

金博宝188充值金宝搏官网登录臭虫是您家中最困难的害虫之一,它们可以穿上您的衣服和床上用品,可以从家庭到家庭。因为personal nature of a bed bug infestation,许多人想知道他们是否会引起疾病。

It’s no surprise that people often associate pests with sickness. Common pests like fleas, rats, and mosquitoes have all contributed to outbreaks of illnesses worldwide. The bubonic plague and malaria, for example, have both wiped out entire groups of people throughout the globe.


  • If Bed Bugs Can Make You Sick
  • 什么是臭虫金博宝188充值金宝搏官网登录
  • 表明您患有臭虫的症状和症状

Reviewed By:
Ed Spicer




    Bed bugs are, unfortunately, very common in the United States. They can infest homes and can even be brought from place to place on clothing and bedding. This makes them very difficult to get rid of and allows them to spread widely throughout communities. Because they’re so common and bed bugs feed on a blood meal, many people wonder if they can cause health issues.



    当臭虫咬人金博宝188充值金宝搏官网登录时,他们inject anticoagulant salivainto your blood, which prevents clotting. This causes an inflammatory reaction in most people similar to what we experience when bitten by mosquitoes. It’s possible to have a more extreme reaction or anaphylaxis to this anticoagulant, which can cause hives, a rash, and trouble breathing. If you experience these symptoms, you must seek medical attention.

    Psychological Illness


    Residents of areas with bed bug infestations often report not sleeping or having trouble staying asleep because of anxieties or disturbances caused by these pests. This can lead to irritability, confusion, and depression. This is why it’s soimportant that you seek help一旦您发现家里有一个臭虫问题,便会从专业人士那里开始。


    One of the most serious effects of a bed bug infestation is secondary and not directly related to the bugs themselves. While some people may not have any allergic reaction to a bed bug bite, most will experience the side effect of itching, which can be much worse than the itching from a mosquito bite. This could result in excessive scratching, which can lead to an infection.


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    Bed bugs are small parasitic insects, usually only about five to seven millimeters long and two to three millimeters wide. They live in very hard-to-reach places like crevices in walls, behind bed frames, and under the fabrics of furniture like mattresses and couches. They have flat, oval bodies that range in color from brown to rusty red.

    Bed bugs are nocturnal, and they feed on the blood of humans and animals. They tend to leave their hiding places at night, where they feed on sleeping creatures that are less than 10 feet away from their homes. This is why you’re most likely to notice臭虫叮咬早上醒来。

    Bed bugs are nocturnal, and they feed on the blood of humans and animals.




    Bed bugs are difficult to identify since they’re nocturnal and当大多数人醒来时不会活跃. Because of this, you should look for three signs that you’re dealing with a bed bug infestation. These are:

    • 发霉的气味
    • 床单和衣服上的红棕色污渍
    • 皮肤上的斑点

    您可能会注意到的气味来自Bugs分泌的粪便和警报信息素。金宝搏官网登录金博宝188充值许多人将其与成型书籍或植物进行了比较。这red spots on sheets or clothing通常来自夜间已滚过来的挤压臭虫。金宝搏官网登录金博宝188充值最后,叮咬看起来像小的红色颠簸,通常会很痒。如果您注意到臭虫存在的任何迹象,最好致电专业的害虫防治公司。金宝搏官网登录金博宝188充值

    Protect Your Home From Bed Bugs



