
>Removal Guides>逃亡>什么是botfly?(识别Botflies的提示)



Botflies don’t produce any infections in their hosts, don’t cause any harm (other than some swelling around the site), and eventually leave of their own accord to pupate and turn into adult botflies.


Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!



    Botflies or bot flies (either spelling is correct) are known by the scientific name,Dermatobia Hominis

    他们主要是南美害虫, so they are also called berne (Brazil), mirunta (Perú), moyocuil (México), mucha (Colombia), torsalo (Central America), and ura (Argentina). Additionally, they are also known as a warble fly, a heel fly, and gadflies.

    Note: Southern California is the only part of North America where botflies are normally found.


    • Cattle – Hypoderma Bovis
    • Sheep/Goats/Reindeer – Oestrus ovis
    • Horses/Donkeys – Gasterophilus intestinalis (lives in the stomach)

    其他名称包括cattle grubs(H. lineatum),有时被称为脚跟苍蝇。

    Check out the video below for details on how to remove bot fly larvae from human skin.



    Due to their hairy bodies and coloration,botflies通常被误认为是大黄蜂或马蝇。但是,它们在北美非常罕见。最近出现的野生动物侵扰的案件都是由于人们在南美洲旅行,度假或工作。
    阅读更多:Do Fruit Flies Bite?

    Botflies Vs. Mosquitoes

    One of the strangest symbiotic relationships in the world of entomology is the one betweenbotflies and mosquitoes。在短暂的生命中,雌性botfly会交配,然后在飞行中捕获蚊子,在其上产卵,并没有受到伤害。

    The eggs hatch into the larval stage when the mosquito bites a mammal (including you) and drop off onto the host. They will enter the host through the hole left by the mosquito bite or in the openings around hair follicles.

    在宿主出没期间,botfly maggot或幼虫蜕皮几次。在人类中this infestation is known as cutaneous myiasis。在此过程中的任何时候,宿主(人类或动物)或蚊子均未受到伤害。


    Botfly Vs. Yellow Fly

    Due to its yellow coloration, the yellow fly, sometimes known as the batlass fly is sometimes mistaken for a botfly.黄苍蝇,在伯利兹被称为医生苍蝇,是凶猛的比特斯。

    They are quite distinct from botflies though since adult botflies don’t have the ability to bite anything. If you’re being bitten without mercy by a furry-looking yellow fly that looks similar to a bumblebee, you might think it’s a botfly but it’s not.

    Botlfy Vs. Horse Fly

    Horseflies are bloodsuckers, just like mosquitoes. They are frequent pests around cattle yards and livestock pens. They can reach sizes of up to 1-1/4 inches in length, much larger than the average botfly.

    If a botfly is in the same area as a horsefly, it could lay its eggs on the bite marks left behind by the horse flies. It is a rare occurrence but it has been known to happen.

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    What Do Botflies Look Like?

    Adult botflies have large bulbous heads covered with hair。头发可能是不同的颜色,从黑白到reddish-orange它们是真正的苍蝇,订购双翅目,只有一组翅膀。它们通常是1/2英寸至一英寸长的,根本没有功能正常的口点。

    The larvae are quite different. They are soft, lumpy ovals about 1-2 centimeters in length with backward-pointing spines all over their body to anchor them in place within their host’s body. They live just under the skin and the only sign of their presence is a boil-like swelling, known as a warble.

    What Do Botflies Eat?


    The botfly larvae, inhabiting their host, live on the decaying tissue and fleshy matter that falls off the host due to the presence of the botflies. At each instar, when they molt and shed their skin, it too begins to decay and they eat it as well, in a form of self-cannibalization.




    This happens whether it’s a human botfly or animal botfly. The life cycle and results are the same for both. Bluntly put, botflies are gross but not harmful.


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