
Home>去除指南>Bee Removal>如何摆脱蜜蜂(2022版)



Read on to learn more about:

  • How To Get Rid of Ground Bees
  • How To Prevent Ground Bees
  • 如何识别地面蜜蜂
  • 地面蜜蜂侵扰的迹象和原因

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Ed Spicer


Table of Contents

    How To Get Rid of Ground Bees

    1. 考虑您要使用的害虫控制方法的类型,以摆脱蜜蜂。您想消除财产上的地面蜜蜂还是将其驱逐出境?当不是害虫防治专业人员的人执行的人时,灭绝可能会更风险,因为这可能会使您有stugn的风险。地面蜜蜂也对生态系统有益,因此请考虑让它们活着,但是将其驱逐出您的财产,以便它们可以继续使环境受益。
    2. 您在后院使用农药和化学物质是否可以?农药和化学物质可能对您的土壤有害。如果您有宠物或孩子,则应该考虑其他替代品,因为农药可能对其健康有害。
    3. Treat for ground bees at night.像许多蜜蜂物种一样,蜜蜂通常在晚上睡着了,因此,当夜间使用农药或DIY溶液更容易醒着和侵略性时,将更容易使用农药或DIY溶液。雌性蜜蜂可能会刺痛,因此,这可能会使您免于被刺痛。雄性蜜蜂没有刺痛者,但如果受到威胁,它们可能会蜂拥而至并追逐您,因此在夜间使用农药或家庭疗法可以帮助您避免这种不幸的情况。
    4. 保持地面潮湿。筑巢蜜蜂更喜欢松散的干燥土壤,而不是筑巢。如果您保持地面湿润,这是一种天然的驱虫剂,因为它不是地面蜜蜂友好的环境。只需使用喷雾瓶弄湿土壤即可。
    5. 覆盖巢穴的入口。Fill the nests in with soil or stones to prevent the ground bees from returning to their eggs.
    6. Use sugar against them.蜜蜂被著名地吸引着含糖,甜美的东西。要吸引地面蜜蜂,请拿一个瓶子,然后将其部分填充苏打水,果汁或苏打水。然后将其留在他们的巢附近。蜜蜂会飞入瓶子并淹死。
    7. 进行DIY喷雾。将醋和水相等地混合,并用这种溶液填充喷雾瓶。在地面筑巢蜜蜂上或附近使用醋喷雾剂。这种气味会打扰他们并将其驱逐出境。
    8. 使用气味排斥蜜蜂。地面蜜蜂也是sensitive to certain plants,包括薄荷和黄瓜。肉桂也是一种有效的驱虫剂。将肉桂撒在孔和地面上,以摆脱蜜蜂的院子。
    9. 使用化学溶液。杀虫剂有许多品种,包括粉尘,液体和喷雾剂。密切操作说明,避免将它们直接在地面蜂巢中使用,因为它们可能污染并对您的土壤和植物有毒。

    *Please note that we don’t recommend treating ground bees on your own if you have allergic reactions to bee stings.


    How To Prevent Ground Bees

    地面蜜蜂像松散的土壤一样,因为制作隧道和孔更容易。If you have or have had ant hills or mounds in your yard, you’re at an increased risk of a ground bee infestation because these pests prefer similar conditions. Keeping your soil damp is one way to counteract loose, dry soil, which ground bees prefer for nesting.

    In addition to this, ground bees may use abandoned burrows that rodents, such as rats or rabbits, may have previously dug. If you have abandoned burrows on your property, consider filling them in to prevent ground bee nests from being built inside them.


    Covering your yard in thick grasscan also prevent ground bees from creating nests because they need access to soil to burrow and build nests.在您的花园中使用覆盖物is another way to discourage ground bees from nesting.



    If you have or have had ant hills or mounds in your yard, you’re at an increased risk of a ground bee infestation because these pests prefer similar conditions. Keeping your soil damp is one way to counteract loose, dry soil, which ground bees prefer for nesting.

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    Ground bees do not have one uniform look, which is why it’s often easier to identify these critters based on their nests.


    • 梅森蜜蜂
    • 叶切口
    • Polyester bees (these bees secrete a聚酯材料建造他们的巢)
    • 蓝莓(也称为Southeastern blueberry bees
    • 许多类型的大黄蜂
    • 南瓜蜜蜂
    • 汗蜜蜂(这些地面蜜蜂通常因我们的汗水而吸引人类,因此它们比其他类型的地面蜜蜂更有可能在我们身边)
    • Mining bees (also known as miner bees)

    蜜蜂的身体由三个部分组成:头部,胸部和腹部。蜜蜂的腹部和胸部上有明显的头发,短而圆形的身体与众不同黄蜂和黄蜂who have elongated, thinner bodies. In addition, bees will have six legs, a pair of antennae, and one pair of eyes. Many will also have mandibles. Other than these basics, ground bees can come in a large variety of colors and sizes.

    We recommend identifying the bees in your backyard based on their nesting habits. For example,木匠是臭名昭著的for creatingnests in wood structures。In comparison, wasps live in paper nests and other bee species in hives, which sets them apart from ground bees who create underground nests. Other bees are largely social, so they form communal beehives, whereas many ground bees are solitary or create much smaller colonies underground.





    • 蜜蜂低到地面
    • 蜜蜂徘徊在地面的特定部分(可能在巢附近)
    • 听到嗡嗡声的声音
    • Increased number of dirt holes, especially during the summertime (female ground bees lay eggs during the summer)
    • 多个蜜蜂进入同一孔,表示殖民地

    Unlike honey bees, ground bees are often solitary pests. However, if you notice many bees flying low to the ground or many bee holes in one close area in your yard, you may have a ground bee infestation.

    如果您认为自己有侵扰,请谨慎行事,因为地面蜜蜂刺。不像更多激进的刺痛昆虫,,,,like wasps or yellowjackets, ground bees rarely sting. However, female ground bees have stingers and will use them if they feel threatened, particularly if their nest is threatened.

    While this is good news for most people because ground bees rarely sting humans, ground bee stings can still be a large threat to someone who experiences allergic reactions to bee stings. If you or a loved one have allergic reactions, you may need to hire someone to kill bees on your property to ensure your safety.

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