How To Keep Ants Away (2022 Edition)

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潮湿条件下最有可能发送蚂蚁真了不得g for shelter in your home. Most other ant infestations will occur during hot, dry seasons, typically August and September. In general, ants will frequently come in when it’s too hot out, and they’re looking for food and water.

Unfortunately, ants are prolific pests that quickly bring other ants into your home. Once inside your home, some ant species, like carpenter ants, will create nests. Other ant species will continue to bring other ants into your home for shelter and food. Regardless of the ant species, ants are undesirable tenants that you don’t want sticking around.



  • 远离蚂蚁的前8种方法
  • Top 5 Natural Solutions
  • What Attracts Ants
Ed Spicer

Ed has been working in the pest control industry for years helping 1,000's of homeowners navigate the world of insect and rodent management. He manages Pest Strategies now helping homeowners around the world!

Table of Contents


    There are many ways to keep ants away from your home, kill ants, and set up ant control to prevent ants in the future. The primary ways to squash your ant problem include:

    • 蚂蚁排除(防止蚂蚁物理进入您的房屋并去除吸引人))
    • 杀虫剂(消除蚂蚁的农药)
    • 蚂蚁诱饵
    • Ant repellents

    Let’s go over some specific steps that you can use to keep ants out of your house. Often, it will require multiple methods to get rid of and prevent ants, so we recommend working with several of these to start your pest control efforts:

    • 摆脱吸引人。蚂蚁主要吸引我们的食物,水和庇护所。首先使用密封的容器来密封您家中的食物来源,以便蚂蚁不能吃食物并污染食物。然后,请检查您的房屋是否有管道和水龙头中的泄漏。修复您立即发现的任何泄漏,以消除害虫的水源,例如蚂蚁,蟑螂和跳蚤。
    • Clean up your trash。Regularly take out your trash and make sure that the lids on your trash cans are tight and sealed for both your indoor and outdoor trash cans. Then, hose down the area around the trash cans weekly to wash away the pheromones that ants leave behind. Other ants use these pheromones to guide them to your home, so erase these pheromones regularly to prevent this from happening. Ants will need toforage for foodrepeatedly instead of having a direct route to your home when you wash away their pheromones.
    • 密封您家的入口点。Any openings in your home will allow ants and other pests to enter your home easily. Examine the entire outside of your home for possible openings. Silicone caulk is ideal because ants can chew through regular caulk. Look for cracks and crevices around window sills, door frames, dryer vents, and near any water pipes or outdoor faucets. Also, check electrical, telephone, or cable TV wiring for possible entry points. Eaves, lights, chimneys, and vents in your roof are other prudent places to look for entry points. Once you’ve identified any entry points, fill these cracks and crevices with silicone caulk.
    • Keep up with your landscaping.Carpenter ants are notorious for building nests in trees and may use trees to access houses and buildings. Regularly trim any tree limbs that touch your home to prevent carpenter ants from entering your home this way.
    • Apply granular insecticides to eliminate ants in your yard before they enter your house.一种颗粒状杀虫剂that is widely recommended is the Talstar PL Granule, which is a great way to control ants effectively. These granules typically come in 25-pound bags and will need to be spread around the yard with a hand spreader. To use, fill the hopper on the spreader and set the size of the opening. We recommend starting it at three, which is in the middle of the sizes offered on the sliding switch. These granules are water-activated. Once water touches them, they melt and spread out to create a band of insecticide. It’s recommended that you do this once a month, especially during warm months of the year, to get ongoing protection from ants.
    • Use insecticide sprays.杀虫剂喷雾很有帮助使用您家中的近入口点。如果您找出蚂蚁进入房屋的位置,请使用杀虫剂喷雾来防止蚂蚁进入。
    • Place ant baits around your home.如果您在家里发现蚂蚁,请在房屋周围放置蚂蚁诱饵。与其他害虫诱饵不同,蚂蚁诱饵不会吸引蚂蚁进入陷阱。但是,诱饵是有毒的,吸引了蚂蚁。当工人蚂蚁吃蚂蚁诱饵时,它们将其带回蚂蚁巢并进行process called trophallaxis。一旦回到蚂蚁巢或殖民地,工人蚂蚁将反省部分消化,有毒的诱饵,并将其喂入其他蚂蚁,幼虫和女王蚂蚁。由于蚂蚁诱饵有毒,这将杀死任何消耗蚂蚁的蚂蚁,从而有效消除蚂蚁菌落。我们建议使用Terro液体蚂蚁诱饵,它闻起来像食物一样,很容易吸引蚂蚁。这种蚂蚁诱饵中的活性成分是sodium tetraborate decahydrate, alsoknown as borax。Borax将迅速杀死法老蚂蚁,有臭的房子蚂蚁,pavement ants, carpenter ants, fire ants, and other types of ants. Place these ant bait traps near ant trails you’ve seen, near entry points, near nests, and ant hills for the best results.
    • 深层清洁您的房屋。Ants are attracted toeasy access to food sources and water.如果您将宠物食品遗漏,这将吸引蚂蚁到您的家中。蚂蚁会很高兴地追随柜台上留下的任何碎屑,溢出的物质或剩余的剩菜。确保您将食物安全地储存,并经常扫掠,真空和擦地板,以捡起可能会发生的食物碎屑。
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    Top 5 Natural Solutions

