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In this section, you’ll find product reviews for the best bed bug killers on the market.


Let’s just start off by saying:


If your first reaction is to spray down your entire house with chemicals when you see a bug that you THINK looks like a bed bug, then you’re setting yourself up to get either you or your family sick.


Let me repeat…

繁殖是半快的with females laying an egg or two every day, which in turns hatches after ten days. The first reaction is often stress and panic, especially if you’ve discovered them in your bed. But, it’s essential to remain calm and avoid overreacting.





  • Usingdiatomaceous earth杀死臭虫金宝搏官网登录金博宝188充值被证明是无效的
  • 如果您不小心吸气,并且…
  • And more likely to just make your bed bug problem worse if (and when) you misapply it


The objective of this page is to shed a little light on which products are the best in ACTUALLY killing bed bugs.

That being said…

Here we go!


As I’ve mentioned, there’s a lot of bad advice on the best bed bug killers. If you use the wrong method of eradication, you run the risk of having a false sense of security and the infestation level returning to its original size within a few weeks.

Avoid foggers or bug bombs




The best bed bug killer is an exterminator. It’s unfortunate but true. Some products can control small populations and kill the ones that you can see but larger infestations always need professional help.

Bed bugs can hide just about anywhere. They can hide in the tiny cracks on the mattress that are almost impossible find, in your head board, under your end table next to your bed, and many other spots so long as they are near their food source.

Because of their fast rate of reproduction, a small number of survivors can return to infestation levels again very quickly. Our advice,call an exterminator一旦您知道问题。

If you happen to find the bugs on your clothes or in the bed sheets,臭虫热处理确实有效。Wash on a high heat to get them off your clothes and to kill the bed bug eggs.

Traps and mattress encasements also help but they are more of a defensive measure to monitor if you have bed bugs (e.g., if your traps catch anything) and protect your bed from infestations.

Here’s more information on the cost of bed bug treatments.




Although they sound intimidating, bed bug traps aren’t designed to actually KILL bed bugs. Instead, you put them under the legs of your bed and bed bugs attempt to crawl through them to get to you (think of yourself as human bait!). They’re designed to capture bed bugs and are best used to detect if you have a bed bug problem.


Bed Bug Sprays

Another option to kill bed bugs includes spray. Spraying CAN kill bed bugs if the chemical comes into direct contact with the bug. Sprays should be administered in the cracks and crevices of the house where the bed bugs are likely to hide. Just remember, if you spray your house you risk making your bed bug problem worse by “splintering” the colony as they try to escape the chemicals.


Bed Bug Encasements



Bed Bug Steamers and Vacuums

认为ing about trying to kill bed bugs on your own? Then your可能考虑进行蒸汽处理和/或使用真空。这两种工具都可以正常部署,但是您应该更多地认为它们是整体臭虫消除计划的补充,而不是魔术子弹解决方案。请参阅下面的首选。


Bed Bug Powders

Slightly different than your other bed bug killing options, a bed bug powder is used to remove the waxy outer coating of a bed bug’s skin. When their waxy coat is removed, it results in the bed bug drying out from moisture loss resulting in death. Not all powders work though… so see which ones we found to be the most helpful.


Bed Bug Heaters



最好的床Bug Sprays

臭虫时,喷雾to help remove the bugs from nooks and crannies from around the house. Be careful however, if you use sprays you risk splintering the colony and making your problem worse.

Specter 2 Sc

Why it’s the best:Specter 2 SC是一种残留的杀虫剂,适用于长期的臭虫控制。它包含氯曲替纳佩尔21.45%,作为其在非固定的微型胶片公式中的活性成分。

按照标签指示混合时,Specter 2 SC是无味的,适合以下害虫:

Bed bugs, Ants, Boxelder bugs, Crickets, Roaches, Scorpions

To treat bed bugs, use a dilution rate of three ounces per gallon of water. Apply to cracks and crevices and areas around the bed. Allow to dry completely before replacing linens.


Why it’s the best:哈里斯臭虫喷雾剂is the toughest home-use bed bug treatment available. It contains the most potent active ingredients for residential use but is also safe for the environment. Use it as a stand-alone solution or as a powerful perimeter barrier for pyrethroid-resistant bed bugs. It has a long residual effect lasting up to 16 weeks. Harris Bed Bug Spray is EPA-registered for household use, and it’s safe to use around children and pets.


Why it’s the best:如果您有臭虫问题,则需要转向实际有效的产品,尽管所有营销炒作并没有多少产品实际杀死臭虫。金宝搏官网登录金博宝188充值另一方面,Bedlam是专业人士的选择,是我们的“首选”建议之一。始终谨慎处理并咨询专业人士,然后再自行使用!


