
Black widow spiders are infamous for their dangerous bites. Black widow spiders are found throughout most of North America, except for Northern Canada. They are one of two venomous spiders in the United States alongside the brown recluse spider.

Black widow spiders are easy to identify due to their iconic all-black body with an orange or red hourglass marking on their abdomen. These markings may appear as several red spots in some black widow species, but these spots often form an hourglass shape. Black widow spiders were initially given their name after people witnessed the female black widow spiders eat the male black widow spiders after mating. However, this is not usually the case in reality and is more myth than fact.

Black widow spiders are web-building spiders who linger near their webs during the day and wait for prey to entrap themselves in their web. Typically, they only bite defensively when their web is disturbed or they feel threatened. Black widow spider bites often happen when黑寡妇蜘蛛藏在壁橱里,鞋子,地下室或受到干扰的物品中。不幸的是,黑寡妇叮咬很危险,在本文中,我们将讨论黑寡妇蜘蛛对您和亲人的危险。


  • Are Black Widows Dangerous to Humans?
  • Are Black Widows Dangerous to Any Pets?
  • 黑寡妇有毒吗?
  • Do Black Widows Pose Any Health Risk?
Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer


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    Are Black Widows Dangerous to Humans?

    简言之,是的。黑寡妇叮咬可能非常丹吉rous to humans, especially young children, the elderly, or those who are immunocompromised. However, even healthy adults can suffer from a variety of painful side effects that may require medical attention to treat. The good news is that black widow bites are rarely fatal. However, you may still need medical attention, especially if you end up having an allergic reaction to the spider venom or experiencing severe symptoms.

    Common black widow spider bite symptoms:

    • 咬合部位周围的发红可能扩散到身体的其他部位
    • Cramping
    • Nausea
    • Pain
    • 肿胀
    • Tremors
    • Vomiting
    • Sweating

    通常,黑寡妇咬人症状持续一到三天, and most people experience pain right away after being bitten. If you aren’t sure what kind of spider you were bitten by, it’s recommended that you have a medical professional check out the spider bite. Spider bites usually look like other bug bites and can be challenging to diagnose on your own. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, are having trouble breathing or swallowing, experiencing severe pain, abdominal cramping, or a growing wound, immediately seek medical attention.

    Long-term并发症from a black widow spider bite are rare, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry and have it checked out by your medical provider.

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    Are Black Widows Dangerous to Any Pets?



    • 严重的肌肉疼痛
    • 表演“醉酒”(绊脚石,迷失方向)
    • 肌肉痉挛
    • Tremors
    • 血压的变化(通常高血压)
    • 流口水
    • Diarrhea
    • Paralysis
    • Vomiting

    Without medical attention, a dog or cat can die from a black widow spider bite, so if you notice any of these symptoms or see your pet with a black widow spider, immediately consult with your veterinarian or call a宠物毒品热线。宠物中黑寡妇蜘蛛咬伤的典型治疗方法包括抗蛇毒,止痛药,抗塞氏菌药物,静脉注射液以及对其他显示症状的支持。猫和小狗尤其面临黑寡妇叮咬的严重症状和死亡的风险,因为它们的大小较小。如果您的宠物被咬了,请不要等待看看会发生什么。迅速采取行动并获得帮助。

    Seek immediate medical attention if a black widow spider bites you because black widow venom is considered 15 times stronger than a rattlesnake bite.



    一个常见的误解我对黑寡妇蜘蛛s that they are poisonous, but they are actually venomous creatures. Poisonous animals, like certain species of frogs, need to be eaten for the toxin to be spread. However, venomous animals bite their victims to inject venom, like black widow spiders or rattlesnakes.

    不幸的是,黑寡妇蜘蛛也是北美最有毒的蜘蛛物种之一。除了加拿大北部,它们几乎可以在任何地方找到,那里太冷了。无论您住在沙漠,森林还是山区,避免黑寡妇蜘蛛避免黑人寡妇蜘蛛,这使您知道黑寡妇的外观和如何防止他们from entering your home. Keeping up with smart害虫控制措施, such as regular landscaping, home repairs, and keeping other pest infestations from developing, are crucial to防止黑寡妇和其他蜘蛛侵入您的房屋。为了保护自己免受黑色寡妇蜘蛛叮咬的侵害,在外面工作时始终戴上手套和长袖,将地下室除尘或进入棚子。

    Do Black Widows Pose Any Health Risk?

    Yes, black widows pose a health risk to humans, especially young children. Fatalities are rare, but painful symptoms can arise, which is why medical attention is advised. Typically, a medical professional will diagnose your spider bite through a physical examination of the bite and questions about the spider you were bitten by. Then, your doctor will ask about your symptoms and examine you. If you are struggling to breathe, experiencing high blood pressure, or are pregnant, they maywant to use antivenomto counteract the black widow spider venom. However, this will not be necessary in most cases, and you may simply be prescribed medicine to relieve pain and advised to place an ice pack on the bite site.

    Regardless, it’s recommended that you seek immediate medical attention if a black widow spider bites you because black widow venom is considered 15 times stronger than a rattlesnake bite. Fortunately, a black widow spider cannot inject as much venom at one time, but it is still a highly dangerous venom that can be fatal in some cases. If you or a loved one are bitten, watch for signs of an allergic reaction, such as trouble breathing or swallowing, because some people are allergic to spider venom and may go into anaphylaxis.



    如果您注意到财产上的黑寡妇,请随时接触您的当地灭虫者to deal with the problem immediately. A professional will know the best steps to taketo get rid of the black widowson your property as fast as possible so that you and your family are safe from harm.

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