    If you’re looking for natural remedies to take care of ants on your property or inside your home, keep reading to learn more.

    • Use Diatomaceous earth (DE)作为反对蚂蚁的纯天然驱动力。DE由微观海洋植物(也称为硅藻)制成。de具有剃须刀边缘,将保护性壳切开在蚂蚁和昆虫上,以死亡结尾。在大多数情况下,DE以粉末形式出现,并且可以在窗台和遇到的蚂蚁小径等入口处进行细微的散布。我们对DE的建议是Harris硅藻土,它装在21磅的袋子中,其中包括一个粉末,可让您快速将细粉末散布在房屋中而不会产生巨大的混乱。
    • 尝试精油to disrupt the chemical trail of pheromones that ants leave behind. By disrupting the pheromone trail, you make it difficult for ants to find their way into your home.创建精油by squeezing, steaming, or grinding plants to release the oils within the plant fibers. The resulting distillate is highly concentrated and is often used for household cleaning products, pest control, and aromatherapy. Popular essential oils for pest control include peppermint oil, lemon,lavender,eucalyptus, lime, and lemon oil. We recommend diluting one of these essential oils and placing the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray this scent around your home and entry points to disrupt the scent trails that ants follow into your home.
    • 创建白醋和水的DIY混合物。在喷雾瓶中以1:1的比率white vinegar and water并在任何看到蚂蚁的地方喷洒它。这是一种安全有效的方法孩子和宠物友好。我们还建议在附近的台面食品上喷洒此物品,以及蚂蚁可能进入您家的裂缝和缝隙。
    • Use boric acid to kill ants.Boric acid is a natural ant killer that is not toxic for humans but is highly effective against ants. Try mixing boric acid in water and sugar to create a trap that will lure ants and kill them. Place this mixture near ant trails. Once they climb in, they will die, or they’ll escape and take the boric acid back to their colony, effectively killing off other colony members.
    • 尝试与蚂蚁的Cayenne Pepper。Ants widely hate cayenne pepper and black pepper。识别蚂蚁侵染问题,并在源周围散布辣椒或黑胡椒。您甚至可以使用Cayenne Pepper在酒店周围建造墙壁,以防止它们进入您的房屋,因为这是自然的威慑蚂蚁。

    Use insecticide sprays.



    What Attracts Ants?

    Ants are primarily attracted to three things in our homes: water, food, and shelter. If they find all three in your home, they will turn to reproduction and expand the infestation in your home.

    Water and Food

    Ants will be incredibly persistent about finding water and food, particularly during hot and dry weather. Ants usually eat meats, fats, sugar, sweets, starches, vegetables, and even left-out pet food. Certain ant species, like pavement ants, will also feed on honeydew which is produced by aphids.


    Ants are tiny critters that only need a space that a piece of notebook paper can fit into to enter your home, which is why physical exclusion methods are so crucial to preventing an ant infestation.Certain ant specieswill make nests in wall voids in your home, attic, crawl space, or attic, especially if your crawl space has a pier and beam foundation. Large potted plants in your home can also attract ants because they may make their nest in the plant soil.

    Another factor in ant shelter is the weather. Heavy rain soaks the ground and forces ant colonies to look for higher ground to avoid drowning. During heavy rain, your home will look like a haven for these pests. Drought will drive ants and other pests inside to look for water sources and food to prevent them from starving during these intense seasons.

    Final Thoughts

    Ants can be difficult to get rid of, which is why preventative measures are always the best way to avoid ant infestations. However, ants inside your home can be dealt with using the discussed methods. We recommend starting with insecticide granules in your yard and using silicone caulk in cracks and crevices in your home to prevent ants from entering your home physically. Deep cleaning, such as cleaning with essential oils and vacuuming up food crumbs regularly, is also key to preventing pest infestations.

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