如何摆脱屋子(2022 Edition)

Home>Removal Guides>Fly Removal>如何摆脱屋子(2022 Edition)

According to the World Health Organization (WHO),房屋流是许多疾病以及皮肤和眼部感染的携带者。考虑到这一点,消除房屋周围的苍蝇侵扰对您的家庭健康至关重要。

In this informative article, our pest experts show you:

  • How To Quickly Eliminate Fly Infestations
  • How To Identify if You Have a Fly Problem
  • How To Stop Attracting Flies to Your Home
  • Secret Tricks Used by the Pros To Keep Them Away
Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!

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Table Of Contents

    How To Get Rid of Flies in Your Home



    The first order of business is to eliminate the fly’s food sources and breeding sites. This includes cleaning up after your pets. Also, get rid of any spilled garbage lying around.

    2. Limiting Access to Your Home

    The easiest way for flies to enter your home is through large openings, so keeping windows and doors closed during peak seasons is best. Also, it is crucial to repair damaged screens.

    3. Outdoor Fogging

    For fast relief from fly infestations, performing outdoor fogging around outdoor vegetation is sometimes necessary. Follow these steps to ensure you do it safely:

    • 选择天然产品containing citronella, cedarwood, or lemongrass oils. These fogging agents are much safer than pyrethrins for broadcast applications. They also have less impact on the environment.
    • Use a handheld foggerto treat selected areas instead of attempting to cover the entire backyard.
    • Avoid fogging in windy conditions to keep pesticide drift to a minimum. A good rule of thumb is, your neighbors should not be able to smell the fogging agent.
    • Read all label directions carefully before using these products.

    4. Fly Traps

    Several fly trapsare available to capture flies permanently. Here are the most common ones you can use.

    Bag Traps

    Disposable outdoor fly traps are useful for several species. You typically have to fill them with water before hanging them, but the attractant is already in place.

    Like most fly traps, the fly makes its way into a small hole. Once inside, it cannot find its way out and will eventually drown in the water.


    Another way to get rid of flies is with sticky traps. The simplest ones consist of flypaper you can either leave flat or hang near a window.

    Other versions employ long tubes you can hang from almost anywhere. The drawback to these products is that they are vulnerable to wind, dirt, and dust. For that reason, they work better for garages, storage spaces, and barns.

    Window Traps

    Fly Control的最新产品是窗口陷阱,它们是双面胶带的较大变化。




    UV light traps在室内捕捉活蝇。最好的产品配有真空风扇和胶水板。在整个家庭中放置几个​​小紫外线陷阱,作为对飞行昆虫的最后防御。

    How to construct a homemade fly trap:

    1. Create a funnel by cutting the top third of a 2-liter bottle
    2. Using the bottom portion of the bottle, pour in one cup of apple cider vinegar
    3. Add two drops of fragrant dish soap
    4. 加一杯糖水
    5. Wedge the funnel (top part of the bottle) into the bottom portion and tape it in place
    6. Coat the funnel part with honey or sugar as an added attractant
    7. Place the trap where you see the most fly activity

    The flies can get in, but they cannot figure a way out and get trapped permanently. Once the trap is full, simply throw it away.

    5. Bug Zappers

    Bug zappers work well indoors or outside. They typically feature a UV light attractant and a powerful electric shock grid to kill flying insects instantly.

    Besides flies, they also work for these common pests:

    • 蚊子
    • Gnats
    • Drain flies
    • Bees
    • Moths

    电动飞行颤抖是Bug Zapper技术的最新创新。您可以将它们打开并将其用作飞行颤抖,也可以将它们放在充电架上,以防止飞行害虫防止24小时。

    6. Fly Bait

    Granular fly bait is now available to homeowners in a milder formula than what professional exterminators use. It typically contains a strong attractant combined with the active ingredients, methomyl, and muscalure.

    It usually comes in a granular form that you can apply as a scatter bait along fence lines or within approved bait stations. It is essential to read the label directions carefully since dosages depend largely on the size of the infestation.

