

The first step to getting rid of a groundhog is to know you have one.

Without seeing the groundhog personally, you need to rely on your own senses by looking around the yard for the telltale signs of this animal.

Some of the most obvious signs of groundhogs are tunnels, dens, and damage to plants in the garden or around the area.

To discover if you have a groundhog, check out the telltale signs below.

Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer


Table of Contents

    What Are Groundhogs?

    Groundhogs (sometimes called woodchucks) belong to the classification of marmots: animals that gorge themselves during the spring and summer and then hibernate during the winter.



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    Yes, we know what you’re thinking, and yes, this与著名的Punxsutawney Phil(也许是世界上最著名的土拨鼠)相同的动物。

    Regular groundhogs, however, aren’t as comfortable around humans as Punxsatawney Phil, and not nearly as neatly-groomed. Here’s what you need to look for if you think you see one in your yard: they can be identified by their long, sharp front teeth and are thelargest member of the squirrel family.

    Why Do Groundhogs Like Your Yard?


    In particular, they like fresh fruits, vegetables, and weeds like dandelions. They areprimarily herbivores但是有时饿时吃昆虫。


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    What Does A Groundhog Tunnel Look Like?

    Groundhog tunnels实际上看起来很像是用痣制成的:它们宽几英寸,长几英尺,完全被污垢包围。

    Some people estimate the circumference of the tunnel entrance can be between 10-12 inches around. These tunnels usually open near a garden and can be hard to see under the regular sections of the yard. Groundhogs are non-confrontational and prefer to spend as little time around humans as possible, so they create the entrances to their tunnels as covertly as possible.



    Sometimes, homeowners can find one tunnel which leads from the garden or food source and straight to the den or the main living quarters.









    Female woodchucks are a little different. The youngstay with their motherfor 2 months before they leave and make their own homes. They learn the skills they need to survive in about 4 weeks and are gradually weaned from milk onto soft foods such as dandelions.

    What Does Groundhog Damage Look Like?

    Groundhog damage非常独特。您可能会看到隧道开口处散落在整个院子中,并从花园水果和蔬菜中叮咬。此外,这些动物将吃掉蒲公英,胡萝卜和花朵的顶部。


    人们通常可以随着我们进入土拨鼠洞ll and might hurt themselves. It’s not unheard of to accidentally step in a groundhog hole and twist your ankle or even break your leg!

    What To Do When You Find Signs Of A Groundhog?


    You have a few options available: call a pest control company, use a trap, or gas the groundhog tunnels to kill any of the animals in the area.

    For inexperienced people, calling a professional is probably your best bet. If you want to trap or gas the groundhog, you need to check the local laws in your area because somestatesmake it illegal to trap or kill large animals like woodchucks and raccoons.


    The decision to trap or gas comes down to whether or not you are willing to kill the groundhog. Most traps cost upwards of $50 and look like metal cages which can be opened and closed by a spring-loaded door. These traps have handles so that the user can bring the trapped animal to a wildlife reserve for release.



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    Once you know you have a groundhog, you can identify where it lives and then make a decision about how to handle the situation.