Why it’s the best:由需要树的种子制成,Proof uses neem oil as its natural biopesticide. Similar to Bayer Advanced, the neem oil also leaves a very potent odor that will stink up your house. We prefer to recommend natural products, so this one is a thumbs up in our book if you want to try to kill bed bugs yourself.单击此处以进行完整的详细评论,以进行证明臭虫喷雾。


When it comes to bed bug defense strategies, we love bed bug traps. Why? Because they don’t use chemicals, can help notify you if an infestation is beginning, and they are inexpensive. See our top picks!

BEAP Bed Bug Trap

Why it’s the best:This is our pick for the best beg bug trap on the market. It performs well under large beds and comes in multiple sizes for various bed dimensions. The main difference is that these traps do a bit better on carpet, where other traps tend to break more easily.


Why it’s the best:Second to the BEAP model we mentioned above, ClimbUps are also a very popular bed bug trap. They are made of polypropylene, making them stronger and more flexible than normal plastic (other bad bed bug traps).


Similar to bed bug traps, encasements are a great, relatively “cheap” way of preventing bed bugs from infesting your bed. Mattresses and box springs can be expensive, so we recommend all homeowners (regardless of infestation) to grab one.


Why it’s the best:The SafeRest Mattress Encasement protects against bed bugs, dust mites, and allergens. It’s hypoallergenic and free of chemicals. It works by enclosing your mattress and trapping any bed bugs that remain after treatment. It accomplishes this by using a micro zipper and then further sealing it with velcro. The material for this premium mattress encasement is breathable while still preventing stains from spills. It also has a soft feel to it while maintaining its superior strength. The SafeRest Mattress Encasement comes in twin through king sizes, and it’s fully machine washable.

Utopia Bedding Boxspring Encasement

Why it’s the best:The secret to the success of this box spring encasement by Utopia is its micro zipper technology. It won’t let even the smallest bed bug nymph through, and it features a velcro enclosure at the end to ensure it seals out all insects. It’s simple to install. Just unzip it all the way and place it around your box spring. Then zip it back up, and you’re ready to go. Sleep better knowing that your box spring is protected from bed bugs. It comes in all available sizes, including California King, and it’s machine washable and waterproof.



Vapamore Steam Cleaner

Why it’s the best:Vapamore蒸汽清洁剂是一流的产品,强烈建议它作为消费者友好(但仍需优质)蒸汽清洁单元。它有一个大型水箱,可提供60分钟的使用,并利用干蒸气技术减少被排出的水分量以降低霉菌的风险。


Atrix bug-sucker

Why it’s the best:Atrix品牌的真空品牌更接近商业级VACS,但重要的是要提高处理臭虫时使用的真空水平。金宝搏官网登录金博宝188充值对于臭虫金博宝188充值金宝搏官网登录,我们建议吸尘器具有HEPA过滤,附着以达到裂缝和缝隙,以及一种轻松扔掉物品的方法。Atrix Bug-Sucker以合理的价格具有所有这些功能。




Why it’s the best:cimexais synthetically made in a lab to produce a drying agent that binds to the bed bug’s outer layer and absorbing the moisture in their coat causing them to die. CimeXa has tested and has beaten other diatomaceous earth products in head to head evaluation. We love CimeXa because its been tested and does work just as good (if not better) than its DE counterpart.

Earthborn Elements Diatomaceous Earth

Why it’s the best:地球元素硅藻土是从淡水湖底部开采的天然物质。该产品中没有化学物质或添加剂,它被EPA批准为有效的臭虫杀手。硅藻土以两种方式工作。首先,它是脱水臭虫的干燥剂。金宝搏官网登录金博宝188充值接下来,随着昆虫与磨料材料接触,它会撕裂外骨骼,从而加快脱水过程。可以安全用于盒子,床垫和床头板。使用地球元件硅藻土Dr. Killigan’s Bulb Dusterto ensure a uniform application.


Possibly one of the best ways to kill bed bugs is through the use of heat. Professional exterminators often turn to heaters to increase the temperature to kill bed bugs inside every crack and crevice of a home.


Why it’s the best:Measuring at 80”x111”x 57.5”, the this is ideal想要从大型物品(例如床和家具)中清除臭虫的房主。金宝搏官网登录金博宝188充值尽管昂贵,但如果您要经历臭虫侵扰,这种加热器可能会节省数千美元的替换物品。借助客户的简单设置和积极的反馈,我们认为该产品是一项可靠的投资。


Why it’s the best:If you’re more of a traveler and want something smaller than the Heat Chamber, we’d recommend the Heat Oven by ZappBug. Measuring in at 39” x 39” x 27″, it can still save fairly large items and can be a great to use when you come home from travel. Just drop all of your belongings (clothes, suit case, etc) inside the oven and turn it on to kill any bed bug that may have come with you.

Top 5 Best Bed Bug Sprays (**2022 Review**)
前5个最佳臭虫陷阱(** 2021评论**)
5 Best Bed Bug Vacuums & Steamers (**2022 Review**)
排名前5的最佳臭虫加热器评论(** 2022 Edition **)
Top 5 Best Bed Bug Pillow Covers (**2021 Review**)