    7. Natural Home Remedies


    • 柠檬草
    • Eucalyptus
    • 薄荷
    • Citronella
    • Lavender

    You can also purchasenatural fly repellentsalready pre-mixed. They typically come in a handy 32-ounce spray bottle for added convenience. Apply these natural repellents to trash cans, under sinks, and outdoor areas such as patios and storage sheds to keep flies away.


    How To Identify Houseflies

    苍蝇都是大约3/8英寸长,表面上rily black, and have four dark brown stripes running across their back. You can find the greatest number of flies during the summer months when conditions are perfect for breeding.


    Flies reproduce at an alarming rate. One female lays100至150个鸡蛋at a time. The preferred breeding sites are within decaying organic material, such as:

    • Animal feces
    • Rotting garbage
    • 动物尸体
    • Decaying lawn mulch

    Newly hatched larvae (maggots) seek shelter within the organic matter. In contrast, more developed larvae prefer daylight in anticipation of reaching the adult stage.

    Once these new adult flies emerge, the female will lay eggs again, often in different locations.

    苍蝇都是大约3/8英寸长,表面上rily black, and have four dark brown stripes running across their back. You can find the greatest number of flies during the summer months when conditions are perfect for breeding.

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    What Attracts Flies To Your Home?

    Female flies lay their eggs in organic waste products. These include:

    • Dog feces
    • Kitchen waste
    • Decomposing yard mulch
    • 死动物尸体
    • 腐烂的水果

    取决于苍蝇类型, the larva will spend most of its time burrowing into these materials, sucking up their rich nutrients. Then, in about seven days, it emerges as an adult.

    Flies are also attracted to wet, swampy areas. Sprinkler system leaks combined with yard waste are ideal breeding sites for most species of flies.


    • 墙壁空隙
    • 阁楼
    • Crawlspaces
    • False ceilings

    Are Houseflies Harmful?

    苍蝇传播疾病to humans through food contamination. These are called enteric infections and include:

    • 腹泻
    • Typhoid
    • Cholera

    Flies also cause skin infections, such as:

    • Yaws
    • 皮肤白喉
    • Mycoses
    • Leprosy

    Equally important are the eye infections transmitted by flies, including trachoma and epidemic conjunctivitis. Children and older adults are particularly vulnerable to these diseases.


    Now that you have houseflies under control, you need a计划使他们远离. Here are the steps to prevent flies from returning to your home.

    1. Clean up after your pets.院子中的任何动物粪便都应立即取出,并用塑料袋或容器密封。
    2. 拿起任何溢出的垃圾in your yard or your home. This includes yard refuse such as old tires and appliances.
    3. 空停滞的水陷阱例如婴儿游泳池,水桶或开放式雨桶。
    4. Empty and wash indoor and outdoor garbage cans.Accumulated organic matter within these receptacles attracts flies.
    5. Replace torn window and door screens保持苍蝇。
    6. Apply granular bait around the fence lineto lure flies away from your house.
    7. Use hanging fly traps对于院子中的树木和其他垂直物体。
    8. Employ UV light traps and zappersfor porch and patio areas.
    9. Spray the perimeter of your homewith a residual insecticide spray containing pyrethrin. A wettable powder is highly repellant. However, it tends to stain dark surfaces, so it is preferable to use a microcap product instead.
    10. Place small indoor light traps in your hometo catch any remaining adult flies.
    11. Light citronella candlesfor added protection against flies. Just be sure they are labeled for indoor use. You can also purchase some for outdoor use, with many being sold as tiki torches or decorative lampstands.

    这个想法是为了画房子whil飞走了e trapping any that get through your perimeter defenses. This is a top-secret hack that professional exterminators do not want you to know.


    Flies are nasty creatures that no one wants around. They contaminate food and spread all sorts of diseases. For that reason, prevention seems to be the best solution.

    With that said, it’s not easy getting rid of houseflies. It’s a labor-intensive process that requires knowledge and patience. Unfortunately, we can only help you with the knowledge part.

    For housefly infestations that are out of control, it may be wise to consult with a licensed pest control company. They can assess your problem and recommend a solution.

    Also, not everyone feels comfortable handling pesticides, even if they’re all-natural. Since trained technicians wear safety gear, they’re much better protected than the average homeowner.

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