How To Keep Silverfish Away (2022 Edition)

Home>Removal Guides>How to Get Rid of Silverfish (Best Methods of 2021)>How To Keep Silverfish Away (2022 Edition)

Silverfish can beone of the most unsettling household pests在您的家中找到。他们的鳞片,令人毛骨悚然的外观和奇怪的动作使他们成为不受欢迎的入侵者,即使他们不威胁人类。但是,它们是令人难以置信的快速育种者,一天可以产生2至20个鸡蛋。他们还可以吃书籍,纸和木材之类的东西,这就是为什么您可能会在书架和书架上找到它们或窗台上的书架。

Knowing how to get rid of silverfish is a great way to keep your home sanitary and allow you to feel comfortable. Because they’re so ugly, silverfish can be alarming to come across, especially if you have an infestation.


  • Top 5 Ways to Keep Silverfish Away
  • 前3个自然解决方案
  • 是什么吸引了银鱼
Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!

Table Of Contents

    Top 5 Ways to Keep Silverfish Away


    虽然silverfish are known for eating things like paper and wood, they are also very attracted to starchy foods, which is why you might find them in your pantry around your bread. This can be an inconvenience, but you can also use this information to your advantage. Knowing what silverfish are attracted to can help you build a very effective trap.

    To build a jar trap, put a piece of bread in the bottom of a tall glass jar. Then, wrap the jar in textured tape like masking tape or duct tape. The silverfish will climb up the outside walls of the jar to get to the food using the texture of the tape. However, once they are inside, they won’t be able to get back out due to the smoothness of the glass.


    As with the bread, knowing where silverfish are most likely to want to nest can also help you trap them and get rid of them. Silverfish are very attracted to wet, pulpy materials, which is why places like your garage can be an ideal habitat for them. This is especially true if you have a lot of cardboard boxes or newspapers out there that get damp from the humidity.

    You can use this information to your advantage and create a newspaper trap. To do this, simply wet a newspaper and roll it up into a relatively tight roll. Secure it with rubber bands if you need to. Silverfish will crawl inside and start to create their homes there after a day or two. When this happens, simply throw the newspaper out and reset the trap until your infestation is gone.


    硅藻土是一种有用的物质有我n or around your home if you regularly deal with pests. This substance is made up of sedimentary rock and silica that has been made with fossilized organisms. It works because it cuts up the exoskeletons of pests that crawl over it, which causes them to die of dehydration.

    您可以在房屋周围和门的门槛下散布硅藻土。这种方法的主要好处之一是,它对您的宠物或儿童无毒,几乎可以在任何地方使用。你也可以放置out in your yard在您的盆栽植物中,以防止害虫吃它们。


    The best用银鱼进攻is a good defense. By making sure your home is sealed up as much as possible, you can protect it from silverfish and other pests like cockroaches and rodents. This will be your best bet when it comes to preventing a silverfish infestation before it becomes a problem.



    Silverfish love humid environments and will be most likely to infest places like your garage or attic due to the higher moisture levels. This is not only true of silverfish but also other pests like rodents and cockroaches. Most silverfish require a humidity level of about 75 to 90 percent, which is fairly moist and can easily be brought down using dehumidifiers.




    Use Essential Oils

    Essential oils are great,天然害虫控制解决方案and work as well for silverfish as they do for any other type of pest. Cedar oil is especially effective, but things like peppermint oil and lemongrass oil can work just as well. Not only that, but they will also provide your home with a nice aroma that is a benefit to any homeowner.

    When spreading the essential oils, make sure to put them in places that are out of the way and along the home’s perimeter. Baseboards and door thresholds are great places to spread these natural pesticides and can be incredibly effective in staving off other pests as well.


    Bay leaves work in essentially the same way as essential oils in that silverfish are repelled by them and will do anything they can to stay away from them. Like the essential oils, they will also give your home a pleasant smell that won’t be as overwhelming as some stronger oils.

    Place your bay leaves in your pantry and around your dry foods like rice and bread to make sure silverfish don’t getinto your kitchen cabinets. You can also place them in places like laundry rooms and other areas that tend to get very humid to make sure you don’t end up with a silverfish problem in there. This can be effective if you don’t want to go through the hassle of getting a dehumidifier.


    Cedar shavings are a great way to get the same effect as the cedar oil but without constantly reapplying it. Cedarwood is very repellent to silverfish and acts as possibly the best natural deterrent that exists. You can place wood shavings in a bowl and put them around the home in places where silverfish are most likely to be in the first place.

    Cedar chips can also be put in places where you might not want the strong aroma of essential oils. Closets and cupboards, which hold food sources for silverfish, often don’t have good ventilation, and cedar chips will protect without seeping into your clothing or food.


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    银鱼还吸引了面包和米饭等淀粉食品。如果您有一个容纳这些干货的厨房橱柜,并且总是有点潮湿的炉灶,这将是他们制作巢穴的理想场所。因此,您可能会在食物中放下银鱼,这是不卫生的,非常令人毛骨悚然。经过并尝试上述方法时for removing them,从这些地方开始,因为它们最有可能出现。



    假设您正在处理银鱼侵扰。在这种情况下,最好的选择是与pest control professional.他们将能够帮助您使用杀虫剂摆脱问题以及其他方法,并采用一些自然技术。另外,他们将能够帮助您确保自己受到不断的保护,并且将来不会出现银鱼的侵扰。

