
>Removal Guides>如何摆脱蚊子(快速指南)>蚊子咬狗吗?(2022答案)


Well then, you’re in the right place!

In this guide you’ll learn:

  • 蚊子咬狗吗?
  • Why do mosquitoes bite dogs?
  • How can you tell if your dog was bitten by a mosquito?
  • What does a mosquito bite look like on a dog?
  • Best mosquito bite treatment for a dog?

Let’s start with the obvious. Yes,mosquitoes bite dogs。They bite them a lot actually, but because your doggy best friend can’t talk, they can’t tell you about it or complain about the itching. This puts them at a distinct disadvantage compared to people and could subject them to needless suffering until you finally figure out that something is wrong with them.


Mosquitoes are vectors (a fancy word meaning they carry diseases without catching themselves) for things like malaria, Zika, dengue, yellow fever, Rift-Valley fever, and West Nile. In addition, mosquitoes are also vectors for diseases that are specific to dogs, such as心丝虫



Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!

Table of Contents

    Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Dogs?

    加州大学河滨分校的研究人员告诉我们mosquitoes are drawn to dogs for the same reasons they’re drawn to people

    • 蚊子中有受体在一种叫做上颌帕尔普的受体,可以从我们的呼吸中检测到二氧化碳以及皮肤气味,磨损的衣服,臭袜子和其他汗水染色的服装。蚊子被遗传编程,以吸引这些气味和体内的热量。狗呼气二氧化碳,具有臭味的皮肤气味,并且身体与我们相同,因此也吸引了蚊子。
    • 雄性蚊子只为了施肥而死亡。在成熟后的短短3-4天的寿命中,他们唯一吃的是甜液体,例如花蜜,糖水和来自甜或腐烂水果的果汁。他们曾经交配,然后卷曲并死亡。
    • 雌性需要在雄性中保持相同的食物才能保持健康,但一个重要的例外。花蜜等等使它们活着,但他们需要很多蛋白质才能产生鸡蛋,蛋白质drinking blood from mammals。这是他们的吸血鬼习惯发挥作用的地方。
    • 雌性蚊子回家呼出的二氧化碳和体温。您的鼻子和嘴非常靠近耳朵,这就是为什么您经常听到蚊子在头上嗡嗡作响的原因。您的耳朵裸露在空中,散发着很多热量。狗的耳朵的内部几乎没有头发,因此蚊子周围嗡嗡作响的蚊子会被吸引到他们的耳朵,陆地上并咬住它们。
    • 此外,这是您需要注意的事情,与身体的其余部分相比,狗的腹股沟区域周围几乎没有头发,这也使该区域也很脆弱。

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    Your dog may display certain symptoms if they sustain mosquito bites. Be on the lookout for:

    • Scratching when you know they don’t have any fleas
    • Continuously rubbing their nose and ears against the ground or carpet
    • Red welts like the ones you get when you’ve been bitten by a mosquito


    • Constant coughing
    • 呼吸困难
    • Lack of energy
    • Refusal to play or run
    • No appetite or a sudden, unexplained weight loss

    If your dog has mosquito bites and displays any of these symptoms, take them to the vet right away. By the time you’re able to spot the symptoms in your pet, the disease is already rather advanced. They need immediate treatment.

    Whatever you do, don’t use human insect repellents on dogs.

    Their metabolism is different than ours and chemicals that are harmless to us can be toxic to them. Things like Deep Woods Off are particularly harmful to dogs. Don’t use them on Fido.


    What Does a Mosquito Bite Look Like on a Dog?

    Mosquito bites on dogs look exactly the same as mosquito bites on people,小红色的毛皮。如果这是冬季中期,并且您已经有几个星期没有看到任何蚊子,但是您的狗在耳朵,鼻子和嘴巴和腹股沟区域中都有红色的腰围,那么蚊子很不可能被蚊子叮咬。它可能是臭虫或其他同样令金博宝188充值金宝搏官网登录人不快的东西,但不是蚊子。

    On the other hand, if you’re constantly swatting at mosquitoes every time you go outside and your dog has red welts and is always scratching, yeah, it’s probably mosquito bites. If that’s the case, rest assured, your canine companion is just as miserable as you would be in that situation.


    Whatever you do,不要在狗上使用人类驱虫剂。Their metabolism is different than ours and chemicals that are harmless to us can be toxic to them. Things like深树林are particularly harmful to dogs. Don’t use them on Fido.

    • Use some alternative treatments that won’t harm your furry friends. There are plenty ofanti-bacterial creams that are formulated just for dogs。Use small dabs of cream and gently rub them in with your fingers. Rover may object the first time or two you do this, but once they realize the cream is soothing the itching and burning you shouldn’t have any more problems putting it on them.
    • 对狗的另一种治疗方法是在叮咬上使用精油。精油是一种天然治疗,不会伤害您的狗。您可以使用tree tea oil,薰衣草油, andlemon eucalyptus oilsto treat mosquito bites on both you and your pets. These oils soothe the itching and help keep the mosquitoes away too. Apply the essential oils the same way as you apply the anti-bacterial creams.
    • 对您的狗的常规预防措施只是在蚊子活跃或在下午太热的午后在清晨的清晨行走。蚊子不喜欢凉爽的早晨,并且在一天中最热的地方很难散发热量,因此它们在那段时间不那么活跃。

    Preventative Mosquito Treatments

    Mosquitoes only lay their eggs in standing water. Their larva feed on the algae and bacteria that live in stagnant water. Running water doesn’t have the right kind of either and therefore mosquitoes can’t survive in it. Get rid of every single source of standing water on your property. Clean out the gutters, empty any excess moisture from flower pots, and squeegee away any puddles on your patio, sidewalks, and driveway. Don’t even leave a water bowl outside for your dogs. Mosquitoes can easily lay their eggs in the water dish, hatch, and mature in it in a couple of days.

    • 如果你有池死水你不能通用t rid of, such as a koi pond, use some蚊子扣篮在水里。它们是一种坚果形的农药,慢慢地溶于水中并杀死蚊子幼虫。它们对宠物,孩子或鱼类无害,因此您可以在鱼池中安全地使用它们。每个扣篮将处理约100平方英尺的水。
    • You can add some Microbe-Lift Mosquito Control Liquid to your standing water to kill the mosquito larva in the water as well as the algae and fungus they feed on. It’s a nice one-two punch.
    • Keep your dog inside except when they need to go. Make sure all the screens, doors, and windows are tightly sealed so mosquitoes can’t get in. If you have a screened in back porch, carefully check the perimeter of all the screens to ensure there aren’t any gaps. Also, make sure there aren’t any rips in the screens themselves.

    Frequently Asked Questions


    A。Mosquitoes are most active during the warm months of the years. However, due to their fast life cycle, a warm spell in January can provide enough time for them to hatch and become a nuisance in just a few days. Unless there is frost or snow on the ground, mosquitoes are a possibility.

    Q. Are there any canine diseases besides heartworms that dogs can get from mosquitoes?


    Q. How can I stop my dogs from scratching their ears raw?

    A。Put a大锥领, also known as a recovery collar, on them. They won’t be able to reach their ears – although they will certainly try. Use a soothing cream or essential oil in combination with the collar to relieve their pain.

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