking the blood of their canine and feline hosts.

    However, this doesn’t stop them from wandering around and grabbing human blood snack from time to time. Severe flea infestation also lead to both cat and dog fleas hunting for human hosts as their alternative source of food.

    On the other hand, the human flea (pulex Irtitans)通常来自各种哺乳动物,例如土狼,臭鼬和狐狸。当涉及物理特征时,人类跳蚤对狗和猫跳蚤几乎相同。

    但是,人体跳蚤的体型稍大(1.5-4mm)。人跳蚤也感到恐惧,因为它们偶尔会传播致病性瘟疫,例如Yersinia pestis,又称瘟疫(不好)。

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    How do Humans Get Fleas?


    • Pets:获得人跳蚤的明显方法是,如果您在家中有猫或狗,并且有您不知道的跳蚤。成千上万的猫或狗跳蚤只需要一个月或两个月才能到达您的卧室,带您吃晚饭和午夜小吃。
    • Traveling:Even if you are not a pet owner, fleas can still invade your home in other ways. Visiting flea infested places can also trigger an infestation in your home. With the help of their strong hind legs,fleas can easily jumpinto your luggage and hitch a free ride on you.
    • 农场:人类跳蚤,pulex Irtitans,还记录在猪上生活。这意味着在养猪场工作的人容易收购跳蚤。
    • 其他动物:Human fleas are also delivered straight into homes through other hosts such as birds and rats.



    Read Also:没有宿主,跳蚤可以生存多久?

    Basically, we are a milk fountain in the eyes of these pesky parasites. And as long as there are fleas around the corner, our chances of getting bitten are just the same with cats and dogs.

    Here are some signs to help you confirm that you have your problem:

    1. 聚集的红色点(有时在3点)通常会在咬合周围肿胀,类似于蚊子的咬合
    2. Black specs on your white sheets (aka flea dirt)
    3. 您的宠物正在抓挠和/或似乎有跳蚤

    The following video will enlighten you on the factors that cause human flea infestation.


    就像蚊子一样,当被跳蚤咬伤时,您应该做的第一件事是avoid scratching the bite areasince doing so will only worsen the skin’s allergic reaction on the parasite’s saliva and may eventually lead to infection.

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    How Do You Get Rid of Human Fleas?


    In almost all circumstances of a flea problem, you’re going to have to target the source of the problem for any real removal to occur.


    1. 确认:Identify the most likely source of your flea infestation (e.g., pet bedding area, your bed, etc). This is where the eggs will be, which you’ll need to remove to interrupt the life cycle.
    2. 对待:Once you’ve found the most likely source of flea infestation, you’ll need to vacuum and clean the area thoroughly. The key here to remember is to clear out the eggs to stop new fleas from being born. If you have pets, make sure to give them a collar and/or some of flea treatment.
    3. Repeat:一旦开始删除过程,您将需要继续监视,如果您继续被咬伤,被咬伤的地方以及被咬时。

    Read Also:What are the top flea collars for cats?

    How To Treat Human Flea Bites On You Skin?

    就像蚊子一样,当被跳蚤咬伤时,您应该做的第一件事是avoid scratching the bite areasince doing so will only worsen the skin’s allergic reaction on the parasite’s saliva and may eventually lead to infection.


    1. 运用卡尔amine lotion on the bite areas to relieve itchiness. You can use aloe vera lotion as an alternative.
    2. Antihistamines are also an effective solution in getting rid of the itchiness of flea bites.
    3. However, this step is recommended only if you talk to your doctor to acquire the needed prescription.

    Read More:Click here to learn more about fleas.


    How Long Does It Take To Get Rid of Human Fleas?

    Provided that you are already equipped with the right knowledge and tools, getting rid of human fleas from your body takes only a couple of minutes.


    This is why cleaning up infested areas is CRITICAL to complete removal.

    Flea eggs are not sticky and therefore fall to the ground most of the time. If you have fleas in your hair, chances are that at least a couple hundred eggs are scattered all over your home, especially in your bedroom near your pillow.


    Final Thoughts On Human Fleas

    More likely than not, if you are a man or a women, and you think you have fleas, it is probably becuase you caught them from your pets.

    If a flea has gone without a blood meal for a long period of time, they will search for whatever they can find.


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