

Paper wasps are a common species of wasp in North America that build nests in backyards, attics, crevices, and under the eaves of your porch. Like anywasp or yellowjacket, paper wasps can be aggressive if they feel threatened. Because of this, it is a good idea to identify them and know if you are dealing with an infestation. Having as much information about these common pests as possible can help you decide on your best course of action for removing them.


  • 如何识别纸黄蜂
  • 纸黄蜂行为和习惯
  • 是什么吸引了纸黄蜂
  • How You Can Get Rid of Paper Wasps


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Ed Spicer


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    Paper wasps are usually found throughout the entire United States and are most common in fairly highly populated areas. This is because they need materials and fibers to build their nests, and these items are much easier to find in places where there are many people around. They have six long legs and large antennae that protrude from their head. They will be slightly darker in color than other wasps and yellowjackets, and their torsos will be a little bit thinner.

    Individual paper wasps measure between a half-inch and 1.5 inches in length. Most of them will be around one inch altogether, though. They come in various colors, such as orange, reddish-brown, and dark red. Some of them will have yellow markings or red stripes that are very bright and distinctive.

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    Paper wasps will start to build their nestwhen spring arrives, and there are a lot of plants from which they can get the wood fiber they need to build. They will also look for man-made wood structures and paper fibers anywhere they can and build their nest in protected areas like door frames and awnings. This is one of the reasons paper wasps will end up stinging people. Because their nests are usually built in high-traffic areas like this, you may inadvertently disturb them.

    在大多数情况下,纸黄蜂将阿龙离开你e if you leave them alone. In fact, they are an incredibly beneficial insect to have around your home since they eat more harmful insects like mosquitoes. However, paper wasp colonies can have up to 200 cells in them, which can contain larvae and many more adults, so you can’t be sure how many you are dealing with when you have an infestation. One paper wasp sting can be painful, but 200 could be potentially deadly.

    This is why it is so important that you get a pest control professional to come and取出纸巢在女王有机会产卵之前。这将减少周围有更多成年人建造另一个巢穴的可能性,您可以确定您的侵扰已被完全消除。虽然纸黄蜂可能没有比大黄蜂或蜜蜂,在给某人痛苦的刺痛后,他们可以去除毒刺的能力使他们有机会多次刺痛。这可能会导致不良反应,需要立即进行医疗护理。




    Paper wasps will be attracted to scents that mimic the smell and look of their natural targets for pollination. This means that if you have a paper wasp infestation, you should avoid using perfumes and wearing bright colors that might attract them. While they are not very likely to attack unprovoked, they could end up being attracted to something you are wearing and will feel threatened when they realize you are not what they thought you were.

    You should also avoid a paper wasp nest whenever possible. Because they can be so territorial, there are a lot of dangers associated with getting near their colonies. It doesn’t take much to stir up a colony, and you could find yourselfgetting stung multiple timesif you do. Paper wasp stings contain toxins, which can cause severe allergic reactions in human beings and even death in small children and animals. Their stings can also transfer bacteria to the bloodstream, leading to sepsis if it isn’t taken care of right away.


    If you have a paper wasp nest in your backyard, it is incredibly important that you do not try to remove it yourself. As mentioned above, disturbing a paper wasp nest is one of the ways they will become very aggressive. When this happens, you could end up getting swarmed by them, which can be dangerous. Having a professional取出纸黄蜂and wasp nest is always your best, safest option. They will know how to handle it and get it away from your home safely.



    If you have a paper wasp nest in your yard, find a goodpest control professionalto remove it. They will know how to get rid of it, but they will also help ensure that they cannot come back and build another nest. Many pest control companies have exclusion techniques that they can use to make sure your yard is safe all year and that will allow you to rest easy knowing you are protected.

    Identifying a纸黄蜂巢如果您居住在它们很常见的区域,那么正确处理它至关重要。采取必要的步骤来保护自己和家人可以帮助您在后院出门时感觉更好,并且自信地知道没有人或宠物有痛苦或有害的刺痛的危险。

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