
Home>去除指南>如何摆脱负鼠(2022 Edition)>如何去除阁楼中的负鼠?(有用的提示)


Nothing could prepare you for the utter shock of coming face-to-face with the creepy, black eyes of an opossum in your attic instead!

If this situation sounds familiar, keep reading. We’ve got just the solutions you need for how to deal with this type of scenario…and don’t worry—it’s more common than you think!

Ed Spicer


Table of Contents

    Finding The Source Of Your Opossum Problem


    It didn’t just magically appear overnight; there’s got to be an attractant up there and an entry point through which it made its way inside. Your job is to locate both of those things before you can focus ongetting rid of the opossum


    First, Check And Seal Up Loose Boards

    负鼠可以进入阁楼或爬网空间的最简单方法之一是通过松散的筋膜板。By sealing up all the possible entryways in your home, you’re eliminating the methods an opossum can use to skirt its way inside.

    Check out the video below to see how this simple process can be accomplished yourself.


    Here’s acomprehensive checklist您可以关注您的家开始。

    Fill In Access Entries And Hole With Caulk

    If there are any holes or small openings in your home’s structure or around windows, caulk them up immediately!

    Each unsealed hole presents an opportunity to become a point of entry for a small pest, or manipulated into a large entry point for an opossum, raccoon, rat, or mouse. By sealing up your home, you’re closing all the doors to the outside—as they should be.


    This is a highly unpleasant task, but one that must be accomplished nonetheless. Sometimes, nuisance animals sneak upstairs totally unbeknownst to homeowners, then die—still under the radar.

    The only sign of their presence occurs when a scavenger appears to sniff out and consume the carcass. In this case, the opossum could very well be that scavenger.

    Because opossums regularlyfeast on dead animals当有机会的时候,这是他们到来的主要因素并不罕见。如果负鼠闻到阁楼上腐烂的尸体,它将在那里沿着骨骼清洁。而且,由于负鼠会随着衰老而吃掉死动物,因此通常会消除通常与腐肉相关的腐烂气味。

    Compare Pest Control Companies Near You

    Deal With the Opossum Itself


    Take a look below at some of the best methods to ward off these nuisances and get your attic back!

    Purchase a Trap

    有几个oversized rodent traps andtraps for nuisance animals在市场上,可以用来限制在阁楼上扎根的负鼠。


    For our recommendations on top traps, be sure to check out ourguide to opossum traps and cages.

    Tidy Things Up

    More often than not,游牧负鼠只是在寻找几个星期坠毁的地方。他们喜欢用无组织的空间制作巢穴,因为他们很可能会独自一人在这些地方。

    If your attic is disorganized (and let’s be honest, most attics are), opossums see this as prime real estate to settle down and spend a few weeks or months. By cleaning things up, you’re removing the opportunity for the opossum to be left alone in its solitude. It will more than likely scurry away, as these animals are very shy and passive in nature.



    负鼠可以进入阁楼或爬网空间的最简单方法之一是通过松散的筋膜板。By sealing up all the possible entryways in your home, you’re eliminating the methods an opossum can use to skirt its way inside.

    Find A Local Exterminator

    Call In a Professional

    When all else fails,call someone trainedto handle these animals. It may cost you a few extra bucks, but in the end, you’ll be paying to have your opossum removed safely and securely.

    In addition to that, you’ll get the peace of mind in knowing that your专业船员can offer you expert advice on how to prevent opossums from coming back in the future.


    While there are a ton of驱虫剂anddeterrents针对负鼠和其他滋扰动物,您可以购买并用来将这些动物摇摆出去,我们建议您即使在阁楼上也可以在家中使用它们。

    Why is that?


    Deterrents and repellents likeultrasonic repellers are effective,也许有点too很多;我们在这里仅作为一种选择,但我们完全不支持室内使用。



    The most important thing to remember is that the presence of these animals in the attic is often the first indication of a larger problem—an unsealed entry point somewhere, an unchecked food source out in the open, or both.

    Make sure to locate these key aspects in your attic before driving the opossum out. In this way, the opossum is more like an alert to an issue than a nuisance animal!

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